big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1605 I Can't Eat and Walk Around!

Chapter 1605 I Can't Eat and Walk Around!
In the East Palace, Princess Jing'an took Li Yulan and Li Yushu's hands and said, "If you can, go home and see them. Your father misses you very much."

"Father, are you okay?" Li Yulan asked with red eyes.

Princess Jing'an didn't hide anything, and told them about Li Shilong's current situation, which made the girls very worried.

Li Yushu said: "Auntie, this time I will go back to Beijing with you. The stinky guy promised us that he would let us go back to Beijing to visit our father."

"You should discuss this matter with Jing Yun. Now that the two countries have peacefully established diplomatic relations, there will be no war in the short term.

Don't leave any regrets. "Princess Jing'an said.

Her visit to Xijing this time was indeed an eye-opener, but she did not forget her mission and tasks.

The proposal to Qin Xiangru went smoothly, and Qin Shuangshuang did not refuse, which meant that next year, after Qin Shuangshuang got her hairpin, she could go to Daqian to get married.

Counting the days, it only lasts for more than half a year.

During this period, we were preparing for the emperor's wedding.

"Since Shuangshuang agrees to get married, how about we, sisters-in-law, escort her back to Daqian together after Shuangshuang leaves?" Li Yulan had many issues to consider. After all, she was a princess, and her status was extraordinary, so she could not leave the capital easily.

But if Qin Shuangshuang is to be married, the reason is more suitable, and the wedding can be used as support for her mother's family.

In this way, the time spent in Daqian will be longer.

"The third level is a good idea." Xiaojiu nodded, "My brother-in-law loves Shuangshuang so much that he might even send Shuangshuang to get married."

"Wouldn't you just ask him to find out?" Li Lizhen said.

"Better not!" Li Jingya reminded: "It's not like you don't know about his temper, so just allow him to take advantage of others, but don't allow others to take advantage of him.

It’s not like you don’t know how much he loves Shuangshuang.

Shuangshuang played a big part in why the war started in the first place.

After Aunt Jing'an proposed marriage, he didn't even return to the palace. He didn't know where to hide and sulk! "

Princess Jing'an was stunned, "Is he like this?"

Li Xue smiled awkwardly, "Mom, it's not that he is stingy, that is, he just takes the people around him too seriously and is afraid that both of them will be disadvantaged and wronged if they marry far away!"

"A Si is his close disciple, he trained him himself, so why don't you still feel relieved?" Princess Jing'an shook her head and smiled helplessly.

But this is really in line with Qin Mo's temperament.

"When a college girl gets married, she can't be tied to her for the rest of her life. Besides, no one is forcing you to do something you want.

If both of them marry to Daqian, peace can be maintained for decades to come, which will be beneficial to both countries. "Princess Jing'an said.

"It's true to say that, he's just a bit of a jerk!" Li Yulan had long been used to Qin Mo, "Don't worry about him, just figure it out yourself."

Afterwards, the women began to discuss what gifts to bring back to Dagan and whether to take the children back.

At this time, outside the palace, inside Qin Mo's stronghold.

Liu Ruyu was covered in sweat. She didn't even have the strength to raise her fingers at the moment. "Why are you so demanding today? Is there something unhappy about you?"

"No!" Qin Mo let out a long breath, and then came out slowly.

Liu Ruyu stood up, picked up Qin Yan from the side, and lit Qin Mo, "You lied to me. You are like this when you are upset. It's not like I don't know."

To be honest, Qin Mo is too strong, like an ox.

It's not comparable to Li Yue at all.

"Is it related to the visit of Daqian envoys to Beijing this time?" Liu Ruyu asked while helping Qin Mo clean up.

Qin Mo exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "A little bit."

"I heard that Shuangshuang is going to marry Daqian and become the queen of Daqian?" Liu Ruyu asked. To be honest, she felt that fate was confusing. If Li Yue hadn't gone astray, maybe she would have been the queen of Daqian.However, it's pretty good now.

"Yes!" Qin Mo nodded. Although it was a proposal of marriage and the taste of marriage was much less, the taste of political marriage was still very strong.

If the two countries go to war in the future, Qin Shuangshuang's position will be very embarrassing.

Of course, that was many years later, but Qin Mo really couldn't bear to part with it.

Qin Shuangshuang's departure is not a matter of a few years, but a matter of decades or a lifetime.

Lao Qin felt uncomfortable, especially Qin Xiuying, his daughter.

She is over 50 now, and there is no way she will have another child.

And Ming Dynasty is just such an eldest princess.

"Can't bear to leave?" After Liu Ruyu cleaned up Qin Mo, and then hugged his strong body, she felt particularly at ease.

"Of course." Qin Mo said.

"I can understand. When I first got married, my mother cried very sadly. It is said that when my father came back later, he secretly wiped away her tears!" Liu Ruyu said with a smile: "Sometimes I wonder, what if Yuanjun gets married? No, I definitely can’t bear it.

But a woman should always marry the person she likes. Although it may not be the best destiny, at least she will be happy when she gets married.

Even if you hit the wall, it's still your choice.

If you stop her today, she will still blame you in the future.

A girl's mind is the most elusive.

However, she has a big brother like you to support her. Even if she gets married, no one will dare to bully her or show her shame. "

Liu Ruyu looked at Qin Mo with admiring eyes.

"It makes sense." Qin Mo nodded, "Actually, if you think about it, Aunt Jing'an is an example. She married someone she didn't like. She spent the first half of her life being dependent on others and the second half of her life was lonely."

"Hasn't Ah Si always liked Shuangshuang? If you marry the one you like and the one who likes you, you will definitely be happy!" Liu Ruyu said.

Qin Mo put his hand on his back, Liu Ruyu was really well-behaved and sensible, not only tolerant, but also considerate, "If that kid treats my sister badly, I will send troops to destroy him!"

"With an uncle like you, who wouldn't be afraid?" Liu Ruyu said, "Just like me, with your support, I can also walk sideways!"

Qin Mo laughed and changed the topic, "How is step-son doing lately?"

"Very good!" Liu Ruyu said, "Just asking me when I will give him a younger brother or younger sister!"

Qin Mo laughed, "This wish can be fulfilled!"

Liu Ruyu bit her lip, "I'm still young and can still give birth. In a few years, I won't be able to give birth even if I want to."

Since Qin Mo doesn't mind this matter, she should hurry up.

It's not that he wants to tie up Qin Mo with his children.

Instead, he felt that he could not live up to Qin Mo and wanted to make it up to him.

She couldn't take this child with her, so she didn't have to worry about what impact it would have on Liu Ji.

And in the future, their brothers and sisters will also have someone to take care of them.

After smoking a cigarette, Qin Mo felt like he was okay again.

Liu Ruyu didn't leave here until it got dark.

She felt that she really couldn't eat and walked around, lying lazily in the carriage. Liu Ruyu touched her belly, hoping that she could carry it this time.

(End of this chapter)

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