big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1619 Li Shilong’s Awakening

Chapter 1619 Li Shilong’s Awakening
"Father, don't get angry with him." Li Yulan said: "He has always been thinking about you for so many years.

He will remember all the good things you did to him.

Otherwise, how could we be allowed to come back to visit relatives this time?
This is all done by him.

Just like Aunt Jing'an, she has been to Nanfan for many years, but has she ever come back to visit?
He said that if he wanted to come back in the future, he would come back every now and then. "

"Yes, Father, the stinky thing can't help himself. My daughter knows that you hate him for leaving Daqian and hating him for going against Daqian.

But there was nothing he could do. "Li Yushu defended her husband: "You also know that Lao Ba is determined to kill him, and his heart is frozen.

At that time, he had lost hope in Daqian. "

"What do you mean, he can't have a good chat with me because he can't help himself?" Li Shilong said angrily: "My most trusted prince-in-law actually betrayed me and slapped me in the face.

Sometimes when I think about it, I feel like I am a joke.

Is he disappointed in losing confidence in Da Gan?

I am still disappointed in him!
They are all excuses, they are all excuses. If he wants to come back to see me, he will certainly find a way.

Can those people still control him?

Who is Qin Mo? He is a master who is not afraid of anything!

You bastard, you bastard, you won’t let my eldest grandson come back to see me.

They say I am petty every day, but I think he is more petty than anyone else! "

"Father, there are some things that he cannot go against the officials!" Li Lizhen said.

"I don't want to hear it. Anyway, just say this when you go back. From now on, I will sever all ties with him.

I don’t want this son-in-law anymore.

Even if you die, you don’t want him to support you!

never mind.

When you return to China this time, don’t go out, just stay at home peacefully! "Li Shilong said.

The four girls were dumbfounded. Although they knew that what their father said was angry, seeing his angry and aggrieved look made them feel a little distressed.

Empress Dowager Gongsun said: "Okay, the girls have finally come back. Why are you saying these angry words? It's okay if you don't recognize your son-in-law, but don't you also recognize your girls?"

Li Shilong curled his lips, "My daughter, I want to admit it, but my son-in-law doesn't!"

"Aren't you making things difficult for the children?" Empress Dowager Gongsun said helplessly.

Li Shilong said: "Who is making things difficult for whom? That bitch made a big deal for me back then, saying he would make me sweat that day."

"Then you are not the Khan of Heaven now?" Queen Mother Gongsun asked.

"Yes, but I, the Khan of Heaven, have been trampled under his feet!"

"Who's to blame?"

"Blame." Li Shilong was speechless, and finally said shamelessly: "It's his own fault!"

"Okay, ignore your father. He just didn't see Jingyun and he felt unhappy. If Jingyun appeared in front of him now, he would definitely be happier than anyone else!" Empress Dowager Gongsun said.

"You are talking nonsense, will I be happy? If that bastard appears in front of me, I will have to beat him to death!" Li Shilong blew his beard and glared.

"Yes, yes, everything the Emperor Tian Khan says is the truth. Little girl, I just want to reminisce about the past with my daughters, and I don't want to pay attention to the grudges.

You are already an old man, how many more years do you have left to live? "The Empress Dowager Gongsun snorted, "I have always said that I would imitate my father, but I think you are not half as open-minded as my father.Why is Jing Yun so filial to his father? Is it not because he favors him?

It's not like you, who shouts and kills every day. If it were me, I would leave too.

Who knew you would be in a bad mood that day and kill me? "

She said all this to Li Yulan and the others. She still doesn't know what her husband's character is?
"I'm too lazy to argue with you!" Li Shilong stopped talking.

Afterwards, he listened to Empress Dowager Gongsun reminiscing with several of her daughters, and listened to the four people talking about various experiences of the Ming Dynasty. Li Shilong's face was not at all impatient, but his ears were straight.

"That bitch doesn't go to court every day and hides outside the palace?" Li Shilong sneered: "He is worthy of being the prince. He is so stupid that the Ming Dynasty will be destroyed in his hands in the future!"

"Father, although he doesn't go to court very often, he has all the affairs of the family and state in his mind, and isn't my father-in-law still here?

This year Tianxin will leave the palace to experience, and next year Brother Feng, Huo Lin'er, and Niu Duzi will also leave the palace. Li Yushu said: "You don't know his abilities yet?"For him, these things are not something he can control at his fingertips? "

"Just watch, Damin will be finished sooner or later!" Li Shilong said harshly.

"Ignore him and continue talking!" Queen Mother Gongsun said.

"Anyway, we all have things to do in the Ming Dynasty, and we are not in the East Palace every day. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty does not taboo about seizing the legitimate sons. The husband told us frankly that healthy competition between brothers is allowed, but malicious competition is not allowed.

He also established a secret department to supervise this. If any malicious competition between brothers is found, they will be deprived of qualifications.

However, they are all children who have grown up together and know their natures well.

In fact, the court officials are not taboo about this, and they all have people who support them.

Even Suga Sachiko and Subi Mojie's children have support. "Li Yushu explained.

"Aren't you picking up my wisdom from Da Qian?" Li Shilong said.

"Father, the inheritance law seems to have been revised by Lang Jun Zhang!" Li Lizhen reminded.

Li Shilong was heartbroken, "Since it was me who dared to be the first to do something, then of course it was me who did it!"

The four women looked at each other and decided not to argue with him, lest they make him angry.

"By the way, that plane you are talking about can really fly in the sky?"

"Yes, the plane can fly one or two hundred miles. Several of us have tried it. It can carry a lot of ammunition and fly hundreds of meters high.

I heard from Lang Jun that in the future, Daming will build a masturbation plane that can accommodate hundreds of people and fly back from the sea. By then, it will only take two or three days to return to Daqian! "Li Lizhen said.

Flying back from the sea?

Empress Dowager Gongsun glanced at her husband, who was in a daze, and said with a click of her tongue: "Isn't it possible to fly thousands of miles in one day?"

"Yes, the plane is very fast. It can fly three to five hundred miles in an hour, which is much faster than a steam locomotive. If you go from the capital to Lingnan, it only takes a few hours to arrive."

Li Shilong fell into thinking. Ten years ago, Qin Mo made a model of the airplane and gave it to Shiliu.

At first he thought it was a lie, but looking back now, it was all true.

What Qin Mo said and what he left behind are all true and all what he wanted to do.

Once successful, it will be epoch-making and something that can completely change the destiny of the country.

From firearms to steam locomotives to airplanes, humans have actually conquered the earth and the sky.

In other words, in the future, even the tall city walls will not be able to stop Dagan.

As long as you can't fly, even the capital is within the attack range of Daqian!
He suddenly understood why the capital of the Ming Dynasty had no city walls!
(End of this chapter)

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