big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1511 The internal combustion engine comes out!

Chapter 1511 The internal combustion engine comes out!
What Li Yongmeng brought back severely stimulated Li Shilong.

He took the photo and looked at it again and again.

I wanted to tear up the photo, but in the end I couldn't do it.

There are also gifts that Li Yongmeng brought back from Xijing. If you look closely, aren't they all things he likes?
At this moment, Li Shilong loved and hated Qin Mo.

Forget about that kind of mood.

Soon, the imperial court issued a proclamation. In order to reward Qin Mo for his hard work, Qin Mo was allowed to choose an unowned land overseas to establish a vassal state.

Once the news was sent out, the whole world was shocked.

Everyone praised Li Shilong for his broad mind.

But there are also smart people who think this is the best way.

Qin Mo's achievements were so great that staying in the capital was always a problem.

It would be better to let Qin Mo go overseas to establish a vassal state, which would reward Qin Mo and keep Qin Mo away from Daqian, which would kill two birds with one stone.

As for Qin Mo leaving Daqian, everyone didn't think it was a big deal.

Now that the message has been sent, it depends on how Qin Mo responds.

Li Shilong still couldn't hold back. He called Ah Si to him and told him everything in detail, "Remember, you are the emperor. You can't trust someone too much. Do you understand?"

Ah Si was stunned, with tears in his eyes. He didn't believe that his brother-in-law, the teacher he respected so much, could be such a person.

"Father, is this true?" Ah Si asked foolishly.

"Will my father still lie to you?" Li Shilong asked: "Remember what my father told you today, one of Daqian and Ming Dynasty must become bigger, and that boss must be our Daqian.

If your father can't suppress Qin Mo, you have to do this for your father.

Understand? "

Ah Si didn't understand everything. After he ascended the throne, he received careful instruction from Li Shilong, who often called Ah Si to his side for one-on-one training.

Ah Si is very smart and sensible.

"Then the teacher, my brother-in-law, is a traitor?" Ah Si asked.

"This" Li Shilong hesitated. Do you want to label Qin Mo as a traitor?

But then I thought, if A Si still trusts Qin Mo so much in the future when he is gone, something will happen sooner or later, "Yes, he betrayed me, betrayed Da Gan, and betrayed you.

So you have to remember that no matter whether Qin Mo is hostile to Da Gan or not, you must find a way to capture him.

I will work hard as long as I live.

If I am gone, you will take Qin Mo to my grave and make him kneel in front of my grave to repent, do you understand? "

Tears fell from the corners of Ah Si's eyes. At this moment, his world view completely collapsed.

His beloved brother-in-law, the invincible god of war, every corner of Daqian is filled with his legendary stories.

Such a person is actually rebellious!
Li Shilong hardened his heart and did not comfort Ah Si. This was a difficulty that a man had to go through, and he could only go through it on his own.

After a while, Ah Si wiped his tears and said, "Father, if I know this, I will definitely capture my brother-in-law Qin Mo and make him confess his sins in front of my father obediently!"

"Good boy!" Li Shilong received some comfort from Ah Si, and then he set his sights on the person behind the rumors.

He investigated for several days but found no clues, and the rumors stopped abruptly.

This person is very smart and a thief. It is very difficult to find this person without showing his face.

He even wondered whether the person spreading rumors could be that evildoer.

Has that villain come back with a new identity?
If that was the case, he had to take it seriously.

First catch Li Yue's traitor, he will show no mercy this time.

Then he wanted to take Qin Mo back to repent.

If he can do these two things, he will die in peace in this life.The most important thing is that he doesn't want to leave this kind of thing to A Si.

Ah Si is too skillful and is no match for these two people.

Therefore, Li Shilong was very anxious, so anxious that he couldn't sleep.

If he was still young, he must not be worried.

But he was old and his health was deteriorating.

He is worried!
I can only grit my teeth and persist.

Soon, the people from Honglu Temple went into the sea.

This time, 3000 people went.

Li Yongmeng also followed.

After this time, no one knows what the relationship between Daming and Daqian will be like.

Li Yongmeng can only try his best to promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and never cause another conflict.

And on the other side, Daming.

First seven years, summer.

Qin Liao ran over in a hurry, "Uncle, no, His Highness the Crown Prince is out, finally out!"

Seeing Qin Liao's hurried expression and out of breath, Qin Mo quickly poured a glass of water and handed it over, "Drink some water and calm down before talking!"

Qin Lie took the tea and thanked her. Shen Xi took a breath and said with joy on his face: "It's out, the internal combustion engine is out!"

"What?" Qin Mo was stunned, then overjoyed and grabbed Qin Liao's arms, "Good boy, I saw you right!"

What does it mean to have an internal combustion engine?
It means that the internal combustion engine train has landed, which means that the airplane has landed. It is the dream of flying that humans have had for thousands of years.

There are also cars.

At that time, steam locomotives could be eliminated, and the emergence of the internal combustion engine meant that oil resources would become a must-have resource in the next few decades.

Daming has oil fields, but we have to think about the future.

At this moment, he thought of many, many things.

"Let's go and take a look!" Qin Mo ran away quickly.

Qin took a sip of tea and quickly chased after him, "Your Highness, wait a minute."

Arriving at the Royal Academy of Sciences, a crowd of people gathered around the internal combustion engine.

Qin Mo looked at the internal combustion engine in front of him, which was not too small, and watched the piston continue to push, as if he was seeing a peerless beauty.

"Can I put it on the steam locomotive?"

"It's not a big problem. Now the internal combustion engine has been successfully tested. As long as adjustments are made, it can be used!" Qin Liao said with a smile. He led more than 4000 people and spent six or seven years following the idea of ​​​​the steam engine. Time and no less than [-] million taels of silver were invested before we got an internal combustion engine.

"Okay, great. You are all heroes and heroes of the Ming Dynasty. I must reward you generously!" Qin Mo first awarded silver to each of them, and was about to ask them for credit, and then said: "Although this internal combustion engine is a royal From the Academy of Sciences, but as I said before, everyone involved in the research and development will have shares.

The internal combustion engine will involve many aspects in the future, but it is expensive and unlikely to be available to the private sector in a short period of time.

Therefore, future cooperation projects will be between the imperial court and your scientific research team.

Regarding your shares, ask Qin Liao to come up with a list.

If everything goes well, you, and even your descendants, will be able to reap the dividends of this internal combustion engine in the future.

So, celebrate.

This is your victory!
Finally, on behalf of Daming, I would like to thank you for your hard work! "

(End of this chapter)

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