big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1485 I don’t hate, I forgive you!

Chapter 1485 I don’t hate, I forgive you!
Qin Mo looked at the tree, "Did you move this tree too?"

The housekeeper scratched his head in embarrassment, "I thought that this tree had feelings for His Highness the Crown Prince, so I tried to move it here. Moreover, Emperor Tianxin and Princess Shuangshuang also like to climb this tree. If it falls in Daqian, it will be lost in the future. I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to climb again, so..."

Xiao Liuzi couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the housekeeper. He finally understood why the housekeeper could become the Duke of the country.

Qin Mo's mouth twitched. He really didn't expect that this crooked-necked tree would also come to Ming Dynasty. The most important thing is that he was not acclimatized and was still alive and well.

Seeing Qin Mo looking fascinated, the housekeeper said: "Your Highness, I have reinforced this tree. Do you want to try climbing up the tree? It feels great!"

Qin Mo waved his hand, how shameful it would be to let him climb the tree again!

He is already a busy man, so if he climbs a tree again, it will be unreasonable.

Sure enough, after a person reaches a certain age, he cannot look directly at his past self.

"How about moving this tree into the palace?" The housekeeper was a little reluctant. He planned to pass on this tree as a family heirloom.

"There are many trees in the palace. If this tree were moved into the palace, it would be inconspicuous.

It’s still appropriate to put it here! "Qin Mo said.

"Well, if His Royal Highness wants to climb a tree, come here!" said the steward.

Qin Mo drank tea here and chatted with the housekeeper for a while before leaving.

The housekeeper looked at Qin Mo's back and said with emotion: "As the young master grows up, his desire to climb trees becomes smaller!"

Immediately, he looked at everyone in the Qin Mansion and said, "Remember, this tree is the treasure of our Qin Mansion. We must take good care of it. When the emperor's grandson has children in the future, he must also let the emperor's grandson's children climb it!"

Everyone in the Qin Mansion agreed!

The butler nodded with satisfaction.

As for this matter, Qin Mo came to Uncle Liu Gen's house, and Old Qin gave Uncle Liu Gen, Uncle San Jin and the others the title of Duke.

"Xiao Liuzi, your family is pretty good!" Qin Mo said.

"This place is similar to the Qin Mansion. My father is used to living in the Qin Mansion, but he can't get used to living in a different mansion!" Xiao Liuzi said, waving to his child, "Come here to meet His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Okay, okay, you're not an outsider!" Qin Mo waved his hand, he knew all Xiao Liuzi's children and had hugged them, "It doesn't mean that you are alienated from me now that you are a marquis.

Even if you inherit Uncle Liu Gen's title of Duke in the future, you will still be my little book boy, do you understand? "

How could Xiao Liuzi not understand what Qin Mo meant? He nodded and said with red eyes: ""Xiao Liuzi is useless. He hasn't been able to help the prince much in these years! "

Qin Mo rubbed his head. In fact, he didn't need Xiao Liuzi to be more capable. Loyalty was enough.

Xiao Liuzi is a bit naive, his abilities are not outstanding, and even his eyesight is average.

But not everyone is a genius.

There are mediocre people and idiots around the emperor.

Entering the backyard, he saw Yang Liugen and Hu Sanjin playing chess, and there were other uncles in the yard.

Some uncles have passed away, while others are still in good health.

Seeing Qin Mo coming, everyone put down what they were doing and came over to greet Qin Mo.

"Uncle Liu Gen, Uncle San Jin, what are you doing? Sit down quickly!" Qin Mo saw them kneeling down and hurried over to help them.

Yang Liugen had no tongue and could not hear clearly what he was saying, but when he saw Qin Mo, his eyes were filled with smiles.

Yang Liugen, who only had one hand and one leg left, was living a comfortable life at this time.

Cheng Guogong is now a Duke, and he has a stepson to inherit his family business.

Eat, drink, play and have fun with your friends every day. Don't let your life be too comfortable.

After fighting for a lifetime, they could finally see their father-in-law become the emperor. What else could they be dissatisfied about?
All of them are Dukes of the country, and they are all hereditary and have fiefdoms.However, they did not want a fiefdom, they just wanted to live together and spend the last part of their lives.

"Uncles, I haven't seen you for a few days!" Qin Mo sat down, took Yang Liugen's hand, and chatted with everyone, talking about various events over the years.

Yang Liugen couldn't hear what Qin Mo said, but the old guys were all laughing.

The young master has never forgotten these old guys, that's enough.

The young master is already a prince, and he has many things to do every day. It is already a great happiness to still remember them.

Qin Mo felt a little uncomfortable looking at these uncles. He thought of Xiao Yurou.

He waved away the others, took out the letter he had written, and handed it to Yang Liugen. Then, he looked at Hu Sanjin and others, "Uncles, I want to tell you something. This matter... I stole it from you back then." related"

Hearing this, everyone sat up straight and looked at Qin Mo seriously.

They vaguely remembered that Qin Mo had caught the real culprit in this incident, killed him, and paid homage to the graves of many brothers.

But what Qin Mo said next shocked them greatly.

After Qin Mo finished telling the story, Yang Liugen happened to finish reading the letter.

Qin Mo said with a guilty look on his face: "I'm sorry, I didn't kill the real murderer. I...I don't have the face to see you!"

"How can you talk about being shameless?" said an uncle: "In order to survive back then, the prince had to pretend to be a fool. No one could have imagined that the other party had calculations in his mind but no intentions.

Moreover, the instigator behind this is not actually Xiao Yurou. After all, she is the prince's senior sister and the mother of the emperor's grandson. The person behind it has been eradicated.

The brothers' great revenge has been avenged.

If it is necessary to kill Concubine Xiao as revenge, I think the brothers would not agree even if they knew better! "

"Yes, Concubine Xiao saved the prince. If she had wanted to kill the prince back then, the consequences would have been disastrous."

"Once this feud is settled, don't mention it again!"

Everyone said in succession.

Hu Sanjin even said: "The prince killed her sister, killed her godfather, and killed all the forces behind her. Isn't this revenge?
The one she wanted to hurt from the beginning to the end was Li Qian, not the prince.

After all, she is also a miserable person.

Just the six roots side”

Qin Mo didn't dare to look at Yang Liugen.

But Yang Liugen stretched out his hand, patted Qin Mo's shoulder, and made an indistinct voice with difficulty, "It's over, it's over, I, I don't hate, I forgive you! Your Majesty, please don't embarrass Concubine Xiao!" "

Qin Mo sniffed and nodded, feeling that he was being too hypocritical.

In fact, maybe it would be better not to tell them.

He feels that he is too eccentric, and sometimes this kind of eccentricity is not a good thing!
"My God, Emperor Tianxin, your grandson is very well-behaved and sensible. I, I like him very much!"

Yang Liugen smiled.

Qin Mo could honestly tell him what happened, but how could he become angry?

And in the final analysis, there is no answer to this matter. If you kill him, he will kill you, if you continue to calculate, you will never be able to figure it out for the rest of your life.

Now Xiao Yurou has given birth to two imperial grandchildren, both of whom are descendants of the Qin family.

This is enough!

(End of this chapter)

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