big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1616 Wedding!

Chapter 1616 Wedding!

With Qin Xiangru's status, he rarely uses foul language.

The official of Nahonglu Temple was sweating on his forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye, "Yes, I understand."

Qin Mo glanced at the father and daughter who were reluctant to separate, and thought to himself, if we keep talking like this, it will get dark.

Differences are always inevitable.

He walked to Lao Qin and said, "Come on, I'll carry you both out of the palace."

When the younger sister gets married, the older brother carries the burden. This is tradition.

Qin Mo turned his back to Qin Shuangshuang, "Come up, sister!"

Qin Shuangshuang looked at Qin Mo and got on his back obediently. She remembered that when she was a child, he liked to pester Qin Mo and let Qin Mo carry him.

Even though there were many children at home at that time, Qin Mo still liked to hold her the most.

"Brother's back is as broad and solid as before!" Qin Shuangshuang said, hooking Qin Mo's shoulders.

"That's right, although your eldest brother's shoulders are not broad, they are enough to hold up the sky for you!" Qin Mo stood up and walked out with Qin Shuangshuang on his back.

The ceremonial officer on the side shouted: "Princess comes out of the palace to play music!"

Accompanied by ritual music, Qin Mo walked out step by step, but his speed was not fast. Along the way, he was still telling Qin Shuangshuang about embarrassing things in her childhood.

Qin Shuangshuang cried and laughed.

"Brother, I'm not at home, so my father and mother will leave it to you!" Qin Shuangshuang said.

"Hey, okay!" Qin Mo nodded.

When we walked out of the Meridian Gate, cars were already waiting there, and countless people looked over.

"Congratulations to Your Highness Princess Daming!" Someone shouted, followed by everyone taking off their hats and shouting.

The sound continued outward.

The envoys from Daqian who came to greet him also breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that something might happen temporarily.

Fortunately, everything went well. Although the auspicious time was delayed, the auspicious time was nothing. Isn't the auspicious time decided by others?

Qin Xiangru and Qin Xiuying boarded the Meridian Gate and felt uncomfortable watching their daughter get on the bus.

"Brother, my daughter is gone!" Qin Xiuying cried.

Qin Xiangru took her into his arms and said, "Daughters will always get married when they grow up."

The children at home didn't want to leave her, and they cried when they saw their aunt getting married.

Qin Shuangshuang is very good to children, especially those who are similar to Qin Shuangshuang.

"Auntie, if you are bullied, remember to write a letter back!" Tianxin said, holding back her discomfort.

Brother Feng said to Huo Lin'er, "If A Si wants to treat you badly, we two brothers will kill him!"

Niu Daozi clenched his fists and said, "Knock him out with one punch!"

"Go back!" Qin Shuangshuang said, "Take good care of your younger brothers and sisters!"

"Don't worry, aunt!" Several people nodded.

Qin Mo got in the car, closed the door, and the motorcade drove slowly, very slowly.

Countless people shouted: "Your Highness, we will always be your strong backing!"

These words made Qin Shuangshuang burst into tears again.

The four of them, Li Yulan, were sitting in the car at the back. They were also a little excited. After being abroad for so long, they could return to their parents' home.

Originally, they planned to take a few children back with them, but in the end they were rejected.

The courtiers disagreed.

Although the four of them were sorry, Li Yulan was very satisfied to be able to leave as the crown princess.

After carrying Qin Shuangshuang on board in person, he reluctantly came down, exchanged a few words with Li Yulan and others, and then watched the fleet leave amid the sound of salutes.

He wiped his tears and looked at everyone, "Go back!" Qin Shuangshuang's marriage also opened up decades of peace between the two countries, which was cited as a good story by later generations. Like Princess Jing'an of Daqian, she was Respected by the world.

Of course, these are things to follow.

After Li Yulan and others passed by, Qin Mo still had to stabilize the East Palace to prevent those ladies from acting recklessly.

Without the suppression of Li Yulan and others, even Soga Sachiko became unrestrained.

However, Qin Mo was in a low mood and had no time to accompany them to the meeting, so he asked them to carry a treasure box for themselves.

This time, as Qin Shuangshuang went abroad, a large number of businessmen also went to sea, and the people were prosperous.

And the soft power competition between countries has also begun.

On the sea, the ship traveled for more than ten days.

On the deck, five women sat in a row fishing.

Li Yulan and the others were in a good mood, and the journey home, no matter how far it was, was worth it.

"Don't be afraid. In fact, this kind of thing will feel a little uncomfortable at first, and you will gradually get used to it, and then you will feel comfortable!" Li Yushu said.

Qin Shuangshuang was unsure, "Really?"

"How can it be fake?" Li Yushu said, "If you don't believe me, ask your [-]th sister-in-law. He used to be most afraid of pain, but now he pesters your brother every day. Even I can't compare with that energy!"

"Seventh sister, how could I!" Xiaojiu quit, saying that she was addicted, "It's obvious that my brother-in-law likes me!

I can't help Shuangshuang with this matter, so I'd better ask Sixth Sister. Sixth Sister is doted on by her brother-in-law the most. Every time, she secretly gives Sister Liu a small hand, saying that she wants to secretly make movies with Sixth Sister and act in them. What! "

Li Lizhen blushed, "Damn girl, are you telling anyone about this?"

"Tell me, what kind of scene did your brother-in-law ask you to film?" Xiaojiu said with a wicked smile.

"No, there's no drama!" Li Lizhen dared to say that. Qin Mo took her to film a lot of scenes, which would make people die of embarrassment. "You, ask the third sister, the third sister also participated!"

"Third Sister!" Xiaojiu looked at Li Yulan.

Li Yulan was the eldest lady in the family after all, so she was very calm, "It's more interesting than holding a conference anyway. Your sixth sister said no, but she was more honest than anyone else. Last time she asked me when your brother-in-law would be filming again!"

"Third Sister!!!" Li Lizhen was so shy that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in!

Li Yushu snorted: "I don't even want to take pictures!"

Seeing the four girls bickering, Qin Shuangshuang really felt less nervous. Seeing the expectant looks on their faces, she couldn't help but think: "Is it really good?"

Soon, the fleet arrived at Gaozhou City.

Along the way, thanks to the company of Li Yulan and others, Qin Shuangshuang minimized his inner uneasiness and tension.

All the officials in Gaozhou City came to greet him, and Qin Shuangshuang entered the city on a red carpet.

The people in the whole city were moved by the news and became very lively.

The special train has been prepared a long time ago, and there are people guarding the railways along the way at all times for fear of someone causing trouble.

This shows how much Daqian attaches great importance to this marriage.

Jingcheng received the news on the fourth day.

After the news reached the palace, Ah Si was extremely excited, "Great, we are finally here!"

The person he thought about day and night had finally arrived.

"Shuangshuang, no, how long does it take for the queen to arrive in the capital?"

"Four days at most!"

"Okay, the whole city is on alert. These days, the capital will be severely punished. I don't allow any problems. If there are any problems, you can bring them up to see me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The 16-year-old Ah Si has gradually outgrown his immaturity. After six years as emperor, he is already considered a qualified emperor.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and gradually became calmer. He took out Qin Shuangshuang's photo and said with a smile, "Finally, you are mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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