big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1609 Yuan Tiangang leaves Beijing!

Chapter 1609 Yuan Tiangang leaves Beijing!
Li Shilong felt that he had some enemies, but he could not do it again.

There is always nothing wrong with being careful.

I'll look for an opportunity in the future to make proper arrangements for the two of them. Of course, as long as they don't move, nothing will happen.

"Okay, this time the negotiation was good. Early next year, Qin Shuangshuang will send a navy to greet him.

Before that, the palace was renovated. "Li Shilong said.

Ah Si also breathed a sigh of relief, it was great, he could finally marry Qin Shuangshuang.

I haven’t seen him in a few years and I don’t know how he is doing.

Although there are photos, the photos are not as good as the real person.

"In addition, you must also learn as much as possible about the Ming Dynasty's techniques. Don't forget to fight. You must train more troops and be ready for war at any time!"

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!"

After everyone retreated, Li Shilong summoned Princess Jing'an alone. He was happy to learn that Li Yulan and others would escort Qin Shuangshuang to Daqian next year.

"That bitch won't come back?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult!" Princess Jing'an said: "He is the crown prince of a country after all. If he comes to visit Daqian, even if he has ideas, I am afraid that the officials of Ming Dynasty will not allow it."

Li Shilong snorted, "If you don't come back, you won't come back. I'm still begging him!"

"Second brother, please stop being so harsh!" Princess Jing'an said: "He can't help it. When he was in the Ming Dynasty, he often said he missed you!"

"I only believe what I see with my own eyes." Li Shilong curled his lips, "Okay, you just came back and you are tired. Go back and rest."

Hearing this, Princess Jing'an didn't say much. She just left the latest volume of "Records of the Ming Dynasty" and said goodbye.

Li Shilong took the records of the Ming Dynasty and couldn't wait to look through them. He was fascinated by it.

He finally understood why the old man was so addicted to reading novels in his later years.

With the return of the Ming Dynasty mission, ocean routes were opened, and the first batch of immigrants successfully boarded the ship to the Ming Dynasty.

When we went to Ming Dynasty, we divided the land, grain, houses, and money.

There are rewards for having children, tax exemptions, no food taxes, and no bullying.

They went to Daming with extremely beautiful dreams.

And the reality is indeed the case. Ming Dynasty did not let down these immigrants.

Moreover, those who can immigrate are all from good families and have no criminal records. Moreover, once they immigrate, the whole family will come together, which is very stable.

When they set foot on the land of Xijing, their eyes were squinted by the prosperity in front of them.

Subsequently, these immigrants were divided among various cities.

There were also some people who returned to Daqian in the Ming Dynasty, but after all, they were a minority, or they went home to move their ancestral graves.

After all, the Ming Dynasty's policies were better than those of the Qian Dynasty, and the country was prosperous. With the Holy Emperor alive, everyone's life was easy.

The land here is vast, rich in resources, and the environment is good. It can be said that all Dagan people who can come here have suffered hardships.

Not to mention those Japanese people and Gaoli people.

The current days are beyond the reach of those nobles in the past.

They all eat polished rice and noodles, eat meat in large quantities, drink from large bowls, live in big houses, and live a beautiful life. This kind of life was something they never dared to dream of before.

With the arrival of Daqian merchants, trade between the two countries officially opened.

All kinds of exquisite goods from the Ming Dynasty flowed into Daqian, making Ming merchants make a lot of money.

These were all within Qin Mo's expectation, and on this day, Yuan Tiangang left Beijing.

He, Fang Shun, Xiao Yurou, sent Yuan Tiangang's family out of the city.

"Okay, don't give it away, it's not like he disappeared." Yuan Tiangang said. "Master, once you leave, it will be difficult to come back. Don't you have anything to say?"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head, "I have sealed the hexagram a long time ago, and it's not like you don't know it. If you say too much, you'll be annoying.

However, you have to practice the health-preserving skills I pass on to you frequently. When you get to my age, you will definitely thank me! "

Qin Mo chuckled, "The effect is indeed very good, thank you, master!"

Why Yuan Tiangang is still so good despite his age is because of this health-preserving skill.

Qin Mo had practiced for less than a month, and the effect was very good. Maybe it was because he had a good foundation originally, but this practice made it even better.

"Aunt, remember to write to me!" Xiao Yurou was a little reluctant. Xiao Xuanji can be said to be her last relative in this world. Although Qin Mo accepted her again, she will always be with Xiao Xuanji. He is a junior who has not grown up.

Xiao Xuanji hugged her, "Zhenzhong, if you miss me, come to my fief!"

She is also very satisfied with Qin Mo and is not afraid that Qin Mo will treat Xiao Yurou badly.

"Let's go!" Yuan Tiangang patted Qin Mo on the shoulder and got on the steam locomotive.

Soon, the group of people disappeared from sight.

"Go, go back!"

"Going back to the palace?" Fang Chun said, "Miaoyun, I want to go out for a walk."

"Where are you going?"

"The Ming Dynasty is so big, let's go out and have a look!"

"Don't wander around blindly. The Ming Dynasty is not a big force. Although local security is okay, remote areas are still very barbaric.

Some natives fled into the mountains and have not come out until now.

If you meet them and are kidnapped by them to be their wife, where will I find you? "

"Bah, a dog can't spit out ivory!" Fang Shuan snorted, "I haven't been out for several years, don't stop me!"

"Ancestor, stop making trouble!" Qin Mo tried to persuade him, but Fang Chun refused.

Xiao Yurou said, "He is afraid that you will go out and put a hat on him!"

"I said, Auntie, can you please stop being angry?" Qin Mo said with a bitter smile: "Didn't I just go out on patrol for half a year last year?
The Ming Dynasty is not as good as Da Qian, and the folk customs in many places are tough. If a pretty girl like my senior sister runs over, what if she gets bullied? "

"That's not because I'm afraid she'll put a hat on you!"

"I, I just can't make sense to you!" Qin Mo hugged Fang Shu, "Look, we have three children, and if you are leaving, who will teach them?

What if they make a scene?
What if they want to kiss their mother?
Although I am their father, I cannot cover everything.

If you're really bored, how about I find you something to do? "

Fang Chun sighed, and when he heard this, he couldn't feel at ease and ran out, "What are you doing?"

"Have a baby!"

"Bah, my belly is so raw, you still let me give birth?" Fang Chun punched Qin Mo on the head.

Qin Mo covered his head. When the other sisters said they would beat him, they were just going through the motions. When Fang Chun said they would beat him, they meant beating him without any compromise.

But in these years, only Fang Chun dared to really beat him.

"How about opening a gym?" Qin Mo said: "Master Gang gave Ziwei Star Sect to me, and I don't have time to carry it forward. How about I leave this task to you?"

After all, Qin Mo is the prince, and Ziwei Xingmen is already the state religion. If he is praised too highly, it will not be good.

Fang Shun thought for a while, "That's okay, but it's best to build the Ziwei Star Gate on Mingchuan Mountain, so I still have to go out!"

(End of this chapter)

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