big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1614 Because I can’t catch up with your father!

Chapter 1614 Because I can’t catch up with your father!

Lao Qin twitched twice, but not very hard. He stared at Qin Mo and gasped, "Why don't you run?"

Qin Mo said: "If I run away, you can't catch me!"

"Idiot, anyone who doesn't run away after being beaten is an idiot!" Lao Qin didn't appreciate it at all and instead ridiculed Qin Mo. Then he walked under the tree and loudly said to all the grandchildren: "You are quite good. Don't be like your father and get beaten." I'm about to run away. Look at how smart your big brother is. If you can't run away, you'll climb a tree.

Anyone who refuses to run after being beaten is a fool, do you understand? "

"Understood!" The children laughed.

Li Yulan and others also covered their mouths and laughed.

Qin Mo looked helpless. What did he say when he ran away before?

If you run again, break your own legs.

This distinction is too obvious.

"Dasun, come down quickly. With Azu here, your bastard father doesn't dare to do anything to you!" Qin Xiangru said.

Tianxin did not stay on the tree anymore and hurriedly got down from the tree, "Thank you, Azu!"

"Then the bastard didn't hit you, did he?"

"No, I run fast and my father can't catch up with me!" Tian Xin said.

"Let's go with Azu!" Qin Xiangru held Tian Xin's hand and scolded Qin Mo a few more times before letting everyone disperse. After all, it was not good for the children to watch me being scolded.

"Azu, why doesn't my father run away?" Tianxin asked.

Qin Xiangru smiled, "Because I can't catch up with your father!"

Tianxin was stunned. In his impression, when he was very young, Azu was jumping up and down chasing his father, but now his father stopped running and instead stood there, begging for mercy while letting Azu beat him.

It wasn't until Azu said this that he understood why his father didn't run away.

Although Azu is in good health, he is getting old, and his originally straight back is no longer straight. Now Chunchun is just a kind little old man, not as burly as he was.

But my mother said that Azu was the undefeated God of War in Daqian and Prince Liu, and he had never been defeated in a battle in his life.

"Then when my father gets old, I will stand and let him beat me!" Tian Xin said.

"Yes, your father may seem out of character, but his behavior is worth learning from, just don't imitate his playfulness, you know?
But, Azu never paid much attention to him since he was a child. He used to just let him go.

When he was your age, he was the most invincible player in the capital and was very naughty.

Your father was pitiful when he was a child. Your grandmother died early and was not cared for by your mother. Azu often led troops outside and could not control him.

But although your father is naive, he is very filial. "

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but laugh when he thought of Qin Mo standing and being beaten by him just now.

"Azu owes him. Your father's achievements today are mostly due to your father's own efforts." Qin Xiangru said.

Behind him, Gao Shilian listened to Qin Xiangru's words from a distance and sighed in his heart, "You can always believe in this child's filial piety and kindness."

Tianxin nodded, and she admired her father very much in her heart, "By the way, Azu, my father wants me to go down there next year. I want to join the army in the south!"

Qin Xiangru frowned, "What do you think?"

"Go and show your brother how to behave. Don't bring shame on our old Qin family!" Tian Xin said.

Qin Xiangru said with a smile: "A good boy, ambitious, like your Azu, joining the army is the most difficult thing to do. If you want to go, you can go, Azu has no objection!"

Tianxin thought Azu would object, but he didn't expect him to agree so happily. He said happily: "Thank you Azu!"

"Thank you for what I have done. It is impossible for a man of my Qin family to grow up in the palace and hang out among women." Qin Xiangru said: "Your father is very lazy, otherwise, your ancestor and I would have retired a long time ago. So you children , Do you know that you want to carry the Ming Dynasty?"

"Don't worry, Azu, I will definitely work hard!"

"You can teach me!" Qin Xiangru nodded. He loved this eldest grandson very much. Of course, he also loved Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er.

He wanted to give Qin Mo's shame to these grandchildren without any reservation.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the first eight years of the new year.

Qin Mo is 35 years old.Although 35 years old is almost the peak of a man's life, after this age, he is almost in decline.

He pays more attention to health.

I have decided to slow down the update of the Ming Dynasty Record this year, and at the same time, I will take three days off and one day off to give myself sufficient rest time.

Anyway, the children are getting older, and when Lao Qin can no longer do anything, he will ascend the throne, and then he will learn from Lao Liu and give in, becoming the Supreme Emperor and not caring about anything.

Just be a mascot and take my wives on trips every day to express condolences to the people below. It’s exciting just thinking about it!

"No matter what this year, we must implement it. We must not plunge into the deep pit of work!" Qin Mo said to himself.

On the huge bed, Qin Mo climbed out of his arms and legs. The family meeting last night gave him a backache.

Xiao Ba handed over a bowl of ginseng and black chicken soup to help Qin Mo strengthen his roots and improve his health.

The palace was as warm as spring, so Qin Mo was shirtless and boxing in the side hall.

After a set of health-preserving punches was finished, the ladies also got up.

The bedroom became lively again, everyone looked at each other in the mirror and chattered, making Qin Mo want to escape.

Before he even left the palace, he was pulled over by the ladies to comment on whose makeup looked better.

Or let Qin Mo choose clothes.

In the dormitory, there are several rows of huge wardrobes, all of which are clothes for these women.

Inside are the latest clothes of each season.

Qin Mo was dazzled. After selecting these women, Qin Mo had an impromptu catwalk.

In the past, Qin Mo had to coax them before they agreed.

There is no need for Qin Mo to say anything now.

Qin Mo felt that if he continued like this, his health would be in vain, but he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

He must be asked to select the best one today.

This is where the fight started.

Qin Mo was in pain and happy.

After the girls were all dressed up, Qin Mo was escorted to Kunning Palace to pay their respects to Lao Qin and Qin Xiuying.

On New Year’s Day, this is essential.

On the side, Qin Shuangshuang was also dressed very beautifully. However, at the end of last year, Daqian sent someone over to implore Qin Shuangshuang to go to Daming.

It gave Daming enough face.

It was scheduled to be the second month for Qin Shuangshuang to have hairpins, but it was now the Lantern Festival in advance.

In other words, after this Lantern Festival, Qin Shuangshuang will go to Daqian.

It will be difficult to go home in the future.

16-year-old Qin Shuangshuang inherited Qin Xiuying's beauty and also inherited Qin Xiuying's fierceness.

But at this moment, she looked reluctant.

"Okay, everyone, get up!" Qin Xiangru took out the red envelope and distributed it to each daughter-in-law, as well as the grandchildren.

Just happy.

Looking at the crowd of people, he was satisfied.

The population is prosperous, and even when they die, their ancestors will be able to see their ancestors in public.

"Shuangshuang, this is your lucky money!" Qin Mo took out the red envelope and felt unhappy. In the future, he thought it would not be so easy to give him lucky money.

Looking at Qin Mo, Qin Shuangshuang burst into tears instantly, "Thank you, brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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