big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1607 Farewell

Chapter 1607 Farewell
"Where have you been these days?" Li Yulan asked.

"Where can I go?"

"Is Ruyu at your place?" Li Yulan glanced at Qin Mo, "Didn't you say you don't want to take concubines?"

"Did I accept it?" Qin Mo said confidently.

"You, you go back on your word and don't keep your word!" Li Yulan said angrily: "Forget about others, why are you touching Ruyu!"

"If I said I was warming her up, would you believe it?"

"Then why don't you come and warm me?" Li Yulan pretended to be angry: "We can't finish plowing the land at home, but you still have the time to go out and plow other people's land!"

"Correction, that's not someone else's land, it's mine now!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yulan sighed, "Forget it, I can't control you, you can farm whose land you want to farm!"

If you are not afraid of what others will say about you in the future, just keep going! "

"Who doesn't talk behind others' backs, and who doesn't talk behind others' backs?" Qin Mo said: "I've been avoiding Ruyu in the past few years, and it's not like you don't know.

She was miserable enough.

She won't enter the palace to fight for anything, and she's not a bad person. Everyone knows her, so what's there to exclude?
Just because she was your sister-in-law?

Forget it, I didn't hide it in the first place.

I broke my promise in this matter, and I won't excuse it. Since there is no place for me to sleep in the palace, I still have to leave the palace! "

Seeing Qin Mo hurrying away, Li Yulan stamped her feet angrily, "The palace doors are locked, why are you leaving the palace? Come back!"

"Hey, here we are, Third Sister!" Qin Mo didn't really want to leave, so he hurriedly turned around and picked up Li Yulan.

"Don't be so playful. The sisters are very angry that you broke your promise. You have to explain to them." Li Yulan said: "There are so many people in the family. Can you handle it alone? You go out of the palace every day and don't go home. Some Sisters can't take turns one after another. What do you want everyone to think?
Yes, you are the prince and our God, we have no control over you.

But we all agreed at the beginning that no matter how big or small, we should all get wet with rain and dew.

But now?

Sometimes I miss you, and I have to go out of the palace to find you.

I can't even find you when I leave the palace.

As long as Xingzi was willing to go back to the palace with a full meal every day, she would have no time to rest, and she wouldn't rest until her belly got bigger.

You can't let me leave the palace to find you every day, right? "

"That's wrong, that's it. From now on, when I leave the palace, I will take a few people out with me. They will take turns and take six days off. This will ensure that everyone can follow me for more than six days every month.

We hold family meetings twice a month. Qin Mo said: "As for Ruyu, don't take it too seriously. She is not willing to enter the palace. I just look at her every now and then. Where can I find your treasure?" "

"You just know how to coax me with nice words!" Li Yulan said, "If I had known you were so carefree, you would have never married Hou Yong in the first place!"

"That guy is a short-lived ghost. It's not worthwhile for you to marry him!" Qin Mo said as he carried him to the palace. "I asked my master to calculate it for me. I am a long-lived species and can live to be at least 80 years old." .

I am in my early thirties this year. If nothing happens, I can still let you live a happy life for more than 20 years.

In 20 years’ time, everyone will be vegetarian, and we can just live our old age! "

"How can you think so? It sounds like I'm greedy!" Li Yulan blushed.

Qin Mo chuckled, "I'm the one who's greedy, okay?"

Entering the palace, Qin Mo quickly convinced Li Yulan with his actions.

As a woman, it's normal to be jealous. If you don't care about it, you have to worry.Either he has a change of heart or he is green.

In the next few days, Qin Mo used great principles to persuade the ladies.

Facts have proved that his wives are all reasonable people.

After settling the matters in the harem, Qin Mo took some time to take Princess Jing'an and others around.

Then the list of the first royal family to visit Dagan was finalized.

Li Yulan, Li Yushu, Li Lizhen, Xiaojiu, and four other women escorted Qin Shuangshuang into Daqian.

In addition, there were several generals and a hundred thousand naval troops accompanying them.

Those who knew it was a wedding ceremony, but those who didn't knew it thought they were going to fight a war to destroy the country.

Of course, when Qin Shuangshuang gets married, Da Qian will send someone to greet him to show his sincerity.

After finalizing the details, Princess Jingan stayed in Daqian for nearly two months before leaving Daqian.

"Mom!" Li Xue held her mother's hand with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry, I am your mother now. Although you are marrying far away, my mother is not worried at all with Jingyun here.

Live a good life, don't worry about mother, everything is fine with me!
Send me letters and photos from time to time in the future! " Before parting, Princess Jingan took Li Xue's hand and said.

Li Xue nodded, "I will!"

"Jingyun, my aunt has gone back. If you can, come back and take a look. Maybe your father can't wait for you for too long!" Princess Jing'an walked up to Qin Mo and said in a voice that only Qin Mo could hear. .

Qin Mo nodded, "I will consider it."

Princess Jingan hugged her grandson again, then took a deep look at Li Yulan and others, "Let's go, go back!"

On the other side, An Ji couldn't help but cry, "Daughter, can you go home with dad?"

"Okay, stop howling!" Princess Qi was so annoyed that she grabbed Li Anji's collar and said, "It's good for my daughter to be here. If you miss your daughter, you won't come again?"

"How can you come here casually?" Li Anji said.

"You don't know how to write to your son-in-law and ask your son-in-law to write to His Majesty. With your son-in-law writing to you, how can His Majesty not let you come?" Princess Qi just couldn't bear to see him cry. After so many years of training, he has not made any progress at all. .

Li Anji thought the same thing. He was an idle prince and it would be useless to stay in Daqian. He could come when the time came.

Qin Mo blinked at Li Anji, "My father-in-law, King Qi, always writes letters at any time. I will take you to eat, drink and have fun!"

Li Anji understood instantly that during the days he came to Xijing, he had been spending a lot of time with Qin Moye.

In the early years when he was in Daqian, he loved to play with Qin Mo. This kid was good at playing and had a strict mouth. He liked it!
"Okay, I'll come back to you after a while!" Li Anji wiped his tears, walked to Qin Mo, and said at a very fast speed: "You said you would give me some Xijing native maids. , you have to send the ones I like!"

Qin Mo showed a smile that every man knows, "Don't worry, I won't forget it!"

Li Anji nodded with satisfaction and patted Qin Mo on the shoulder, "Good son-in-law!"

"What did you tell your son-in-law?" Princess Qi looked at Anji Li warily.

"Women should stop asking about men's affairs!" Angie Li snorted.

Yu Boshi and Tang Jian also came to say goodbye, "I have to say goodbye after a long journey. I wish you well!"

Qin Mo also said: "What I said before still stands. You are welcome to join the Ming Dynasty at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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