Chapter 1447
Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but think of Li Zhi.

This was how Li Zhi deceived him at the beginning. When his heart softened, he let him go to the south to recuperate.

The result almost overturned the world!

This time, he will not be merciful, "Get to the bottom of it, don't let this beast go!"

Li Shilong's face was livid, and he said to Gao Shilian: "Purge the inside and outside of the palace. You and Big Dog will hunt down the rebellious ones and let the six gates cooperate with you.

I don't believe that he can escape to heaven!
Seal the whole city and dig three feet into the ground to find the evil obstacle.

We have to look for them outside the city as well.”

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian retreated. He just took this opportunity to deal with the unhandled matters.

So as not to leave any clues.

The big dog looked at Gao Shilian, "If you want to take this opportunity to clean up my people, then you have made the wrong calculation!"

Gao Shilian sneered, "Who are your people? In this palace, everyone is His Majesty's people, and getting things done is the key!"

Hearing this, Big Dog knew that he had said the wrong thing and understood what Gao Shilian meant, "That's natural!"

He knew that Gao Shilian would not take the opportunity to cause trouble, so naturally he would not attack his people.

In other words, the two of them are now grasshoppers on the same rope, "If we can't find anyone, you and I will both die!"

"You'll die faster if you find him!" Gao Shilian snorted coldly.

"Then check slowly!" said the big dog.

"We know how to do it, you don't need to talk nonsense!" Gao Shilian whispered, and then walked away slowly.

The big dog breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that Gao Shilian would not cooperate, but fortunately, he also cherished his life.

There will be no result in this case, but we still need to make some noise. If that person disappears without a trace, what value do they have?
Knowing this kind of thing, can the emperor spare them?
Thinking of this, Big Dog's expression became serious, "Damn it, we all know that guy is not a wise man, but he is so cunning that even I have to help him wipe his ass.

Just wait, and when we find you, we will make sure that you can't live without dying! "

He had already made up his mind to find Li Yue and let him kill him secretly to vent his hatred!

On the other side, Gao Shilian put the finishing touches on some details, and now it is truly seamless.

"Amazing, really amazing!" Gao Shilian sighed, "This little ancestor has a deeper and deeper grasp of human nature.

No matter how smart or powerful your Majesty is, he would never have thought that the prince would die under his eyes.

The most amazing thing is that the big dog will also think that the prince is really not dead.

Then he created the illusion that the prince was not dead to save his own life.

If he had lived in troubled times, the world would have been his long ago.

No, even in a peaceful and prosperous age, it would probably be easy for him to want this world!
We finally know what it means to turn one's hands to make clouds and turn one's hands to make rain! "

He clapped his hands and left slowly.

Things in the palace have been subject to a hush-hush order. Only a limited number of people know about it, and those who shouldn't know have disappeared.

For example, the coroner who performed the autopsy and the wet nurse all disappeared from this world in a reasonable manner.

Li Shilong dragged his tired body to the Li Zheng Hall, but Queen Gongsun did not rest, and she was in sorrow.

Li Shilong listened carefully and saw that his wife seemed to be crying. He couldn't help but sigh. What happened today had a great impact on her.

He had never seen any strong winds and waves, and he couldn't bear it.

Hearing the footsteps, Queen Gongsun also stopped crying. She turned around and quickly wiped away her tears, "Your Majesty!"

"Still sad about that scoundrel?" "I just pity my sister!" Queen Gongsun said, "I'm about to get over it!"

"She has no life of wealth and honor!" Li Shilong took his wife in his arms, "Now that evildoer commits suicide out of fear of crime. It's okay if he dies, but he just pities the Crown Princess and Concubine Li!"

He did not tell Queen Gongsun the 'truth'. If she knew the truth, she would probably be even more uneasy.

The evil barrier must have been planning a long time ago. This escape cannot be found casually.

"Hey, Your Majesty, I regret it!" Queen Gongsun said: "If I had known earlier, it would be better to let my eldest brother kill me!"

Li Shilong's palace coup was indispensable without the support of his wife. It can be said that for a long time, it was Empress Gongsun who supported Li Shilong.

Li Shilong felt pain in his heart and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

"This may be retribution!" Queen Gongsun said: "They are killing each other one by one."

"I will never let this happen again!" Seeing his wife like this, Li Shilong felt pity and self-blame in his heart. He took her into his arms, "I have decided to choose a day for Cheng Qian to return to the family tree. !”

Empress Gongsun trembled all over, "Your Majesty, are you going to let him?"

"No, just returning to the clan!" Li Shilong said.

Empress Gongsun nodded, "He's not good enough. If he makes this bad start, there will be no end in sight!"

How could Li Shilong not know this?

Li Xin was broken and stood up again, and he had been completely transformed. If it hadn't been for that incident, he would have really helped him up again without hesitation.

But that matter was too big. He could let go of his grudge, but no one in the world could.

If he was really allowed to go up, what would the world think?
They will think: Oh, it turns out that rebels can also become emperors.

The price of rebellion is too low.

Where is there any reverence?
From now on, all descendants will follow suit, and they must really comply with what Qin Mo said!

"Where's Si, are you asleep?"

"Your Majesty has forgotten that I stopped spending the night at the Li Zheng Hall after I turned six!"

"Look at my memory!" Li Shilong smiled, "Asi is very good, Yingguo is like me. Jingyun taught him well, he is smart and polite."

Speaking of his youngest son, Li Shilong smiled knowingly, and then thought of what his father said on the night of his birthday, and he couldn't help but make a decision: "Then let A Si suffer!"

"What?" Queen Gongsun was stunned, "Your Majesty, A Si can't do it. He is still so young, and he is 56-[-] years old."

"Although the inheritance law is very clear, Ten 56 gave up voluntarily, and the others are still young. I can't wait until they grow up.

Therefore, I have not violated this inheritance law. "Li Shilong figured it out. He wanted to pick up the original emperor's bill.

It is not a good thing to be an emperor for too long. Once you get old, you will easily become faint.

There is also the Supreme Emperor's Act, and he has now made up his mind.

It can be said to be a painful lesson.

Coupled with the inheritance bill, palace changes can be avoided to the greatest extent.

And also give everyone a chance.

Secondly, it can also restrain the infinite expansion of imperial power.

Now that power is concentrated and reaches its peak, if it continues to expand infinitely, sooner or later this huge empire will be brought down.

He couldn't understand it before, but now he can understand it and what Qin Mo said at the beginning!

(End of this chapter)

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