big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1601 Jing'an is on a mission again!

Chapter 1601 Jing'an is on a mission again!
This time the exchange of credentials went relatively smoothly, and newspapers in the capital publicized the two countries' partnership as brothers and allies.

To a certain extent, the two countries operate separately, but they also help and guard against each other.

All the people in Daqian breathed a sigh of relief.

Ming Dynasty put too much pressure on the people. To be precise, Qin Mo put too much pressure on Da Qian.

Thanks to his unbeaten record, Qin Mo is the undefeated God of War in the true sense of the word.

Princess Jing'an was very happy when she learned that she would be visiting the Ming Dynasty as an envoy. She hurried into the palace and said, "Second brother, don't worry. After I go to the Ming Dynasty, I will definitely help A Si negotiate this marriage.

I also like Shuangshuang's child. The Qin family is such a princess, so it's normal to watch her closely! "

Li Shilong nodded. Qin Mo still respected her as his aunt very much. Sometimes, he could speak more effectively than his father-in-law.

"You won't come back, right?" Li Shilong said.

"I just went over to see my daughter, son-in-law, and my eldest grandson. This is my home." Princess Jing'an couldn't laugh or cry. "Even if Ming Dynasty is heaven and earth, so what?"

Li Shilong was also half-joking, but he was actually quite worried, "That bitch is sweet-tongued and glib. You have to be careful and don't fall for his tricks!"

"It wouldn't be a big deal if I could help bridge the gap between the two countries over there." Princess Jing'an said, "As long as we do well, it doesn't matter if I feel a little wronged."

"When the time comes, that bitch will plan on me again, saying that I tie the fate of the country to women. Maybe they will talk about me behind my back!" Li Shilong snorted.

"What's wrong with women?" Princess Jing'an was unhappy, "Women are not the subjects of Daqian? Women can't contribute to the country?"

The brother and sister chatted casually, and Li Shilong was in a much better mood. The main reason was that a new oxygen bottle was delivered, and he didn't have to search for it, and he felt much better.

In a few days, when the weather warms up, he will be able to get rid of the oxygen tank.

"When you come back, it's best to bring Yonghe and Jingyang back and let them live there for three or two years." Li Shilong said.

"I'll try my best." Princess Jing'an smiled and chatted in Nuange for an hour before she left and went to the Lizheng Palace to find Empress Dowager Gongsun.

Mainly I wanted to ask the Empress Dowager Gongsun if there was anything she wanted her to pass on to the children.

Empress Dowager Gongsun said: "Let's write a letter, but we can't finish what's on our mind. Don't write a letter, because we're worried about it."

I often dream about those children. When I wake up and look at the empty bedroom, I feel lonely.

The woman here is not around, and she does feel deserted.

But you, being alone in the house, don't feel lonely. "

Princess Jing'an has been alone since she returned to Daqian. She neither has a reputation nor is she ambiguous with anyone. She is just alone in the house.

I have two hobbies, one is food and the other is traveling.

Over the years, it has taken in many poor children to raise.

"If my children are healthy and happy, and my family is happy, I will be happy. I am a completely different person. If I cannot live my own wonderful life, that is my own problem." Princess Jing'an said.

Empress Dowager Gongsun nodded, "When A Si's proposal is successful this time, it's time for me to move out of the Li Zheng Palace to make room for the empress!"

She didn't think she would fail. After all, she had watched Qin Shuangshuang grow up, and she liked him quite a lot.

If she came to be the queen, she would agree.

Princess Jingan nodded and didn't say much. After her father passed away, she rarely entered the palace and lived her life behind closed doors.

She will not interfere with anything in the palace that is not necessary.

After leaving the palace, she came to Qianling.

Kneeling in front of his father's tomb, he said, "Dad, my daughter is going on a long journey. It may take half a year or even longer before she comes back.

Qin Mo finally listened to your words and left Daqian. Because of this, the second brother is still worried about it.But that’s okay, at least this is the ending you want to see.

Everyone lives well and happily.

I will read the last chapter of Qin Mo’s new book to you today, and I will go to Daming to get the latest chapter for you.

If you have anything to say to Qin Mo, just tell your daughter a dream.

You are such a cruel little old man. In the past few years, you have never come to see me in my dreams. "

With red eyes, Princess Jingan took out "Records of the Ming Dynasty", calmed down her mood, and began to tell the story.

After finishing the last chapter, she threw the book into the fire pot, "I'm afraid you won't be satisfied with what I've heard. I'll burn this book for you, and you can read it yourself in heaven!"

She waited until the book turned into ashes before she stood up and left.

She has been a widower all her life.

Her husband is dead, her sons and daughters are far away, and she is all alone.

However, this is also good. She is alone in exchange for the happiness of her children.

At this time, Liu Chenghu and Chai Shao revisited their old places. Looking at the former mansion, they both said with emotion: "Brother Chai, this is the last time we see our hometown!"

"The so-called homeland just means that we have lived here for a long time. In the future, my family will take root in the Ming Dynasty for a hundred years. For future generations, that is the homeland." Chai Shao was very open-minded, "After decades of ups and downs, everything seems to have changed. In front of you.

I originally wanted to talk to the emperor to vent my frustration, but, seeing the emperor like that, I actually felt a little pitiful for him! "

"It's pitiful!" Liu Chenghu said: "Several sons have died, so it's considered a betrayal. That position is really ominous.

However, this is also his own fault.

Considering how miserable he is in his later years, I won’t irritate him! "

"Do you have a clear idea?" Chai Shao asked with a smile.

"I have mastered it, and my whole body feels comfortable. I haven't been so happy in decades!" Liu Chenghu laughed.

"Me too, I lost one son, but he lost several others, so happy!" Chai Shao felt truly relieved at this moment, and the last trace of depression in his heart disappeared.

"Come on, let's take a nice walk around the capital today. We won't have a chance in the future!" Chai Shao said.

"I need to get drunk today!"

These two old brothers are similar in age and had a normal relationship before, but now they have become Sunset Red old friends.

The two of them were leaning against each other, looking like seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys under the setting sun.

That hearty laughter made people grin involuntarily.

The two traveled around the capital, visited Qinzhuang, and rode a steam locomotive across the entire capital.

A huge city-state with a population of 900 million is a miracle.

Originally, this miracle belonged to them.

It’s just that after today, they are going to another miracle.

Three days later, the Ming envoy left Beijing.

Also following the Ming envoy were Princess Jing'an and the Daqian delegation.

The Honglu Pavilion of the Ming Dynasty in Daqian was also officially opened. The red dragon flag of the Ming Dynasty fluttered in the wind, echoing the golden dragon of Daqian.

(End of this chapter)

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