big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1611 Celebrating Tianxin’s Birthday

Chapter 1611 Celebrating Tianxin’s Birthday

Qin Mo smiled. Tianxin, a child, was a bit naughty two years ago, but in the past two years he has indeed behaved like a big brother.

He has never been secretive about the throne, but revealed it to his children.

Whoever wants to be an emperor or a prince should work hard to do his own thing well and benefit the people.

Each according to their own ability.

But if he wants to rely on insidious means to exclude his brothers, deal with his brothers, or even assassinate his brothers, he will never let him go.

So for now, the brothers are quite harmonious.

However, when there are conflicts of words, the same goes for brothers.

Qin Mo has too many sons. Some people like Tianxin, while others don't like him.

For example, Brother Feng, the eldest son, can you prevent others from promoting the idea of ​​​​the eldest son succeeding to the throne around Brother Feng?

This is impossible to avoid.

Due to his status, the eldest son enjoys more attention than other sons.

What does it mean once identity is confused?
It means that a wife is not as good as a concubine.

Authority will be lost.

The harem will be in chaos.

So this is not allowed by Qin Mo.

The identity of the head wife needs to be maintained, and the identity of the legitimate son also needs to be maintained.

It's just that the inheritance act gives other children the right to compete.

So, let's be clear about this.

Otherwise, what would all the children born to Li Yulan think?
They will feel that their father does not like their mother, so he suppresses them.

Qin Mo couldn't bear this.

The reason why Lao Liu was stabbed in the back by his own son one after another was because of his imperial charisma and he liked to make people guess.

It is obviously a very simple matter, but it must be kept secretive, and it ends up alienating everyone. Why bother?
So Qin Mo broke down the problem and told them so that each of them understood what they should do.

Those who want to compete will naturally work hard.

If you don’t want to seize the direct line, just study hard and choose your own future path.

Their generation is lucky, at least they still have their own fiefdom and country. If they don't work hard, their next generation, and the next generation after that, will have to suffer.

The imperial court will not betray them.

After a few generations, they would no longer have their fiefdoms, and they would have no choice but to become destitute nobles.

At that time, I can only hold on to the genealogy and say which son of such and such emperor I am, how many generations of direct grandson of such and such king, and moan without any illness.

"If Tianxin really becomes the emperor, will it be considered as fulfilling your wish?" Qin Mo said.

"Forget it!" Xiao Yurou nodded, "But I don't have that obsession now. Why is His Highness still worried?"

"You know I didn't mean to warn you!" Qin Mo said.

"Yes!" Xiao Yurou snorted: "You just warned me. Those old people are almost dead, but what about their children? I can't control that?

I didn’t meet with them or say anything I shouldn’t have said to them.

It's a matter of my identity. If I'm capable, don't let me show my face! "

Qin Mo patted the erection hard and said, "You are said to be fat and have asthma!"

Xiao Yurou gritted her teeth and said: "If you want me to be more at ease, make my belly bigger and I will be at peace!"

"You really don't want your life, don't you?"

"My aunt can do it, so can I!"

"Crazy, crazy!" Qin Mo retreated.

"There's no point in quitting. I'll have a good life. Just wait until you become a father again!" Xiao Yurou smiled slyly.

Seeing Qin Mo's face darken, she was a little panicked, "I lied to you, I wanted to put it on, I would have put it on it a long time ago."

"Auntie, you don't have to have children to show your worth. My women, after they are forty, I will not allow them to have children.

First, the risk is high, second, the body cannot bear it, and third, you are my lover, not a machine to give birth to a child.

Aging is inevitable and you don’t need to prove yourself in this way.

Ten years ago, I was very energetic even if I didn't sleep for three days and three nights. Now you keep me awake for one night, and I'm so sleepy that I hiccup.In the past, I wanted to hold meetings every day, but now I have to exercise well before every meeting, just because I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of each of you.

Although I am still young, my muscles are still strong.

But I am also aging.

Although men remain at their peak longer than women, aging is an indisputable fact.

Each of you is more beautiful than the other, and you are all beauties who surpass the beauty of heaven and earth.

No matter how beautiful others are, can they be more beautiful than you?

I have seen your beauty and enjoyed your youth, so how can I dislike your aging? "

Xiao Yurou's heart softened completely after hearing Qin Mo's words. She went over and hugged Qin Mo, "Don't be angry, I was wrong!"

"Is it okay if you make a mistake?"

Xiao Yurou turned around and said, "Is it up to you to do whatever you want?"

This goblin, the older he gets, the more unbearable he becomes.

She was born extremely beautiful, but after years of development, her mature beauty can kill anyone from eighty to eighteen.

"Well, let's practice equestrian skills later!"

"I listen to you."

The eyelids of Fang Shu, who was sleeping soundly beside him, moved, then turned over and muttered: "Aren't you tired?"

She heard clearly what the two of them said just now.

Anyway, she had no intention of letting her son fight.

Instead, he taught his son martial arts and Taoism since he was a child.

From now on, I can join the army or practice Taoism, but I won't starve to death anyway.

To be king?
That's not okay, she won't allow it!

Just as she was thinking about it, she realized something was wrong and opened her eyes suddenly, "What are you doing?"

"Practice together"

Two days later, the two women returned to the palace contentedly.

Qin Mo has suffered a lot these past two days.

Fortunately, Yuan Tiangang's health-preserving skills are very powerful. After two days of rest, he felt like he was doing well again.

This time, those who came were Suga Sachiko, Subi Mojie, Chu Rui and others.

The harem is relatively harmonious, but it is inevitable to divide the camps.

Qin Mo didn't bother to care anymore, as long as there was harmony.

Biological fathers and sons can turn against each other, let alone sisters?

After spending another two days with the girls, Qin Mo went to the palace to celebrate Tianxin's birthday. The 15-year-old Tianxin was only half a head shorter than Qin Mo.

And he looks very strong, just like a replica of Qin Mo.

It's just that he has a thin beard on his lips, which doesn't match his childish face at all.

"Dad, why did you enter the palace?"

"Celebrate your birthday!" Qin Mo rubbed his head, "Tell me, if you have any wish, dad will definitely satisfy you!"

Tianxin shook his head, "I don't lack anything and I don't want anything!"

Qin Mo touched his chin. It was true that these young men had never been short of supplies.

Without father's love and mother's love, it would be even more impossible.

In terms of ideological classes, he took care of them all.

Make sure you have enough time to accompany them and stay with them every month.

Whether it's studying or playing games, Qin Mo is always by their side.

Every time he leaves the palace, he will ask a few children to come over and accompany him every now and then, so they are not lacking in love.

It can even be said that they all grew up surrounded by love.

(End of this chapter)

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