big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1603 You are so despicable!

Chapter 1603 You are so despicable!
Despite the internal slander, he still respectfully went up and saluted, "The son-in-law has met his father-in-law, and he has met his mother-in-law."

Li Anji looked at Qin Mo and said quickly: "You are the prince now, I can't bear your bow!"

Qin Mo's teeth were sore again. He always felt that this guy was mocking him.

Princess Qi slapped her husband on the back of the head, "You are the one who told the public every day that you are the father-in-law of the Prince of Ming Dynasty when you are not here.

Now that it’s here, you don’t dare to bear it anymore? "

Anji Li smiled awkwardly, "Prince, don't listen to her nonsense, I don't show off every day!"

Qin Mo knew his temper, and he had it. This old boy was particularly sullen.

At this time, Tang Jian, who was at the back of the crowd, stepped forward and looked at Qin Mo with mixed emotions for a moment.

What should his name be?
Jing Yun?

Or His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

"Hey, Old Tang, I haven't seen you for several years. Now you are doing well. You are now the Sixth Assistant Minister!" Qin Mo went up and gave Tang Jian a big hug.

"Prince Qin, I miss you too!" Tang Jian patted Qin Mo's back and sighed secretly in his heart.

How could he hate such a person?

In the past, it was enough that he was the first emperor's son-in-law, but now he is the monarch of the Ming Dynasty, and he is still so relaxed.

Who wouldn’t sacrifice their life for such a person?
No wonder Daqian lost.

Of course, no one dared to express this idea.

"What's your name, Prince? Duo Shengfen, in private you still call him the same as before!" Qin Mo hooked Tang Jian's shoulder, "You are the only one here this time, where are the others?"

"Here he is!" Yu Boshi came over and looked at Qin Mo. Seeing Qin Mo open his hand, he quickly reached out to stop him, "Stop it, don't do this to me!"

Qin Mo said: "Lao Yu, my hands are open. I'm so embarrassed when you do this!"

With that said, regardless of whether Yu Boshi agreed or not, he hugged him directly.

Yu Boshi smiled bitterly, this bitch was still the same as before.

"You are over 30 and you are a prince, can't you be more serious?" Yu Boshi said after being put down by Qin Mo.

"Even if I am sixty and become emperor, it will still be like this. As the saying goes, eighty is seen at three years old. Can I change my temper when I was three years old?" Qin Mo hooked Tang Jian with one hand and Yu Boshi with the other. "However, I didn't expect that my father would be willing to send you two old darlings here."

Let’s not talk about Tang Jian, the former staunch lackey of Qin Mo.

Not to mention Yu Boshi, a reform pioneer and an extremely principled old man.

Qin Mo didn't hate him at all when he didn't come over.

After all, Lao Liu didn't do anything bad to him, so there was no need for him to follow him and become a traitor.

"Da Ming has shown sincerity to Da Qian. As a country of etiquette, we, Da Qian, are the heavenly dynasty, so naturally we cannot lose our etiquette!" Yu Boshi said.

"Okay, okay, let's go ashore first, and I'll show you around my country first!"

"Don't be so close to me, I'm not used to it!" Yu Boshi was mainly afraid that there were other people behind him. They were so close, and those who didn't know it might have thought that he had returned to his country when he came to Ming Dynasty.

If this reaches the ears of His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor, what will they think of them?
He seriously suspected that Qin Mo did this on purpose.

"Lao Yu, I will stay in Ming Dynasty for a longer time this time. It is best to stay for ten or eight years before returning to Beijing to resume my life.

Otherwise, you and Old Tang can stay at the Honglu Pavilion in Xijing! "Qin Mo's voice was loud, as if he was afraid that others wouldn't hear him.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll leave as soon as I exchange credentials!" Yu Boshi said. Turning around after him, he saw something recorded in the written document without expression. He was so angry that he suppressed his voice and said Qin Mo said: "You bitch, don't harm us, I don't want to leave Daqian yet!"

"Oh, have you discovered it?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "There will be no war between the Ming Dynasty and Daqian for a long time in the future, but the competition between countries will still exist. For example, economic war, cultural war , population war, will be fought in secret.

I will never let a talent like you go. "

"You are so despicable!" Yu Boshi didn't expect Qin Mo to be so shameless, and he said it so brazenly!

Unexpectedly, Qin Mo said loudly: "What, you said you want to immigrate to Ming Dynasty? I agree with both hands and feet. Don't worry, I will write to my father when I go back this time to ask him to agree!"

Yu Boshi went crazy, "You farted, I didn't tell you!"

This thing is simply too cheap, and this nature has not changed at all.

Seeing this scene, Princess Jing'an shook her head helplessly. She said: "This child is still the same as before, without any change."

Li Xuedao: "Well, after coming here, our lives have basically not changed and we live very easily."

Li Xue lived a good life, Jing'an could see this at a glance, and her choice back then was not wrong.

Once ashore, the group got into an open car.

This car is not as bulky as a steam locomotive and looks very light.

Not only that, there is no loud noise and smoke when a steam locomotive starts.

"What kind of car is this?" Tang Jian asked in surprise: "Why are your Ming Dynasty steam locomotives different from Ming Dynasty's steam locomotives?"

"Oh, this is a permanent car, not a steam locomotive, but a diesel locomotive, which is more advanced than a steam locomotive!" Chai Rong explained from the side.

Naturally, Qin Mo would not sit in the same car with them. Instead, he would accompany Princess Jing'an, and Princess Qi and his wife would sit in the first car.

"Diesel locomotive?" Yu Boshi asked: "Can you introduce it?"

"This vehicle is very fast, much faster than a horse, and much lighter than a steam locomotive. Most importantly, there is no need to burn coal or add water!"

"If you don't burn coal and don't add water, what will you burn?"

"Gasoline!" Chai Rong said with a smile: "This is not widely available yet. It will be open to the public in two years. With this car, you can travel thousands of miles a day!"

Travel thousands of miles a day?

Tang Jian clicked his tongue, but Yu Boshi said, "Will the diesel locomotive be sold to Da Gan?"

"I don't know about this, I guess so, but the price of this diesel locomotive is quite high." Chai Rong said with a smile.

"Why are the iron poles standing on the street the same as your Ming Dynasty's electric street lights?"

"Yes, this street lamp is much better than the biogas lamp. It is safe and bright."

"How do you get up to such a high building?"

"Take the elevator!"

"I see why there are so many people from the Western Regions in Xijing"

"They are ethnic minorities in the Ming Dynasty, and they are all part of the Ming Dynasty!"

The two people kept asking questions, and Chai Rong also answered them.

In the car in front, Princess Jing'an was receiving the welcome from the people of Xijing.

Fengtian Avenue is the most prosperous avenue in Xijing, leading directly to the Forbidden City, with people standing on both sides.

"Welcome Princess Jing'an to visit the Ming Dynasty!" Everyone shouted. Princess Jing'an had an illusion, as if she had arrived at another home!

(End of this chapter)

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