big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1512 Build airplanes and submarines!

Chapter 1512 Build airplanes and submarines!
Hearing this, everyone said one after another: "Your Highness, you can't do this!"

"This is what we should do!"

Qin Liao even said: "We are not only helping the Ming Dynasty, we are also helping ourselves. Your Highness, your words are serious. Moreover, without you, even in another 20 or 30 years, we may not be able to develop an internal combustion engine." .

Not to mention the internal combustion engine, even a steam engine cannot be developed! "

Everyone agrees.

Most of the people here are Qin scientists, and they have a deep sense of belonging to the Ming Dynasty.

Helping Ming Dynasty, isn't it just helping them themselves?

Moreover, Qin Mo pointed out the general direction for them. Although some details were unclear, but with General Qin Mo in mind, they only needed to continue trial and error.

Just like the filament of a light bulb.

They had used a lot of materials before but to no avail.

Qin Mo directly said to use tungsten filament, and the results were gratifying. The life of tungsten filament bulbs is much longer than that of other materials.

This saves them a lot of trouble.

They just did what they were told, and they had merit, but they were not the greatest.

In the eyes of everyone, Qin Mo is the one who has made the greatest contribution, but Qin Mo never takes credit. Instead, he shares the credit with them so that they can come to the stage and gain more benefits.

Qin Mo smiled and did not deny it, "We are sincerely cooperating. In short, we promise you no less.

Today, you are the biggest contributors, enjoy this joy! "

The crowd cheered, as if they still didn't know what kind of development they would bring.

It is no exaggeration to say that the advent of the internal combustion engine directly pushed the level of Ming Dynasty forward by several decades.

It is extremely difficult for Da Qian to catch up with Ming Dynasty.

This also means that the industrial level of Ming Dynasty has completely surpassed that of Da Qian.

Although the overall size is not as large as that of Dagan, it is only a matter of time before the size exceeds that of Dagan.

Qin Mo told Lao Qin the news. Although Lao Qin was happy, he didn't seem to realize the benefits brought by the advent of the internal combustion engine. He just said: "Well, I want more rewards!"

"It's gone?" Qin Mo asked.

"If I don't say anything anymore, let you reward me well?" Qin Xiangru said.

"Dad, do you understand what an internal combustion engine means?"

"Isn't the internal combustion engine an upgraded version of the steam engine?" Qin Xiangru frowned and said, "That thing has swallowed tens of millions of taels over the years, which is a waste of money."

The Royal Academy of Sciences’ investment is huge, with more than 3000 million taels of silver invested in one year.

It was also thanks to the fact that Qin Xiangru had a lot of money, otherwise, relying on the Ming Dynasty's tax revenue would not be enough.

Of course, this does not mean that the royal family and the treasury have no money.

On the contrary, the royal family and the treasury have a lot of money, even to the point of worrying.

"What do you mean it's not?" Qin Mo snorted: "Let me tell you this, the steam engine brought about the first industrial revolution, then the emergence of the internal combustion engine was the second industrial revolution.

In the future, our steam locomotives can completely surpass war horses.

Steam trains can also be upgraded to internal combustion engine trains, which are more than twice as fast.

The most important thing is, we can build airplanes! "

"Build an airplane, the one that can fly in the sky?" Qin Xiangru's eyes widened.

The Ming Dynasty has a serious air force, and it has also developed an airship, but it is too big, clumsy, not safe, and difficult to control the direction.

Not as good as a hot air balloon.

Although there is a parachute, it is of little significance.

You can't let the pilot fall from mid-air with explosives strapped to his body and die with the enemy, right?Cultivating an air force is very expensive.

"Yes, that's the one flying in the sky!" Qin Mo gritted his teeth and said: "With that thing, we can fly in the sky, and the speed is very fast. There will no longer be an opponent of the Ming Dynasty in this world.

In the future, airplanes can be built larger and carry dozens or hundreds of people into the sky at the same time.

It doesn’t take a month or two to get from Daming to Daqian, it only takes a day or two! "

Qin Xiangru's breathing quickened and he stood up hastily, "Then what are you still doing? Make it!"

Qin Mo snorted: "Weren't you still not interested just now?"

Qin Xiangru said: "I will go to the Royal Academy of Sciences to have a look. They must be rewarded!"

If it is true as Qin Mo said, then the contribution of these people is huge.

He left as soon as he could and soon arrived at the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Qin Mo smiled. On the third day, the Xijing News reported directly.

Many people don't think anything about it when they see the newspaper.

But they never imagined what the advent of the internal combustion engine would bring to them.

It is necessary to increase investment in research and development of internal combustion engines.

Not only that, we must find ways to invest in the navy, such as submarines.

These are all money-burning projects. Daming is too rich and is not afraid of burning money.

Back in the East Palace, Xiao Yu said: "You have been very excited these days. Is it because of the internal combustion engine?"

"That's right!" Qin Mo nodded. He came here less often these days and spent most of his time with Li Yushu.

A few days ago, Li Yulan called Xiao Yurou over again, and they all held a story gathering together.

Although nothing discordant happened, the atmosphere was always strange.

While Qin Mo realized his dream, new problems were also buried.

That is to fight for favor.

Qin Mo was mentally prepared for this problem, but it was impossible to avoid it.

People are selfish, who doesn’t want to be pampered more?
Who doesn’t want their children to stand out and become the heirs of this huge empire?
But it's not a big problem. Their fight for favor is more like being angry, but they don't have those irritating methods.

This is also something Qin Mo prohibits.

She didn't have many women, and among them, except for Xiaojiu, they never had concubines.

Everyone knows the basics and has been here for so many years. Even if we fight, it won't be too ugly.

As long as the fuss wasn't too big, Qin Mo would turn a blind eye.

By holding story conferences two or three times a month, no matter how big the conflict is, it can be resolved.

Qin Mo has many methods.

Next time, let Big Crying Bag and Xiao Yurou tell a story together to see if they can fight anymore.

"Where's Tianxin?"

"The ban is no longer lifted. Let's leave the palace and go tell stories!" Xiao Yurou said helplessly.

"This little bastard, you have to hold it down, or you'll go to heaven!" Qin Mo said.

"He is a little bastard, then you are a big bastard!" Xiao Yurou gritted his teeth and said, "You don't even know who he is, his temper and faults are all exactly like yours!"

"I disciplined my son wrongly?"

"What are you talking about? A few days ago, he kept having nightmares at night, saying that his father didn't like him anymore. Sometimes he even cried and asked me if his father hated him, why didn't he come to see him!" Xiao Yurou said helplessly. : "No matter what you say, he is just a child!"

(End of this chapter)

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