big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1459 A son doesn’t think his mother is ugly, a dog doesn’t think his family is poor

Chapter 1459 A son doesn’t think his mother is ugly, a dog doesn’t think his family is poor

Gao Shilian looked at Qin Mo blankly, "What did you call him?"

"Treasure!" Qin Mo smiled.

Gao Yao also slowly moved to Qin Mo. She didn't dare to look at Gao Shilian.

But then, his hand was grabbed by Qin Mo, and his face turned red instantly.

"Ah?" Gao Shilian was stunned, but he quickly reacted and looked at Gao Yao, "Have you told him?"

Gao Yao shook his head hastily, "I, I didn't mean it!"

"It doesn't matter whether it was intentional or not!" Qin Mo looked at Gao Shilian, "Uncle Gao, it was so hard for you to hide it from me!
Xiao Gao is a girl, why didn't you tell me earlier?

If Xiao Gao hadn't been so devoted to me, I would have thought you had something in mind! "

Gao Shilian smiled awkwardly. He was still thinking about talking to Qin Mo about this matter during this period. Unexpectedly, Qin Mo already knew about it. In this case, he had nothing to hide, "Yes, Xiao Gao is a girl. But my uncle didn't have any ideas.

If you were to have a real little eunuch by your side, your uncle would not be at ease. After all, eunuchs are rootless people with hurt hearts.

Either he is greedy for money or he is greedy for power. Even if he cannot do ethical things, he still has the desires he should have.

Over time, mistakes will inevitably occur.

Xiao Gao can't, I understand her.

She has identified one person, and that person will be the same person until her death. No matter what happens, she will turn to you.

I don’t tell you, but I understand you.

You are such a compassionate person. If Xiao Gao follows you with his real body, he will inevitably be accepted by you.

Over time, you will definitely not let her protect you! "

Qin Mo was so embarrassed that he couldn't refute what he said.

Even Xiao Gao, who is so handsome, can last for three days because he, Qin, is weak.

Seeing Qin Mo's embarrassment, Gao Shilian joked: "Now that you have made a successful career and retired, you have a great family and a great business, and you have a lovely wife and beautiful wife, isn't it good?"

"Okay, great!" Qin Mo said: "Thank you, I can no longer call you uncle from now on, I have to call you father-in-law!"

With that said, Qin Mo picked up a cup of tea and knelt on the ground, "Father-in-law, please accept my son-in-law's bow!"

"Hey, don't kneel down!" Gao Shilian hurriedly got out of the way, not daring to accept Qin Mo's kneeling, "You are the emperor's son-in-law, and I am a eunuch, how can I accept your worship?"

Qin Mo knew very well that Gao Shilian was Gao Yao's biological father. From this point on, Gao Shilian could bear this kneeling.

Moreover, he did that to himself and gave Xiao Gao to himself. He saved himself countless times and helped him countless times. Not to mention kneeling down once, so what if he knelt down ten times and hundreds of times?
"If you can't bear it, no one in this world can. Not to mention you are a eunuch, even if you are a commoner, I will kneel down. If you can't stand it, I won't stand up!"

With that said, he pulled Gao Yao.

Gao Yao also knelt on the ground.

Gao Shilian was happy and worried at the same time.

How many years has he been waiting for this scene?

He finally waited and married his daughter to the son-in-law he was most satisfied with, even if he died, he would have no regrets.

"Besides, there is good news. Do you want to hear it? If you want to hear it, just drink tea. If you don't want to hear it, drink tea!" Qin Mo said.

Gao Shilian looked at the two of them and sighed. It doesn't matter, if the child's offer is rejected, the child will be disappointed.He took the tea cup, sat down, and drank the tea in one gulp, "This tea is the best tea I have ever drunk, but in front of outsiders, you still call me the same as before, so as not to make people think too much, It’s not beautiful!
I know that you are filial. As long as you and Yaoyao are happy, my uncle will be satisfied! "

He knew Qin Mo's character and was not worried at all about his daughter being wronged.

Gao Yao originally thought that Gao Shilian would scold her for revealing her identity, but now she realized that he was thinking about herself.

If she had told Qin Mo her identity early, it would have been impossible for Qin Mo to love her as much as he does now.

"Thank you godfather, no, thank you daddy!" Gao Yao said with red eyes.

This call "Daddy" made Gao Shilian's heart tremble. He stretched out his hand to touch her head, but after thinking about it, he retracted his hand and said, "Okay, okay, you, don't blame daddy for being strict with you before."

Gao Yao shook his head, "This is all for my own good, I understand!"

Gao Shilian's eyes were also slightly red. In that era of war, it was difficult for him to protect himself, and it was even harder to raise Gao Yao.

How could he not feel pain when his own flesh and blood could only call him godfather?

Fortunately, everything was painstaking and Gao Yao finally reaped his happiness, and he had no regrets.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law also wants to congratulate you, you are about to be upgraded again!"

"Upgrade, no, we" Gao Shilian was confused at first, but then he was shocked, staring at Gao Yao in disbelief, looking down, and said in a trembling voice: "My child, you."

Gao Yao blushed and nodded, "Yeah!"

"Ouch!" Gao Shilian quickly went over and helped Gao Yao up, "Quickly, the ground is cold, get up!"

While saying this, he helped Qin Mo up again.

To be honest, there were too many surprises for him today.

He looked at Gao Yao and then at Qin Mo. He was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

Gao Shilian, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, cried with joy at this moment, "Okay, great, really great!"

He is happy about the arrival of new life and the promising future.

No one loves his child more than he does, and now his child is going to be a mother.

"Daddy!" Seeing Gao Shilian crying sadly, Gao Yao also felt a sore nose.

Qin Mo hugged him, he knew Gao Shilian's forbearance and grievance, "Don't worry, father-in-law, no matter what, I will protect them and make them happy!"

Gao Shilian just nodded. He was so happy that he lost control of his expression.

After a while, he turned around, calmed down, and looked at Gao Yao, "Okay, now Daddy is completely relieved. Jingyun is a good boy. No matter where you go in the future, Daddy will be relieved."

Qin Mo hooked Gao Shilian's shoulders and pulled him aside, "Won't you tell her the truth?"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Gao Shilian was startled and said three goodbyes in a row, "If she knows that her own father is an eunuch, it will be embarrassing for him. In the future, her child will also be embarrassed if she knows that her grandfather is an eunuch. Face, right?”

At this moment, he felt inferior. He already had so much, so why should he be greedy?
"The dog doesn't think the family is poor, the son doesn't think the mother is ugly, Xiao Gao is not that kind of person. If my child is that kind of person, I will break his legs!" Qin Mo said.

"Children are ignorant, who knows this!" When Gao Shilian heard that Qin Mo was about to break the child's legs, he was so frightened that he quickly defended. However, he didn't know that the child hadn't come out yet, so he became worried.

"So I need you to teach me!" Qin Mo said: "Father-in-law, my family has too many children, and I can't teach them. How about you help me?"

(End of this chapter)

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