big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1602 Reunion!

Chapter 1602 Reunion!

Once the Ming Dynasty mission left, the capital became less lively.

But the people lived and worked in peace and contentment again.

The Honglu Pavilion of the Ming Dynasty publicizes that ocean routes will be opened in the near future, and welcomes friends from Daqian to visit, do business, and immigrate to the Ming Dynasty.

For ordinary people, the first two are possible, but emigration is definitely not possible.

In this era, the concept of being laid to rest is too important.

Even in another era, the feelings of family and country are deeply implanted in everyone's mind.

However, some merchants who travel around various countries all year round do not consider this. For them, the Ming Dynasty is classified by the Qian Dynasty, and everyone has the same roots.

It's just like going from my own home to my cousin's home.

Especially the business opportunities in Ming Dynasty, that is what they are looking forward to.

In the Honglu Pavilion, there were a lot of people applying for documents, but no one knew what exactly these people were going to do in Daming.

Even if they are spies sent by the Daqian court to take root in the Ming Dynasty, it doesn't matter.

Because everything in Ming Dynasty is placed there.

The real core technologies are all in the hands of our own people.

It is impossible for these new immigrants, without two or three generations, to enter such an important sector.

At that time, Ming's technology was already very advanced.

Within a few days, Ming Dynasty fever broke out in the capital.

These people include fanatical supporters of Qin Mo and adherents of Xinxue. When they learned that they could go to Ming Dynasty, it was like taking a shot of chicken blood.

When these news reached the palace, Li Shilong became even more upset.

"Do these people not even want their hometown?" Li Shilong couldn't help but ask, "Is the Ming Dynasty that good?"

He suddenly regretted it. Why did he agree to Ming Dynasty and agree to the immigration regulations?

"Father, why should we care about these people who want to go out?" Ah Si comforted: "There must be many people in the Ming Dynasty who want to go to Daqian. When our Honglu Pavilion is built, we can also rob people from the Ming Dynasty.

And we have to rob talents, ordinary people are nothing. "

Li Shilong also understood this truth. He had to go to the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion to apply for visas for tens of thousands of people in a few days, but he felt unhappy.

He also understood that Ming Dynasty was stronger than Da Qian in many places. This was something they needed to learn from, otherwise they would always be at a disadvantage when war broke out in the future.

"Having said that, I would like to add one more thing: once you immigrate, you cannot move back to Daqian!" Li Shilong said.

Ah Si was a little hesitant, but it was obvious that his father's attitude was firm, so he nodded, "Okay, when the time comes to apply for certificates, there will be a slight delay to avoid too many people leaving!"

The weather in Xijing in May is pleasant.

As early as a month ago, Xijing received the telegram and began to prepare to welcome Princess Jing'an.

Qin Mo also got up early, dressed himself handsomely, and left the palace with his wife and children.

Li Xue was even more excited and kept saying to the child, "Grandma will be here soon. Do you know that you have to kneel down and salute?"

His children were all very obedient and nodded, "I understand, Mom!"

Li Yulan and others also dressed particularly grandly and took the children to the port to greet them.

"Come, come, see the boat!" Dou Yiai shouted.

Qin Mo was furious when he saw him yelling, "Go away, cover my sight!"

This bitch is still the same as before when he is thirty years old, and he has not made any progress at all.

In the past two years, I have stopped taking concubines casually, but I go to the National Opera House and the Film Academy every day, and I have begun to pursue actresses.

This guy is really sharp. In order to chase a girl, he went to a fucking show, which made Qin Mo very angry.

Dou Yiai shrank his neck, "Didn't I remind you?" "Am I blind?"

Qin Mo glared at him and scolded him, but he was the first to think of him if there was any good thing.

It's just that this bitch still hasn't gotten rid of his habit of giving gifts to his wife.

Dou Yiai walked aside aggrievedly. Chai Rong smiled bitterly and shook his head. Even though he was scolded every day, he was generally not qualified to be scolded by Qin Mo.

On the boat, Princess Jing'an was also very excited.

She hadn't seen her son-in-law and daughter in several years, and she was thinking hard.

King Qi looked at the outline of Xijing and said, "Hey, Xijing in the Ming Dynasty really doesn't have a city wall!"

Princess Qi asked: "Aren't you afraid of the enemy attacking the city?"

Chai Shao laughed and said: "The enemy who can attack Xijing cannot be stopped even by high city walls!"

King Qi smacked his tongue, "I can't believe that a country that has been established for less than ten years can have such a majestic capital. Those two statues are so big!"

The two of them didn't want to come at first, but Princess Jing'an came, so they followed suit.

Princess Jing'an said: "Da Ming is so confident, no wonder he can compete with Da Gan in such a short period of time!"

Not only them, but also the members of the mission who came to Daming were dumbfounded. Even if some of them had already been to Daming, they still couldn't hold back the shock in their hearts.

"Compared with the last time I came here, Xijing seems to be bigger. The original outline was not so big. How many people are there in Xijing now? 400 million or 500 million?"

"The difference is only about 500 million people. It is not as big as Daqian Capital, but it will definitely be bigger than Daqian Capital in the future!" Liu Chenghu said proudly.

"I remember the last time I came here, there were only 400 million people here!"

"I heard that the tallest building in Daqian is more than 200 meters tall. Is it true?"

"It's such a high building, you're exhausted from climbing it?"

"Wouldn't it be possible to touch the clouds just by raising your feet?"

The members of the mission were chatting away, their eyes showing their longing for Xijing.

This capital city without walls is really curious.

Soon, the ship docked, and Qin Mo hurried over with his wife and children to greet it.

Princess Jing'an, Princess Qi and his wife were the first to disembark.

Princess Jing'an's eyes immediately turned red when she saw Qin Mo and others.

"Son-in-law, daughter-in-law!"


"Mom!" Li Xue cried so hard that she rushed over and hugged her mother.

Li Jingya looked at her parents and cried instantly, "Father, mother!"

"My good daughter, my father misses you so much!" King Qi, a slave girl, burst into tears when he saw his daughter. Although he now has a son, he still misses Li Jingya the most.

They say that a daughter is her father's little vest. Although this little vest often leaks air, he is happy with it!

The dock burst into tears.

Li Yulan and others also kept wiping away tears, and then stepped forward to greet them, "Yulan (Yu Shu, Lizhen, [-]) has met her aunt, Uncle Qi Wang, and Aunt Qi Wang!"

"Okay, okay!" Princess Jing'an looked at everyone with indescribable excitement in her heart, looking at the children kneeling on the ground and kowtowing.

They also gave each other a hug and a kiss, "My dearest darlings, grandma misses you so much!"

King Qi is also a young man, "As expected of my grandson, he looks exactly like me and is equally handsome!"

Qin Mo's teeth ached when he heard that. Just like you, wouldn't life be bleak?

I can’t say it’s ugly, and it’s definitely not good-looking!
(End of this chapter)

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