big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1613 Xiao Qin fools up the tree!

Chapter 1613 Xiao Qin fools up the tree!

Looking at Tianxin, it's like seeing myself when I was young.

Qin Mo nodded, saying that raising children brings a sense of accomplishment, so that's probably it.

In fact, regardless of the fact that Tianxin still has the blood of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in his body, he is his son.

If he succeeds and becomes emperor in the future, that doesn't matter.

He felt that as an emperor, he would be more open-minded and broad-minded than others.

It is easy to make plans but difficult to implement them.

Take Dagan, for example. The ideas are all his, but others can execute them.

The world only knows about Qin Mo's achievements, but what about others?
But it was lost in the crowd.

He didn't want to move because it was troublesome, but he didn't want his children to be like him.

If they were all the same as him, how could he bite his son?
Thinking of this, Qin Mo patted his shoulder and said, "Yes, you are right. We are born to receive more attention than ordinary people. That is because of the bonus of natural responsibility.

But without the halo of royal grandsons, we are just ordinary people.

Don't let down the people's expectations and trust.

When you go to the south to join the army, you must not reveal your identity. You must be mentally prepared for this. "

"Yes, dad, I understand!" Tian Xin said: "I had no intention of exposing my identity in the first place. If they all knew that I was the emperor's grandson, they would definitely let me go, and I would not get any experience."

"Just understand!" Qin Mo nodded and said casually, but what should be known will still be known. Even if ordinary soldiers don't know, those generals will know.

As long as Tianxin works hard, the credit will flow into his hands.

It would be a lie to say that he is not worried, but he himself has been on expeditions and participated in many wars. The number of enemies who died in his hands was not 100 million, but 80.

Therefore, we can only be cruel.

To be kind to your children is to be cruel to yourself!
Qin Mo told himself this in his heart.

"Dad, we brothers have grown up listening to your stories. We may not be able to compare with you, but we will try our best!"

When he was a child, Ah Si only admired his father's ability as a storyteller. When he got older, he realized how powerful and wise his father was.

From the story about the silly son-in-law of Daqian written by Emperor Taizu, to the records of the Ming Dynasty written by his father, and various legendary stories, my father is a mountain that cannot be crossed.

Even reality is more fantasy than fiction.

Take the Japanese people of the Ming Dynasty as an example. They fear their father to the core.

I went to Wozhou in three days. It is said that the sky in Wozhou was bloody during those days.

Therefore, the Japanese people are the most docile people in the Ming Dynasty. When facing the Qin people, they have natural awe.

This kind of reverence extends from the Japanese people to the Gaoli people and then to the Xiyu people.

The majesty of their father alone prevented them from having the slightest dissent.

Just so scary.

"That's a bit difficult, you have to be mentally prepared." Qin Mo said half-jokingly, "Not everyone is as good as your father."

Tian Xin smiled naively, just like Qin Mo.

"One more thing, you and Yuan Jun will get engaged next year and get married!" When Qin Mo said this, he also sighed, fifteen or sixteen years have passed in the blink of an eye.

That lost youth is gone forever.Tianxin suddenly became a little nervous, "Is it too fast?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just listen to what I say!" Qin Mo said.

"Then I will be called Aunt Liu from now on. Am I my mother-in-law or my aunt?" Tian Xin said.

"Of course I call you mother-in-law." Qin Mo didn't react at first, but Tianxin had a bad smile on his face. He was completely confused at that time, "You brat, how dare you make fun of your father!"

Tianxin covered her head, "Yuanjun told me everything."

"Go, go, go." Qin Mo's nose was so angry that he said, "Be careful, I'll make your butt bloom!"

Tian Xin smiled and avoided Qin Mo's feet, "Dad, it's not a bad thing, this is called kiss after kiss!"

"You bastard, stop!" Qin Mo took out his belt and chased after him.

No, after a while, the eunuch in the palace called out, "Great Emperor, come down quickly. The tree is dangerous, so don't fall!"

Under the tree, a dozen eunuchs stood there, serving as human mats.

Qin Mo was so angry, "You little bastard, get down here quickly!"

The way of heaven is so reincarnated. In the past, only Qin Moqi and Lao Qin were responsible. Today, he was finally taught a lesson by his own son.

"I am the little bastard, and you are the big bastard!" Tianxin shouted at the top of his lungs: "Azu, come quickly, my father is going to beat me to death."

This howl could not be heard from far away.

All the women in the East Palace heard the sound and came out.

Seeing Tian Xin climbing up the tree, everyone became anxious.

"Lang Jun, why are you arguing with your child?" Li Yulan scolded Qin Mo, and then said to Tianxin on the tree: "My child, come down quickly!"

Li Yushu also kept criticizing Qin Mo.

Even though they were not enthusiastic about Xiao Yurou, they were the ones who watched Tianxin grow up. Before Xiao Yurou joined them, these aunts were the ones who loved and coaxed her.

It’s no different from my own biological child!
Fang Shuan laughed heartily, "Miaoyun, you have today too!"

Qin Mo said helplessly: "Senior sister, what happened to me?"

"When you were in Qintian Prison, you often climbed trees!" Fang Shun laughed.

Xiao Yurou couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing her standing aside and enjoying herself, Qin Mo couldn't help but said, "Are you as mother-like as you are? Aren't you afraid that he will fall?"

"There are so many people standing below, where can they fall?" Xiao Yurou said with a smile. In this novel about Qin Mo, the most famous one is 'Qin Fool Climbs a Tree', which was personally certified by Emperor Li Yuan Yes, even Qin Xiangru has said this in public several times.

"Besides, this is called the same lineage. You, the fool of the great Qin Dynasty, are allowed to climb the tree, but the fool of the little Qin Dynasty is not allowed to climb the tree?"

"If you don't learn from good people, you will be bad at learning!" Qin Mo looked embarrassed. He used to feel quite proud, but now he can't. He is getting older and can't bear to look at all the various tricks he did in the past!
At this time, Qin Xiangru came, and Gao Shilian was chasing after him, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please run slower and watch the road."

Hearing this voice, Qin Mo looked over and saw Qin Xiangru holding his belt in his hand and running over in a hurry, shouting: "Grandson, Azu is here, this bastard bullies him every day. My eldest grandson’s skin is itchy!”

Qin Mo secretly yelled, "Dad, if you have something to say, please tell me, it's this boy."

"What the hell, my eldest grandson is so well-behaved. You must be angry in your heart and deliberately vent your anger on my eldest grandson!" Qin Xiangru rushed to Qin Mo, picked up his belt and started beating him.

Qin Mo smiled bitterly and wanted to run away, but he thought that Lao Qin was getting old and it would be terrible if he ran away for good.

So Shengsheng held back, stood there, and let Lao Qin beat him!
(End of this chapter)

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