big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1457 A mother’s monologue!

Chapter 1457 A mother’s monologue!

Li Shilong had tears in his eyes, "I am so heartbroken, I wish I could die in his place, and ask my white-haired man to give away his black-haired man. How hateful he is!"

Everyone below tried to persuade Li Shilong.

"Your Majesty, don't be too sad, the dragon body is important!"

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince is so great that he only cares about Da Qian. If you get hurt because of this, Your Highness will not feel at ease even if he knows about it!"

Li Shilong couldn't help but feel sad from the bottom of his heart after listening to their words. The last time he did this, he helped Li Zhi cover it up.

Unexpectedly, he was helping Li Yue this time.

Both of them have become heroes.

He is the only father who is despicable.

Retribution, this is real retribution.

"Although this move does not comply with the inheritance law, the prince wrote a suicide note, and you all heard it, passing it on to his younger brother.

Therefore, I declare that from now on, I will be the Prince of Daye!

Gongsun Wuji is the crown prince's Taibao, Yu Boshi is the crown prince's Tai Tu, and Li Cungong is the Prince's Tai Tu.

Li Daoyuan started preparing for the prince's burial.

Zhongshu Province can issue an edict and spread it throughout the world.

Starting today, I won’t go to court for three months! "

After saying that, Li Shilong, who was extremely sad, took Ah Si's hand and left.

Soon, the prince died, and the news spread about his successor.

The capital city is vibrating.

Just as the Emperor was about to go to heaven, something unexpectedly happened to the Crown Prince again.

A large number of people spontaneously gathered outside Chengtian Gate.

Among them were many people who had received charity assistance from Li Yue. They spontaneously knelt there and raised their eyebrows for Li Yue.

Some people lamented Liu Ruyu's loyalty.

It can be expected that the relationship between Liu Ruyu and Li Yue will become an eternal legend in the future!
And everyone in the Liu Mansion is also in a state of silence.

The crying in the house simply made the listener cry and smell sad.

Liu Chenghu "fainted" several times, and Hu Hongyu rushed into the palace and asked Li Shilong for a daughter.

If this had happened before, Li Shilong would definitely punish her for the crime of disrespect.

And now, he is too embarrassed to see her.

You can't tell her that your daughter is not actually dead, she was just taken away by that evildoer Li Yue.

He had no choice but to ask Empress Gongsun to come forward and persuade Hu Hongyu to leave.

Li Shilong saw his wife coming in and asked, "Is she gone?"

"I left, and I have aged more than 20 years in an instant!" Empress Gongsun sighed: "I have to give the Liu family an explanation!"

Li Shilong said: "What I can do is to let the Liu family and Da Qian share the same fate!"

Queen Gongsun nodded and looked at her tired husband, "You should rest for a while, your health is the most important thing."

Li Shilong couldn't bear it for a long time, so he responded, lay down directly, and rested his head on his wife's lap.

Empress Gongsun just gently massaged his temples.

She looked outside through the palace door. The sun was shining brightly and she was in a good mood.

She thought of something. At that time, Li Zhi made a fool of himself and asked someone to deliver a message to her. He was already trapped in the house and could not get out.

He asked himself how to escape.

She is distraught.

But she knew that no matter how stupid Li Zhi was, he would never kill his brother.

She knew that was Li Xin's revenge on him.

She just silently asked someone to give him a word, and then he escaped.

After escaping, Li Zhi often wrote to him, but she never replied to any of them.

There was no way she could cheat on her husband.

She knew she was wrong, but she was a mother, and that was the flesh that fell from her body.

How could she be willing to let him die before her eyes?She even begged Li Xin to let her brother go.

Li Xin pursed his lips and said nothing. He just looked at her with red eyes, penetrating.

She knew that Li Xin hated herself and it was unfair to hate her!
As a mother, she doesn't even have a bowl of water to drink.

Because Li Xin is the prince, she has waited too much, and she has invested too much love in Li Zhi!

By the time she regretted it, the two brothers had already been in such quarrel that there was nothing they could do about it.

She thought that after Li Zhi went out, she would feel more at ease, but she was wrong again.

In those days, Li Shilong had been anxious, maybe not in front of outsiders, but with her, he rarely hid this emotion.

She can only appease.

She could even sense that Li Shilong seemed to know who was causing trouble in Jiangnan.

She was scared in her heart. She hoped that Li Zhi could rein in the situation, but she was also afraid that something would happen to him.

In the end, what she feared most came to pass, and Qin Mo took action.

Those 'rebellions' were as if they had met their nemesis, and they were so devastated that they were killed by Qin Mo.

No one knew her inner anxiety and fear.

She was afraid that her son-in-law would be stained with her son's blood.

Maybe God heard her voice. Qin Mo did not move in Lingnan, and Li Yue led his troops to attack.

Later, the rebellion was put down, and Li Yue became the governor of the three realms. Li Zhi died during the rebellion against the White Lotus Sect.

At that time, she hated Li Yue.

I even wish I could kill him!

After raising him for a while, he could actually be cruel to his brother.

At the back, Li Shilong came to see him.

As a wife's intuition, she noticed that Li Shilong was not sad, so he knew that Li Yue was not dead, but he didn't know where he was hidden.

She searched for a long time and finally found out that in front of Li Yue's mausoleum, there was a fat little eunuch with a rotten face. The eunuch couldn't speak yet and had his limbs broken.

Can a eunuch who cannot speak or walk guard the tomb?
Does not.

Someone drew him. How could she, as a mother, not recognize his hateful face?

Shame and regret tortured her. She felt that she had failed to protect Li Zhi, and hatred tore at her heart.

She wants revenge!

But she never had the chance.

She knew that Qin Mo had always been protecting him, and this matter had nothing to do with Qin Mo. He found a way to save Li Xin, so if Li Zhizhi survived this time, he would most likely save him.

No matter what the reason was, she only felt grateful to Qin Mo.

This son-in-law is like a gift from God to her.

Therefore, no matter how many princesses are married to her, she will not feel bad at all.

Because Qin Mo is worth it!

In fact, if it weren't for Qin Mo, she would have died long ago. How could she have lived well?

But what can she do with Qin Mo protecting Li Yue?
She could only suffer the concession in silence.

But she raised Li Yue single-handedly, and she knew what kind of person Li Yue was.

Killing his wife and his daughter in Lingnan was what he was capable of.

What qualifications does such a person have to be an emperor?

Sure enough, the opportunity came.

Concubine Li, that stupid woman, thought she was already half the owner of the harem. She acquiesced to the two Xu sisters drugging Liu Ruyu, and even allowed Li Yue to deal with Qin Mo.

It's downright stupid.

But she didn't say anything, just silently waiting for the opportunity.

Finally the opportunity came.

She heard the rumors and received a letter from Qin Mo, in which Qin Mo invited her to go to Lingnan for vacation!
She realized that this was an opportunity given by God!

(End of this chapter)

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