big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1458 Showdown with Lao Gao!

Chapter 1458 Showdown with Lao Gao!

If she doesn't seize this opportunity, the rumors will not be true.

Although doing this would bring certain risks to Qin Mo, with her guarantee, everything would be fine.

She believed in her son-in-law's character.

It turns out she was right.

After they returned from their vacation in Lingnan, Li Yue and Li Fei both sped up.

She asked people to spread the news that Li Yue wanted to change the crown prince, while Li Fei tried her best to bribe people in the palace.

Those people have been following her for many years. If they can be bribed easily, then Feng Jin will die!
But she stopped Feng Jin and let those people pretend to be bribed.

The news also reached Li Shilong's ears, and he felt even more guilty for her not fighting or asking questions.

She knew she had no cards left.

The only two cards were the debts between Ah Si and her husband.

If it were placed ten years ago, these two cards would be trump cards, and the throne would definitely belong to A Si.

But now there is a new method to block it, and Ah Si is still so young, so he has a bad hand!
Therefore, she has to think carefully about how to play every step and how to take every step.

She really wanted to ask Qin Mo for help, but she didn't want to involve Qin Mo either.

This son-in-law was to provide for her in her old age, and Ah Si would need him to take care of her in the future. With his brother-in-law to help her, Ah Si would definitely be a good emperor in the future.

The eldest brother's family also survived the disaster. She will definitely control the Gongsun family. As long as she doesn't mess with Qin Mo, the Gongsun family will still prosper.

But she doesn't think that is her greatest support.

Her biggest reliance has always been Li Yushu and Qin Mo.

She even thinks that they are more reliable than her husband.

After all, he is an emperor and has too many things to consider.

Finally, she waited until Hu Hongyu entered the palace, and she felt aggrieved and spoke her mind.

Sure enough, Li Shilong was furious, owed her even more, and acquiesced to some things.

Ah Si is very smart, well taught by Qin Mo, and very filial and sensible.

But he was too young after all, so she taught him.

Finally, on the night of the Emperor's grand ceremony, A Si completely won Li Shilong's heart.

She turned two bad cards into a trump card step by step.

Ah Si won, and so did she, winning everything back again.

The palace seemed to be back to the past.

Her son was a prince, and there was no one to share the harem with, so her husband lay obediently on her lap.

As for whether Li Yue dies or not, it doesn't matter, he has no chance.

Although Li Xin hasn't returned to the royal family yet, he is already by her side. He has been named the Duke of the country again, and she has another person to rely on.

Everything was going in the right direction, and she couldn't help but smile.

It's just that I have wronged Li Zhi, but it's good that he is still alive.

She lost some things, but in the end they came back to her.

She is already very satisfied.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

The capital is still prosperous.

After Li Yue was named crown prince, construction of his mausoleum started two years ago.

The imperial court was rich, and his mausoleum was located directly in the middle of the mountain, but it was far from completed and was only half completed.

But the court did not pursue the matter. The official who supervised the construction of the mausoleum directly said that the construction of the mausoleum had been completed, and then hurriedly buried Li Yue.

Even Li Yue's posthumous photos repeatedly stated that too extravagant things were not allowed to be buried with him and that everything should be kept simple.It simply makes people think that this is not a prince's tomb.

Liu Ruyu was buried together with Li Yue.

There seems to be a strong gloomy air above the capital that cannot be resolved.

But over time, people should laugh and have fun, and it will not affect their lives at all.

What's more worth mentioning is that the retirement bill was officially implemented and trials began across the country.

What surprised everyone even more was that Li Shilong announced his abdication to Ah Si and retired to Da'an Palace to assist Ah Si in politics until Ah Si reached the crown.

Then he united with several ministers and established an auxiliary cabinet. Before Ah Si became an adult, Ah Si would not be allowed to linger among the documents for a long time.

The topic that every dynasty tried to deal with finally had clear standards in Daqian, providing a feasible basis for later generations.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, didn't want to get involved in this matter at all.

He was lying in the sun room with his pillow on Gao Yao's lap. He couldn't be more comfortable.

Several waves of people from the imperial court came to ask him to discuss important matters, but he blocked them all.

He is just an idler now.

He takes care of his children and spends time with his wife at home every day. When he is hungry, he makes delicious food and when he is thirsty, he makes delicious drinks.

Go to bed when you feel sleepy. In short, try every means to please yourself.

In the blink of an eye, it’s already the end of 16 in Longjing. The weather is so cold. If you’re still unhappy, what hope do you have?
Although Gao Yao was wearing eunuch uniform at this time, the woman who looked at him was moved by Qin Mo's moisturizing look.

General Mo of Qin

Duo placed it on Gao Yao's belly, "Let me listen!"

Gao Yao was ashamed, "I just got pregnant, there is no movement!"

"You don't understand, this is my super power!" Qin Mo laughed. Originally, Gao Yao used special methods to force him out with things, but he found out later and gave him a severe lesson.

To be honest, Gao Yao is about to enter her third trimester, so it’s hard to be an advanced mother!
He knew that Gao Yao wanted to spend more time with him, but he reassured Gao Yao.

Gao Yao blushed with embarrassment, but was very happy in her heart.

At this moment, Xiao Liuzi ran over and saw this scene. He was not surprised, "Young Master, someone from the court is here again!"


"Eunuch Gao!"

"Hey, Lao Gao is here!" Qin Mo has been looking for a chance to chat with Gao Shilian, but he is unwilling to enter the palace, and it is not very good to go to the palace to find him, especially at this stall, "Quick, invite him Come in!"

Gao Yao was also nervous, "Master, if you don't want to forget it, let's not talk about it yet!"

"Don't worry about it, leave this matter to me!" Qin Mo said: "Now that I have done everything I should do, there is no point in staying here anymore.

If you hadn't convinced Lao Gao today, would you have really kidnapped him by force?

Think about it, if you leave this way, you may be away for the rest of your life! "

Gao Yao took a deep breath, "Okay!"

She touched her belly and gained courage.

Qin Mo didn't wait for Gao Shilian to come over, but ran out to greet him. Seeing that there were several young eunuchs following him, he quickly asked someone to take them down to rest. Then he took Gao Shilian's hand and said, "Uncle, I finally got you." Now that Pan is here, I’ve been able to fend off several groups of people in the past few days!”

Gao Shilian was stunned for a moment, "What are you still saying? His Majesty promised you three months, and now it's here. He urged you to enter the court but you didn't go. Why do you still have to come from me?"

But he is a smart man, and he also understood the meaning of Qin Mo's words, "You are really a kid. Is there anything you can't ask someone to send a message to my uncle?"

"Hey, isn't this laziness!" Qin Mo smiled, "And it's not a big deal!"

Gao Shilian shook his head helplessly, "Tell me, if you have anything to do with your uncle!"

Qin Mo waved to Gao Yao, who was squirming at the side, "Bao'er, come to my husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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