big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1618 I won’t let him help me even if I die!

Chapter 1618 I won’t let him help me even if I die!
The four princesses escorted Qin Shuangshuang slowly forward.

Ah Si’s palms were also sweaty.

Seeing the person he had been dreaming about gradually walking towards him, he was also very nervous.

He couldn't wait any longer and walked over anxiously. The ceremony officer beside him was stunned, and then waved his hand, "Quick, catch up with His Majesty!"

When he walked up to Qin Shuangshuang, Ah Si had a thousand words to say, but in the end they all turned into one sentence, "I've finally waited for you!"

Qin Shuangshuang looked at Ah Si with affection in her eyes. They grew up together and were childhood sweethearts.

Although we haven't seen each other for many years, the affection between them has become stronger and stronger.

She pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You fool, what are you looking at me for? It's not like you haven't seen it before!"

Ah Si smiled sheepishly and came to his senses. Qin Shuangshuang was smart and cute when he was a child.

He didn't expect that when he grew up, he would be so beautiful, which directly compared with his concubines.

No, he's not even worthy of carrying Qin Shuangshuang's shoes.

He took a deep breath and hurriedly raised his hands to salute Li Yulan and others, "Third Sister, Sixth Sister, Seventh Sister, Nineteenth Sister, welcome home!"

The four girls also hurriedly returned the courtesy, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Hurry, hurry up and forgive me!" Ah Si raised his hand.

The four girls looked a little at a loss, and Ah Si, who was looking at Qin Shuangshuang's silly joy, also started laughing.

Li Yushu gave up her position and said, "Why don't you lead your bride into the palace soon?"

Ah Si took a deep breath and walked over, "Shuangshuang, I, can I hold you?"

Qin Shuangshuang was angry and funny, and finally snorted, "It's up to you!"

"What are you still doing? Hold on!" Li Yulan urged.

Ah Si laughed embarrassedly, remembering that when he was a child, he was always beaten by Qin Shuangshuang. Although she was always beaten by her, he felt very comfortable. In this world, apart from his parents, only Qin Shuangshuang was qualified to beat him.

Oh, and her brother!

The reason why he didn't dare to hold hands was because he subconsciously felt that Qin Shuangshuang would beat him.

Seeing Qin Shuangshuang's blushing face, wanting to look at him but not daring to look at him, he plucked up the courage to hold his tender, boneless hand.

At that moment, both young men blushed and their hearts beat fast.

Ah Si was no longer a novice, but when facing Qin Shuangshuang, he always felt that he was shorter.

"Maybe this is the taste of first love!" Ah Si thought.

The two walked slowly towards the palace, with the four girls following behind.

Today, Qin Shuangshuang and his wife are getting married. There is no such complicated process, but there are lanterns and festoons inside and outside the palace, which is extremely lively.

Outside the palace, thousands of tables of running water mats were set up for three days.

In the palace, all the civil and military officials were also beaming with joy.

After worshiping their ancestors in the Ancestral Temple, the two went to Nuange to meet Li Shilong and Empress Dowager Gongsun.

"My son, I would like to thank my father, the emperor, and my mother for your kindness in raising me!" Ah Si knelt on the ground sincerely.

"My son, thank you, father, queen and queen!" Qin Shuangshuang also knelt on the ground.

Li Shilong looked at Qin Shuangshuang with indescribable satisfaction. At first glance, this child was blessed and suitable to be the queen of Daqian.

Queen Gongsun was also happy and wiped away tears, "Okay, great. You and your wife will join hands in the future to advance and retreat together."

"Yes, my son must remember his mother's teachings!"

Because Li Shilong was unwell, the two did not stay too much.

After the ceremony was completed, Qin Shuangshuang went to the Li Zheng Hall first.

The Lishengden Hall has been vacated and renovated.Because it was still early and it was not yet dark, Ah Si was in Tai Chi Palace to receive congratulations from hundreds of officials.

As for Li Yulan's four daughters, they knelt in front of Li Shilong and his wife.

"Father, mother, and unfilial daughter are back!" Li Yulan cried.

Several people couldn't stop crying. After not seeing each other for several years, my father had aged like this, but he still looked tall and majestic as before.

The women all knelt at Li Shilong's feet, extremely sad.

Li Shilong's eyes turned red when he looked at the children he hadn't seen for many years. As he gets older, he cares more about family ties.

All the imperial power, wealth, and eternal hegemony are all in the past.

Only family love lasts forever.

"Just come back!" Li Shilong gently stroked each daughter's head, "Get up, get up and talk!"

Empress Dowager Gongsun was also happy. Li Yushu and Xiaojiu rushed over and hugged her, "Empress Mother, we are back!"

Li Yushu is her biological child. Although Xiaojiu is not her biological child, he is also the last child she brought up, and the relationship is deep.

"It's good to come back. Queen Mother thought she would never see you again in this life!" Queen Mother Gongsun also cried loudly.

In the Nuan Pavilion, the crying never stopped, and it gradually stopped after a full two-quarters of an hour.

The couple also held their daughters' hands and asked questions and asked about their welfare. They were also sorry to learn that the children did not come back.

However, they were satisfied to see a few of them.

"That bitch, was he nice to you? He didn't look down on you or yell at you, right?" Li Shilong asked.

"No, Mr. Lang is very good to us. He is never willing to show mercy to us, let alone yell at us!" Li Yulan said.

"The third sister is right, my brother-in-law can't even hurt us in time, so how can he hurt us!" Xiaojiu also agreed.

Li Shilong sighed, "That's good, but that bitch didn't say you would come back and see me?"

"He wanted to come back, but the officials of the Ming Dynasty didn't allow it." Li Yushu explained: "Even the children were not allowed to come back."

"Hmph, can I still eat them?" Li Shilong smiled disdainfully.

"Lang Jun said that when the relationship between the two countries further develops in the future, he will come back to see you!" Li Lizhen said.

"Can I wait until that time?" Li Shilong said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to come back even if I die!"

"Father, you will definitely live a long life!" Li Yushu said: "In fact, he always thinks about you, and he even told us, let us explain to you, don't hate him.

He is also involuntary.

Just like before, he didn't understand you at the beginning, but he can understand it now! "

Wherever you sit, you will have your opinion.

Li Shilong heard this and hummed: "Let that bitch come and tell me in person that he abducted my daughter, abducted the real minister, and started a war with me. Does he still have my father-in-law in his eyes?"
Does he still see my cultivation for him?

Does he still think that I am good to him?
Bastard, white-eyed wolf, I'm blind! "

Even though he scolded him fiercely, he was actually very disappointed. Qin Mo didn't come back, so he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

It's like the child who scolds the most is often the one who gets the most attention in the family and is the most loved by his parents.

The same is true for Qin Mo.

"Don't come back. It's best not to come back for the rest of your life. If you die outside, I don't want him to see you.

When you go back, tell that bitch that after I die, I don’t want him to support my soul or worship me. "Li Shilong looked angry, but in fact, the girls could hear the grievance in his tone!

That stubborn look looks so much like the old man who had a falling out with Qin Mo back then!

(End of this chapter)

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