big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1615 Hairpin!

Chapter 1615 Hairpin!

On the Lantern Festival, Qin Shuangshuang had hairpins, and there were many visitors.

Originally, the age of hairpin was 15 years old, but the Ming Dynasty postponed the age of hairpin to 16 years old.

Adulting too early, getting married and having children are not good for your health.

Today, the whole Qin family is accompanying Qin Shuangshuang.

Hosts, guests, compliments, etc. are all women.

Qin Shuangshuang looked particularly beautiful in bright red palace clothes.

Outside, a red carpet has been rolled out.

It stretches from the Forbidden City to the harbor.

On this day, the people of Xijing City spontaneously took to the streets to see each other off.

Everyone knows that His Majesty's legitimate daughter and only daughter will go to Daqian to benefit the people of the two countries.

Qin Xiuying gently combed her daughter's hair with a comb, "Comb it from top to bottom, and you will live a long and healthy life. Comb it from top to bottom, and you will be happy and happy."

Comb from left to right, you will have more children and more blessings.

Today, if you have a hairpin, you are an adult.

Be humble, be self-loving, be brave, be kind.

In the future, if your mother is not around, you should take good care of yourself.

Always reflect on yourself and don't be arrogant.

As the mother of a country, she should treat the world with respect, always remember her own identity, and never be arrogant due to favors. "

Qin Shuang's eyes turned red, "My daughter will definitely remember this!"

"Mom has nothing to give you. It's just you all these years. Now that you're gone, your mother's heart has been hollowed out!" Qin Xiuying covered her mouth and couldn't stop crying.

"Mom!" Qin Shuangshuang turned around and hugged her mother tightly.

Before she can repay the kindness of childbearing and nurturing, she has to cross the ocean to become another man's wife and bear children for others. It is really unfilial!

Li Yulan and others were extremely reluctant to leave, and all of them had red eyes.

Qin Xiuying suppressed the reluctance in her heart and combed her daughter's hair. This was probably the last time she would comb her daughter's hair in her life. "In the future, your husband will stroke your eyebrows and comb your hair. My daughter's hair is so beautiful." It’s long and smooth, so that kid is better!”

"Mom, I won't leave, I can't bear to leave you!" Qin Shuangshuang cried so hard that she felt that she was too unfilial.

Ah Si's two letters swayed her heart away.

Is A Si not as important as his family?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Your eldest brother couldn't bear to let you go and kept you for more than a year. Now outside, Daqian and those people are waiting, giving us enough face.

If you don't go, they will say that we don't keep our word.

I don’t think that boy A Si would dare to treat you badly.

If he treats you badly, your elder brother will deal with him! Qin Xiuying wiped the tears from her daughter's face and said, "Today is your hair extension ceremony. You have to leave the palace beautifully and gracefully."

You are the eldest princess of my Ming Dynasty, and you represent my Ming Dynasty. How can you act like a little daughter?
You choose the path yourself, and you choose the people yourself.

Your mother has no education and doesn't understand any big principles.

But I also know that if you do good deeds, don’t worry about your future! "

She kissed Qin Shuangshuang's forehead and said, "Okay, let your sisters-in-law talk to you!"

Qin Xiuying wiped her tears, quickly walked aside, and secretly wiped her tears in a corner where others could not see.

Li Yulan stepped forward and said, "Don't be afraid, my sister-in-law is here and will accompany you. No one will dare to bully you when you go to work!"

"That boy A Si dares to bully you, I won't be the first to spare him!" Li Yushu stood up!
Li Lizhen also said: "We are here, don't worry!" Xiaojiu also held her hand, "If you get homesick in the future, we will go pick you up!"

"Thank you, sister-in-law!" Qin Shuangshuang couldn't help but thank her.

Immediately, Chai Sitian and others also came to send blessings. They were not qualified to go to Daqian, so they could only silently bless her.

Outside, Qin Xiangru was also feeling very uncomfortable. On this big day, all the civil and military officials had arrived.

But Qin Xiangru was huddled in the study, seeing no one. He dug out the red wine he had buried when he gave birth to his daughter, and poured himself a glass. The mellow wine had no taste at all in his mouth.

"Your Majesty, won't you go?"

"As long as you have fools." Qin Xiangru waved his hands, his eyes were red, he couldn't bear to see his daughter leave.

"Then you won't go see her off, princess?"

"Last night, I held her and talked for half a night. I also explained what needed to be explained. I didn't say anything anymore. I talked too much. She thought I was a long-winded father!" Qin Xiangru said.

Gao Shilian sighed quietly, saying that the Qin family father and son were the most humane people he had ever met in his life.

Even if I become the emperor, I will still be like this.

So if the father and son of the Qin family are not emperors, who should be the emperor?
Just then, Xiaoba came, "Your Majesty, the prince wants you to go over and take a family photo!"

"Why are you taking a family photo again? Haven't you already done it a long time ago?" Qin Xiangru was a little reluctant.

"They said the family portrait was different this time. They also said that if you don't go there, you won't have a chance to take it again!" Xiao Ba said.

"Your Majesty, go ahead. If you don't show up on the princess's wedding day, she will be very sad!" Gao Shilian said.

"Okay, okay, I'm so annoyed!" Qin Xiangru said pretending to be impatient.

After leaving the imperial study, Qin Xiangru went straight to Qin Shuangshuang's side.

"Dad, you're crying!" Qin Mo teased Qin Xiangru when he saw him.

"Fart, I'm walking too fast, I'm blinded by the wind and sand!" Qin Xiangru snorted, "Where are Shuangshuang?"

"The ceremony is still going on inside. Let's take more photos later. If you don't want to send her out of the palace, then I will do it!" Qin Mo handed Qin Xiangru a cigarette.

Qin Xiangru held a cigarette and nodded silently. Both father and son were in a bad mood.

Since ancient times, there has been no joy in marrying a girl.

As the ceremony was completed, Qin Shuangshuang, dressed in a bright red palace dress, walked out. Looking at her father and brother standing over there, she endured the discomfort and walked over, "Dad, eldest brother!"

"Beautiful!" Qin Mo quickly threw away the cigarette in his hand, and then said happily: "My sister is beautiful. If she goes to Dagan, won't she charm that little bastard Ah Si to death?"

Qin Shuangshuang was a little shy, "How can it be so good!"

"She is so good, my daughter is the most beautiful woman in the world!" Qin Xiangru said proudly: "Who dares to say that my daughter is not good, beat him to death!"

"My mother said I'm ugly and not half as beautiful as she is!"

"This" Qin Xiangru smiled awkwardly, "your mother doesn't count, I'm talking about other people!"

After the words fell, the three of them were speechless.

It was Qin Mo who said: "Come, take a family photo. Everyone must laugh and no one is allowed to cry. If anyone wants to cry, don't take the photo!"

He invited everyone over and took many family photos.

Then he asked Lao Qin and Qin Shuangshuang to take many photos together.

At this moment, officials from Honglu Temple came over and said, "Your Majesty, the auspicious time has passed. The envoys of Daqian have urged you many times."

"Fuck your mother, I said when is auspicious time, when is auspicious time." Qin Xiangru scolded: "If they are willing to wait, then wait, if not, then get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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