big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1604 I admire that bitch!

Chapter 1604 I admire that bitch!

Both the book "Da Qian's Silly Son-in-law" and the book "Records of the Ming Dynasty" focus on Princess Jing'an.

When Princess Jing'an married Nanfan, she stabilized Daqian, endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden, and finally allowed Nanfan to join Daqian. She was a person who paid a great price and made great contributions.

She is also one of the most outstanding women in the world.

Therefore, everyone welcomed the arrival of Princess Jing'an from the bottom of their hearts.

Not to mention, she is the prince's aunt.

"It's so prosperous. It's hard to imagine that the Ming Dynasty was established less than ten years ago!" Princess Jing'an sighed, "However, your father is really stimulated by your coming here."

"I understand." Qin Mo smiled bitterly, "But this is a helpless move. Aunt, you won't blame me, right?"

"Who am I to blame you?" Princess Jing'an held Qin Mo's hand, "Don't put so much pressure on me. I didn't mean to blame you. Your father scolded you fiercely, but what he can't let go of the most is You son-in-law.

She's more considerate than his daughters, you know? "

Qin Mo nodded, "I will go back and see him when I have a chance."

"Seriously?" Princess Jing'an was delighted, "It's just your identity."

"Who dares to harm me?" Qin Mo said: "My son is already so old, even without me, Ming Dynasty can go on smoothly."

"That would be great. Your father would be happy if he could see you."

"Happy? You must scold me and beat me!" Qin Mo curled his lips and said, "I know him too well!"

“He’s just like that, he’s very talkative, but sometimes he can’t help himself, and he thinks more than others.

If he were more relaxed, he wouldn't force you out.

Because of this, I made a lot of fuss with him! Princess Jing'an said: "However, I am happy to see you living so happily." "

Qin Mo smiled and said that Princess Jing'an had a strong personality, but in fact, she was the truly wise person.

There are very few women in history who are as wise as she is.

Therefore, Qin Mo also respected her very much.

Prince Qi wore sunglasses and pretended to be cool, "Prince-in-law, when I return to Dagan, can you give me this car?"

"A son-in-law is just a son-in-law, what kind of prince's son-in-law?" Princess Qi scolded: "Stop pretending to be stupid here!"

Qin Mo couldn't laugh or cry, "This car is not open to the public for the time being, mainly because the technology is not yet mature. It is mainly used to welcome guests and travel with the royal family. In two years, this car will also join the trade between the two countries."

Cars are a pillar industry. Although Daqian will definitely imitate them, before they can imitate qualified cars, Da Ming will have made a lot of money, and the technology will definitely be improved.

The most important thing is the plane.

Airplanes are more technologically advanced than cars and will not join foreign trade within ten years.

Daming wants to ensure that its own technology is far ahead.

In short, for a long time in the future, Daming will exert certain suppression on Daqian products.

The deeper the reliance on the Ming Dynasty, the more peaceful it will be.

Seeing Qin Mo's refusal, Li Anji's face suddenly tightened.

Princess Qi said: "Son-in-law, don't listen to him, he just wants to show off."

Qin Mo smiled and said nothing.

After taking a group of people around Xijing, a welcome event was held outside the Meridian Gate. Lao Qin also brought Qin Xiuying and Qin Shuangshuang out and gave a welcome speech.

The magnificent Forbidden City is much more magnificent than the Daqian Palace.

After entering the city, no one could take their eyes away.

Afterwards, the group came to the Yingbin Hall.Originally, the Fengtian Hall was responsible for large-scale banquets, but now it is exclusively used to entertain guests in the Yingbin Hall.

"On behalf of the Ming Dynasty, I would like to welcome Princess Jing'an and Prince Qi. Princess Qi hopes that the two countries will forever be brothers!" Qin Xiangru was in a good mood. He thought that at least he would not have to worry about whether to join the army or not.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Emperor Daqian!" Everyone saluted.

Then the state banquet started, and everyone was very satisfied with the meal.

The next day, Yu Boshi and Tang Jian went to court to exchange credentials and confirm the location of Honglu Pavilion.

After the Daqian Honglu Pavilion was established, the people of Xijing were also happy.

Many Daqian immigrants still do not want the war to spread to their homeland.

Of course, it was embarrassing when the Daqian Honglu Pavilion imitated the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion to encourage the people of the Ming Dynasty to immigrate.

There is no one at the Immigration Department.

Even if they do, they have to apply for a visa and return to their country to visit.

"It's been three days and there's not a single immigrant?"

"No!" The person in charge of the Immigration Department smiled bitterly: "They have money and land in the Ming Dynasty, and they don't pay food taxes. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty has advanced technology, a vast territory and sparsely populated areas. The court also gives them money from time to time. Very few people are willing to return to China. .

Even if some elderly people are willing, children are still the main ones. "

Yu Boshi said with a headache, "Record the advantages of Ming Dynasty as much as possible and present them to His Majesty in the future. What Ming Dynasty can do, we can too!"

However, what he must admit is that many systems of the Ming Dynasty have broken away from the shadow of Da Qian and become their own line.

There were many systems and they were so bold that he was frightened when he saw them.

But when I think about it, Qin Mo is the head of Ming Dynasty, and I feel relieved.

This guy will definitely not stick to the rules.

After leaving the Immigration Department, he said to Tang Jian: "To be honest, the strength and prosperity of the Ming Dynasty exceeded my expectations.

It’s no wonder that the Ming Dynasty didn’t build city walls. They were indeed proud of themselves! "

Tang Jian was currently listening to music with his legs crossed, "We don't have this kind of stuff in our hometown. How did you watch the Journey to the West movie last night?"

"It's very beautiful, breathtaking!" Yu Boshi said: "I really don't know how people like Ming Dynasty have such brains, and they are so smart."

"They also have planes that can fly hundreds of miles in the sky, carry people, and can carry artillery shells. They come and go without a trace." Tang Jian had already settled, "If you are the Ming Emperor, you have such powerful weapons. , what would you do?
honestly! "

Yu Boshi was stunned. He thought for a long time and said: "Invade, start a war, achieve great things, and even unify the world!"

Tang Jian nodded, "Even you, Lao Yu, said this, but people from the Ming Dynasty didn't. This shows how restrained Qin Xiangru and Qin Mo are.

If I had such strength, I would have dominated long ago.

But Ming Dynasty didn’t!
To be honest, I kind of admire this piece of shit Qin Mo! "

Yu Boshi looked out the window, "I remember many years ago, Qin Mo tricked us into reforming the law. We were doubtful at that time, but now I understand that the path he pointed out to Da Gan is the real road to heaven.

To be honest, I've always admired that shit.

Everything he said is slowly coming true.

You can't be stubborn with such a person.

The only thing you can do is to follow his footsteps and experience the scenery you have never seen before! "

"What a pity!" Tang Jian sighed quietly!
Yu Boshi also sighed: "It is indeed a pity!"

(End of this chapter)

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