big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1617: Thank you, empress!

Chapter 1617: Thank you, empress!

"Finally here!" Li Shilong breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the news. However, he could not leave the palace today. He could only lie in the Nuan Pavilion and rely on oxygen bottles to relieve the pain. Zan Ying's medical skills were very good, although he could not cure his disease. problem, but it did not continue to worsen the condition.

At the very least, he can eat, drink and sleep now. If so, he should be able to survive until he is 60, right?

Li Shilong thought so.

Empress Dowager Gongsun also sat aside, "I hope nothing will happen again this time."

"The girls are back, why don't you go and take a look?" Li Shilong asked.

"I will guard you, and they will come when the time comes." The Empress Dowager Gongsun looked at her husband. She was over 50 years old. Although she looked graceful and luxurious, her skin was sagging and she was no longer what she was before.

Her health is getting worse day by day. She was not in good health before, and the incident between Li Xin and Li Zhi made her sad.

Although he listened to Qin Mo's advice and raised him for these years, people can't withstand the years.

The couple has been together for many years and has a tacit understanding for a long time.

Li Shilong smiled and didn't say much. He just said: "We have finally transformed from young boys and girls into old men and old ladies!"

"Isn't that right? Looking back on the front half, it was really too fast and too short, as if everything happened yesterday.

However, I can no longer jump or run.

Now that the children have grown up, and A Si is finally going to be a queen, I don’t care anymore, I will stay with you from now on.

Erlang, don't bother me! "Empress Dowager Gongsun said.

"After Ah Si gets married this time, we will go to Qinzhuang, live in the house built by our father, and give the palace to them!" Li Shilong said, "I can finally let go."

"It should have been like this a long time ago!" Empress Dowager Gongsun smiled. She was not greedy for life in the palace. Ah Si was also in power, and there was no one who could threaten Ah Si.

Moreover, Ah Si also has an heir, and his position is very stable.

Parents can't help you for a lifetime.

"If we continue to stay in the palace, the children will find us nagging!"

"Isn't that right? Only now do I understand why my father was unwilling to stay in the palace. At that time, I thought that in the palace there were well-dressed people and beautiful women accompanying them, so why did my father go out with that bitch every day?

I would rather rest in the Duke of Qin's mansion than return to the palace.

Look now, you don’t want to see me! "Li Shilong sighed, "My father was probably very annoyed with me at that time. "

"Then you won't be annoying anymore!" Empress Dowager Gongsun said with a smile.

"I want to plant some more fruit trees outside my father's orchard, and then some vegetables, and you can plant some flowers and plants.

Later, when they are mature, they will be brought to the palace and the children will have enough to eat. "Li Shilong hadn't even left the palace yet, but he had already begun to think about it.

"Okay, I can also make wine. Then I will make more fruit wine, and the rest will be used for canning."

The couple thought about their future life outside the palace, but they couldn't help but feel bored in the palace.

Staying in one place for a long time will always make you feel bored.

Li Shilong suddenly felt that being an emperor was meaningless.

He even thought about leaving the palace today, but thinking about Qin Shuangshuang and others arriving in the capital today, he couldn't let people go to Qinzhuang to give him a gift, right?
At this moment, the big dog came over, "The Emperor, Princess and the others have arrived in the capital!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a noise outside, which was the sound of fireworks exploding and a gun salute.

Li Shilong nodded, "It should be lively outside, right?"

"People from all over the city came to welcome the princesses back to the capital. It was ten times more lively than the Chinese New Year!" the big dog said with a smile.

"Okay." Li Shilong squinted his eyes and was in a good mood.

At this time, in the capital.

The steam locomotive pulling Li Yulan and Qin Shuangshuang started slowly.

Countless people stood on both sides.

But they are all far apart.

Ah Si mobilized the imperial troops to stand guard all the way, just because he was afraid that something would go wrong.After all, that madman is still alive. Since he is still alive, he might cause trouble on this big day.

Once it gets too big, the consequences will be disastrous.

Li Xin was also very nervous and highly concentrated, but when he thought that the steam locomotive was reinforced, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, you seem to be very nervous!" Li Yushu said.

"Are you nervous?" Li Xingqian laughed, "I'm happy. I haven't seen you for a long time. It's nice to see you all. I'm so happy!"

"Really?" Li Yushu was a little confused. The sweat on Li Xin's forehead didn't look like he was happy at all.

However, although the two are siblings and had a good relationship in the past, the things that happened before have also created a gap between them, and it is impossible to return to the way they were before.

It's just that the two of them won't be enemies.

Li Yulan's attitude towards Li Xin has always been neither enthusiastic nor cold. After all, it was true that Li Xin wanted to kill Qin Mo before.

She wouldn't come up to chat.

"The Emperor will definitely be happy when you come back this time." Li Xin changed the subject, "Stay at home for a while and spend time with the Emperor!"

"Father, are you okay?" Xiaojiu asked.

"It's an old problem, but thanks to the oxygen bottle Jingyun sent, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to endure this kind of season." Li Xindao.

While the brothers and sisters were chatting, Qin Shuangshuang was sitting alone in a car at the front. There were six cars surrounding her, protecting her inside.

The scene was indeed grand.

Fortunately, not long after, they arrived in front of Chengtian Gate, where A Si had been waiting for a long time.

Ah Si is wearing a brand new dragon robe today and a crown of emperor, looking very majestic.

Seeing the motorcade stop, everyone around them fell silent.

Xue Gui, the naval commander who was transferred back to the capital, shouted loudly: "Quiet, Queen, get out of the car!"

Li Yongmeng hurried over and opened the car door.

Li Xin then shouted, "Princess Yonghe, Princess Jingyang, Princess Lingxiu, Princess Nanyang get off the train!"

The person who opened the car door was Gongsun Wuji.

"Welcome home, princesses!" Gongsun Wuji said.

"Thank you, uncle!" the fourth daughter said.

The four girls got out of the car and hurriedly walked to Qin Shuangshuang.

Qin Shuangshuang was wearing a bright red palace dress and it was very difficult to walk. He had to be supported by two people.

Li Yulan and Li Yushu supported her on the left and right, while Li Lizhen and Xiaojiu helped pull up the skirt.

Qin Shuangshuang wore the Ming Dynasty's unique phoenix crown and Xiapei, which was indescribably gorgeous.

At that moment, salutes were fired.

"Kneel down!" Xue Gui shouted loudly.

Everyone knelt down one after another: "See you, the Queen, and welcome the Queen back to the capital!"

At that moment, this title gave Qin Shuangshuang a sense of responsibility and belonging.

She looked at the man in front of the two huge statues not far away.

I was very nervous.

"Ping, Ping, no courtesy!" Qin Shuangshuang said.

Then, Xue Gui said loudly: "Your Majesty is kind, please excuse me!"

"Thank you, Queen!" At that moment, everyone thanked her one after another!

(End of this chapter)

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