big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1608: There is a suspected change of circumstances, the emperor needs to be on guard!

Chapter 1608 Suspected betrayal, the emperor needs to be on guard!

"Stop, stop ruining my reputation!" Yu Boshi pointed at Qin Mo and said, "Even if I die and jump into the sea from here, I will not join the Ming Dynasty!"

Tang Jian glanced at the paperwork accompanying the team and was writing something with a pen. He was also surprised and said hurriedly: "Qin Mo, stop farting, we will not leave Daqian. Stop talking nonsense!"

Qin Mo laughed, "Okay, let's just say some things in private. If you say this, it will attract more attention!"

"Stop talking!" Yu Boshi wanted to strangle this bitch to death, he was so capable of causing trouble.

After saying that, the two hurriedly got on the boat.

"Lao Yu, Lao Tang, I'll wait for you in Daming!" Qin Mo kept waving at the two of them, so loud that everyone could hear it.

The two of them were very angry.

"B*tch, the devil wants you to wait!"

"I and Ming Dynasty will fight until death!"

The two old men stood on the steps, swearing to defend their loyalty to the death, while Qin Mo was on the dock, laughing with his hands on his hips.

The clerk closed the book, glanced at Qin Mo indifferently, then opened it again and wrote: "The two are suspected of betrayal, the emperor needs to be careful!"

Although the relationship between the two countries is now being repaired, it is not necessarily that good in private.

Although I know that Tang Jian and I will not betray, what if it happens?
Dou Xuanling, Du Jianming, Liu Chenghu, and Cheng Sanfu are all living examples.

So beware of them both.

Naturally, the two of them had no idea what he wrote.

It was this sentence that would cause trouble for the two of them in the future.

With the departure of Daqian's ships, the two countries officially entered a period of peace.

Daming also ushered in new rapid development.

The steam engine has been fully used, but the revolution of the internal combustion engine has not yet been implemented.

Ming Dynasty needed to squeeze out the value of steam engines, which would take several years, or even more than ten years.

This does not mean that steam engines must be abandoned immediately after the internal combustion engine is introduced. This is not in line with the market.

For example, in the use of steam engines, the Ming Dynasty still took precedence over the Ming Dynasty.

In the next few years, steam engine products will flow into Daqian to reap benefits.

When the market is saturated, the internal combustion engine will be available.

At that time, the internal combustion engines officially controlled by Ming Dynasty had been updated and iterated.

The Ming Dynasty also turned its attention to the war in the south.

Qin Mo also took the time to update the "Records of the Ming Dynasty" on time every day, and the whole country was aroused to update the book.

In September, Ming Dynasty made significant progress in its war in the south, which further expanded Ming Dynasty's territory.

The number of people under the rule has also successfully exceeded 2000 million.

A large amount of unclaimed land is in urgent need of development.

The Ming Dynasty also shifted from planting large quantities of high-yield crops to planting refined crops and economical crops.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes began to be used as rations for livestock.

People began to eat refined noodles and polished rice.

The excess food will be dumped to the Western Regions and the land of Kunlun slaves to hire local Kunlun slaves.

Liu Ruyu never took it, and finally Yuan Tiangang checked Liu Ruyu's pulse. The reason was also very simple. There were residual poisons in Liu Ruyu's body that had not been cleared away.

This residual poison is difficult to get rid of, which means Liu Ruyu can no longer have children.

Liu Ruyu couldn't stop crying. No wonder she didn't move for so long. The problem was indeed her.

"Master, is there really nothing we can do?" Qin Mo asked. "It's too late. If I had given it a try two years earlier," Yuan Tiangang said, "The reason why she is fine now is because she is young. In another three to five years, she will definitely suffer from serious and minor illnesses, and maybe one will The disease killed her."

"Can we detoxify her?"

"There are prescriptions, but it's impossible to have children. But as long as you live a lifetime, as long as you are healthy, it will be fine. If you have strong heirs, you should be able to have just one or two children!" Yuan Tiangang said.

Qin Mo sighed, "Then I'll bother you, Master."

Yuan Tiangang nodded and quickly wrote the prescription, "By the way, I made an agreement with your aunt and decided to move back to the fief. If you have anything, just write to me."

He was not respectful to Qin Mo. Qin Mo was not used to it, and neither was he.

In addition, they are masters, apprentices, and relatives, so they can get along with each other however they feel comfortable.


"Tired of staying in the capital, your aunt wants to change her life." Yuan Tiangang stroked his beard, "Besides, the fief and the people must be taken care of!"

If he had no children, forget it. Now that he has a son and a daughter, Xiao Xuanji tried his best to find a good son for him. He should leave something for his children, right?

"Okay!" Qin Mo nodded. He also knew the temperament of the couple. It was really hard for the two of them to fight for a child despite their age.

After Yuan Tiangang left, Qin Mo hugged Liu Ruyu and said, "Forget it, good health is more important than anything else."

"Perhaps this is destined." Liu Ruyu cried: "Every gain must come with a loss. You can't let me get all the good things by myself!"

"Why do you think so much? Happiness is better than anything else." Qin Mo waved his hand, "Although my stepchildren are not my biological children, they are still my students, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. Can I still treat them badly in the future?"

With Qin Mo coaxing her, Liu Ruyu also regained her composure, but after that, she served Qin Mo even more attentively. This level of attentiveness could only be compared to that of Suga Sachiko.

At the same time, the Daqian delegation returned to Beijing.

After confirming that there were no complications along the way, Li Shilong also breathed a sigh of relief.

With the opening of trade between the two countries, many people have gone overseas to trade with the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, in more than half a year, more than 5 people have immigrated.

Although they pressed down again and again, there were still a lot of people.

This made Li Shilong determined to continue to innovate Daqian's system.

At present, the system of Daqian is indeed less attractive to the people of the country than that of Ming Dynasty.

It's just that Qin Mo made a century-old plan, and for a while, he didn't know how to start.

Below, Yu Boshi and his wife were reporting on their visit to the Ming dynasty, and everyone was listening attentively.

There was a document placed in front of Li Shilong. The process was written in detail and some important things were recorded.

Ming Dynasty's attitude towards Da Qian is reflected in the documents.

His eyes became colder when he saw in the document that Qin Mo had repeatedly recruited the two of them, hooked up with them and called them brothers.

Especially the last sentence of the document: The emperor needs to be on guard against suspected betrayal!

Li Shilong is indeed broad-minded, but he cannot withstand the successive betrayals.

Dou Xuanling, Du Jingming, the people who were least likely to betray him all betrayed him.

Look at the current Daqian court, how many veterans are there?

There are six ministers, three from the royal family, and one foreign relative. They are the only two who are not relatives of the emperor.

Therefore, it was understandable for Qin Mo to target them.

Moreover, these two people have always had a good relationship with Qin Mo.

Originally, he didn't think about it, but this time he was stimulated by the immigration issue.

Coupled with the paperwork, no matter how arrogant he is, he has to be on guard!
(End of this chapter)

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