big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1610 Qin Mo has a headache!

Chapter 1610 Qin Mo has a headache!
"I'll send someone to see you off!" Qin Mo didn't refuse. The temples and Taoist temples in Xijing were all strictly controlled.

Pornographic temples and wild temples are the targets of strict crackdowns.

"What about me?" Xiao Yurou also came to join in the fun, "Junior sister can run out, can I?"

Qin Mo looked at this woman and his teeth were itching with anger. He pulled her over, slapped her on the buttocks and said, "I'll make you suffer."

Xiao Yurou groaned after being beaten, but did not struggle, "You are showing partiality. Junior sister gave birth to three children for you, and I gave birth to three children for you. Junior sister died for you once, and I am not the same?" "

Qin Mo suddenly lost his temper. This woman just likes to compare.

Especially fellow disciples and sisters.

"Then you can become the great protector of Ziwei Star Sect, right?"

"No, why am I, a woman, a protector?" Xiao Yurou said aggrievedly, "You are perfunctory with me!"

"You can't just let me live in peace. How can there be so many jobs suitable for you? The country does not allow you to take power, you know?" Qin Mo had a headache. Like Zhao Manyun, it was okay to go to the opera house for duty. A piece of cake.

Li Yulan, President of the Women and Children Protection Association.

However, the directors and other functions inside were all occupied by the sisters, and Qin Mo didn't bother to ask.

Anyway, do good things.

The Ming Dynasty will definitely promote female officials in the future.

"Then they can do it, but we can't?" Xiao Yurou lay on Qin Mo's lap, "It's because I'm old and yellow that I can no longer like you!"

"Nonsense, all the tests in the past few days were pink!" Qin Mo slapped her again, but Xiao Yurou was right. It's not about scarcity but about inequality. The women in the harem should carry a bowl of water as much as possible. flat.

According to Sugako Sugako, all she could think about was having children and serving Qin Mo, and she was not interested in going out to show off.

Without him, those Japanese people strongly supported her children.

This woman is a little petty and ambitious, but it's harmless.

He carried Xiao Yurou on his shoulders, "If you have anything to say, tell me later!"

After returning to the stronghold and persuading the two women with great principles, Qin Mo said: "Well, I have a task for you. It is really difficult to educate the natives.

Although Buddhism is suitable, I am afraid of leading them astray.

Just use Taoism to influence them.

This is a long-term mission. You two sisters are working hard and if you need help, choose from among the sisters. "

"We are left to do the dirty work. As expected, it is pitiful that there is no woman from my mother's family."

Qin Mo couldn't laugh or cry, "Good aunt, I beg you, please stop finding fault, otherwise, you will follow me every day, okay?"

"No, you'll get tired of it." Xiao Yurou is very sensitive now. Even if she takes care of herself desperately, she can't withstand the brilliance of time. There are more and more wrinkles on her face, and even the skin on her body has begun to relax.

The figure that Qin Mo originally loved also started to gain weight.

Qin Mo noticed her sensitivity and sighed secretly in his heart. He didn't say anything, but silently hugged her tightly.

It just so happened that it was their turn to follow him these days.

Qin Mo also showed his hard work.

Xiao Yurou's mood became much brighter.

However, Qin Mo will also face a problem soon, that is, the future heir of Ming Dynasty.

The eldest, Tianxin, is already 15 years old, and more than half of this year has passed.

16 years old is a hurdle, Feng Ge'er, Huo Lin'er, and Niu Duzi are all the same age.

Although he rarely went to court, he knew exactly what was going on in the court.

Although Lao Qin can continue to work hard for a few more years, his position will become awkward as time goes by.When Lao Qin can't do anything anymore, will he ascend to the throne or what?
Although the children are still young, they are only two years old.

Once it reaches the crown, things get complicated.

Pressing them down is not a good thing.

It would be even worse to stay in the capital.

"Is it Tianxin's birthday?" Qin Mo hugged Xiao Yurou. The two of them were indistinguishable from each other. Xiao Yurou liked this very much. It was only at this time that she could feel Qin Mo's infatuation for her, which made her I feel that I am not old enough to be rejected.

"Well, he asked me a few days ago if you wanted to celebrate his birthday." Xiao Yurou stroked Qin Mo's Adam's apple with her fingers.

"Next year, I plan to let him leave the capital and go down there to practice." Qin Mo said: "Come back when he reaches the top!"

"Okay, he's grown up now, it's time to contribute to the country." Xiao Yu said judo.

"I thought you would be reluctant to part with it."

"But there are a few mothers who are willing to give up, but as a mother, I can't keep him tied to me, right?

This is his responsibility and his mission. I hope he can set a good example for his younger brothers! "Xiao Yurou has been waiting for this day for a long time.

She put her hope in Tianxin, and no matter whether she succeeded or not, she would always give it a try.

"Next year it will be Brother Feng and the others. In a few years, all the children will go out and it will be deserted!" Qin Mo was a little reluctant to part with it.

"Desolate?" Xiao Yurou snorted: "When did the sisters stop being quiet? Even now, aren't they still holding each other three or four times a year?
You have too many women, you know that! "

Qin Mo laughed dryly and said, "It's a matter of probability!"

"In two years' time, you will have more than 100 heirs. Counting back several dynasties, there will be few kings as lucky as you!" Xiao Yurou bit Qin Mo's chest.

"I'm already in control, but I can't hold them back."

It's not Qin Mo's fault. He felt that he had enough heirs and had already started to take measures.

But due to the ideology of the times, these women risked their lives to give birth to sons.

The kind that won’t work even if you don’t give birth.

Even if two or three years pass and the girls take turns, they will always run into each other.

"Who made you the crown prince?" Xiao Yurou gloated: "Everyone is trying their best to give birth to a Qilin child."

Qin Mo sighed, "Is it my fault that I'm too good?"

"You don't know what they think?"

"So what if it's clear, how can I stop them?" Qin Mo stroked Xiao Yu's smooth skin and said, "You and I didn't stop them either. As long as they are friendly and compete normally, I don't care.

But if you want to cause wind and rain, that won’t work! "

"Sisters are all aware of this!" Xiao Yuju said: "With you holding me down, there shouldn't be any big problems."

That's the good thing about Qin Mo. He never hides anything. If you want to fight, just fight. Just rely on your ability.

Looking at Sugako, I knew I couldn't compete with him, so I worked hard to have a son, firmly controlled the Japanese people, and worked hard to become the light of the Japanese people.

"You can help Tianxin, but you can't use insidious means and rely on your ability, otherwise, I will be very uncomfortable with it.

You are all the people I choose to spend my life with. If you step on my bottom line, I will be very uncomfortable with it.

I have trained the children, and I will be very disappointed if they kill each other! "

"Don't worry, I understand." Xiao Yurou kissed Qin Mo, "That child will not let you down!"

(End of this chapter)

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