big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1486 Make peace with yourself!

Chapter 1486 Make peace with yourself!
If Qin Mo kills Xiao Yurou for revenge, what will happen to Tianxin and Miner?
These two children are bound to live in hatred in the future.

That's not what they want to see.

Some hatred is gone in the past.

Qin Mo knelt on the ground in shame, "I'm sorry, uncles. It's Qin Mo who is selfish!"

As soon as he knelt down, others also knelt down.

Yang Liugen held Qin Mo tightly, "Get up, get up quickly."

"Prince, how can you kneel down to us?"

"Get up quickly, you can't kneel down!"

After everyone persuaded him for a long time, Qin Mo stood up.

Hu Sanjin said: "Prince, I, Old Hu, have no education, and I can't say anything reasonable. I just feel that this hatred should not be passed down.

Although it is unfair to the dead, this is our fate and responsibility.

I saw that the book you wrote mentioned a country called Song Dynasty. This Song Dynasty was weak, and the princesses, even the emperor and the queen mother were robbed.

Later, the emperor and the queen mother returned to the country, but the princesses died in the palace after they returned.

It is said that the chastity of those princesses was ruined by people from the enemy country.

Therefore, according to the rules, those who are not chaste will be punished with death!

Do you think this is the princess's fault?

That is the fault of the weak country and the fault of the emperor!

We saved you and died a worthy death.

If we fail to save you, won’t our deaths have any value? "

Qin Mo was stunned. He didn't expect Hu Sanjin to say that.

"Thanks, Uncle Sanjin, I understand!"

"It's like the Japanese state was completely destroyed by the crown prince and became a big gang. The queen of the Japanese state became the prince's concubine. Don't the people of the Japanese state hate the prince?
They must hate it. "What Hu Sanjin said was very realistic, but it was also the truth, "You feel sorry for us, and it is our honor to meet a young master like you.

Living for you and dying for you are also our responsibilities.

To be honest, the Qin family is what it is today, and we are what we are today, it is all due to His Highness the Crown Prince.

Those brothers who died were all posthumously granted the title of king.

Their families also enjoyed the blessings.

This is enough.

Their deaths brought prosperity and wealth to several generations, but what else could they do?

In this world, there is nothing fair between people.

Are the soldiers who died on the battlefield worthless?
But how many people remember them?

Today, those old brothers, because of His Royal Highness, their fame will be passed down through the ages.

They have descendants one after another. Isn’t this what they deserve? "

Everyone nodded, obviously agreeing with Hu Sanjin's words.

Qin Mo said: "The boy has learned a lesson!"

Hu Sanjin smiled and said, "I still remember that a few years ago, the brothers had not avenged their revenge, and His Highness the Crown Prince was tense every day. We were afraid that the pressure would crush the Crown Prince.

We are not afraid of death, we are afraid of a worthless death.

There is no coward in the Qin family, everyone is kind and righteous.

So, why do we brothers fear death?

No matter why he died, the result was the same.

Your Highness, don't worry.

Your Highness is a person who is destined to do great things, so why should you take all this hatred to heart. "

Qin Mo also began to reflect on himself. He was actually quite selfish.

To put it bluntly, it is self.He pays attention to the people around him, but also ignores some things.

But he doesn't think this is a bad thing.

He comes from another world and has his own three views. He cannot judge everything by Daqian's standards.

But Hu Sanjin taught him a lesson today.

Doing the right thing is enough.

Yang Liugen has already said: I no longer hate him, I forgive him.

Isn't his hypocrisy forcing him?

What on earth did he expect them to say?

Do you want them to kneel on the ground and say with tears of gratitude that they no longer hate them and thank His Highness for remembering them, the immortals?

Or should we reopen their bloody scars?

Qin Mo laughed at himself and immediately changed the subject, "Let's not talk about this anymore. I came here today for one more thing, and that is to invite all my uncles to come out!"

"Oh? What to do?" Everyone became interested.

"Establish a Disabled Soldiers Association and unite with the military to protect the rights and interests of disabled soldiers!" Qin Mo said.

"Can we do this?" someone asked.

"Why not?" Qin Mo said: "Your disabilities and scars are exactly the medals of soldiers. We must protect the rights of disabled soldiers!"

"As long as the prince doesn't dislike us, we can do anything!" Hu Sanjin said.

"Yes, even if we die, we are willing to do it!" everyone said one after another.

Seeing that they agreed, Qin Mo also breathed a sigh of relief. He stayed with Yang Liugen and others for a whole day before leaving.

The knot in his heart was completely opened, and he would no longer struggle with these issues in the future.

Xiao Yurou can also completely live in the Ming Dynasty with his true identity.

Back in the East Palace, Qin Mo found Xiao Yurou, who was with Zhao Manyun at the moment.

Zhao Manyun had just given birth to her second child recently, and she was very lethargic. I don't know if it was because she was not accustomed to the local environment. She often retched after coming here.

"what's the topic?"

Seeing Qin Mo coming over, Xiao Yuju said: "Your niece Zhao is not feeling well, come and take a look!"

"Auntie!" Zhao Manyun's face turned red instantly. This was Qin Mo's favorite game and he always liked to call her that in front of Xiao Yurou.

Qin Mo smiled. This female seductress is so alluring. Sure enough, the older she gets, the better she is!
He sat between the two women and took Zhao Manyun in his arms, "Have you been vomiting a lot in the past two days?"

"I'm much better after taking medicine. It may be because this place is close to the sea. The doctor said there is an adaptation process!" Looking at Zhao Manyun who had lost a lot of weight, Qin Mo also sighed. In fact, he was also thinking about whether he should Zhao Manyun's true identity was told to her.

But then I thought, if Zhao Manyun knew that she was the daughter of Prince Jian, it would not destroy her outlook on life.

It doesn't matter that he has to share a husband with the daughter of his father's enemy. Even his aunt is not a biological aunt, but has been using her. Most people can't accept this blow.

So, it's better not to let her know the truth.

"If you don't get used to living in the palace, then you can live outside. To be honest, I'm tired of living in the palace these days!" Qin Mo said.

"Really?" Zhao Manyun was delighted.

"Well, really!" Qin Mo nodded.

Zhao Manyun is really not used to living in the palace. There are many rules here. Even if Qin Mo doesn't pay attention to these, it can't be justified if he is too rude in such a big palace.

She has been a little depressed these days.

Xiao Yurou is used to this kind of life, "It seems that your uncle still loves you very much!"

Zhao Manyun blushed fiercely.

Qin Mo narrowed his eyes, "Don't I, my uncle, love you?"

"What kind of uncle are you? You have to call me aunt, you know!" Xiao Yurou gritted her teeth.

"Woman, do you know that you are playing with fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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