big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1621 Wei Zhong, really loyal!

Chapter 1621 Wei Zhong, really loyal!
Ah Si came to power completely and did not make drastic reforms. Instead, he continued to reuse his auxiliary ministers, especially Li Xin, who was entrusted with important responsibilities.

This made Li Xin a little flattered.

"Brother, there are no outsiders here, so you don't have to be so cautious," Ah Si said.

"There is a difference between the king and his ministers. I cannot be called your majesty's elder brother!" Li Xin looked grateful, but not at all proud. Although Ah Si is still young now, what if he is older?

As his eldest brother, he is an old prince. Will he feel threatened?

These are not easy to say.

For Li Xin, stability is the most important thing. He is already a powerful minister and does not need more rights to consolidate his position.

Seeing Li Xin's behavior, Ah Si continued: "Rumors have been spreading everywhere in the past two years, and I understand the pressure you are under. Don't worry, I won't doubt you. We brothers, working together, will definitely expose the real culprit behind this." Find it out."

"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty. I am deeply grateful!" Li Xin knew that Ah Si probably knew that 'Lao Ba was not dead', and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the past two years, he has been under great pressure and was even too scared to go out.

"However, I have a task here that I want to give to my eldest brother."

"Please order, Your Majesty."

"If you continue to be in the open, you will naturally be criticized for no reason, so I want my eldest brother to manage the Academy of Sciences." Ah Si said: "Although the Academy of Sciences has strict management and you are not allowed to leave without reason, it is related to the future of Daqian.

Once you are out of the public eye, it will be more difficult for the enemy to find you.

Once he loses the target of criticism, he will naturally change the target.

The more you do, the more mistakes you make, don’t be afraid that he won’t reveal his flaws! "

Going to the Academy of Management Sciences?

Li Xin didn't think twice, "Yes, I obey the order!"

"In that case, brother, please go back and clean up. Take your sister-in-law and children to the Academy of Sciences. I will send someone to pick you up secretly."

Li Xin's heart was pounding, but he didn't think much about it when he thought that Ah Si wouldn't know how to kill a donkey.

That night, Li Xin's family mysteriously disappeared.

Externally, Ah Si said that Li Xin was given a new task, but no one explored it.

But the rumors in the capital became more and more intense. Some said that Li Xin's ambition was discovered by the new emperor and was secretly killed.

Some people also say that when Li Xin learned that there was nothing he could do, he quietly fled to the Ming Dynasty with his wife, children and children.

All in all.

Ah Si was unmoved and continued to work hard. He didn't want to be a Heavenly Khan like his father. There was only one person he wanted to catch up with.

That is his brother-in-law teacher!

Li Yulan and the four of them stayed in Daqian for three full months before leaving.

During this period, Qin Shuangshuang also got pregnant.

Qin Shuangshuang reluctantly sent away her four sisters-in-law. From now on, she would be the one doing the work.

No, she has a child.

Thinking of this, she also smiled happily.

Ah Si spent more time in Li Zhengdian, living there almost every day.

After Qin Shuangshuang had a son, he became even more considerate.

"I just got healthy, but I haven't lost my ability to take care of myself." Qin Shuangshuang said.

"You are now the biggest treasure in Daqian. I must take good care of you." Ah Si said, "But don't be too stressed. I like both my son and daughter!"

At the same time, inside the tree house.

Li Shilong was dressed like an old farmer, and he didn't see Li Yulan off when she left. However, he didn't see the four people kneeling at the door early in the morning.

so as not to be sad.

He carried the hoe and walked slowly towards the vegetable garden not far away.

There was some drought this year, so he had to water and weed frequently.He doesn't know if it's a psychological effect or the reason of Tiantianxiadi, but he feels that his body is much better than before.

In the past, I was always short of breath, lazy to talk, and had difficulty breathing. This symptom has been alleviated a lot this summer.

He thought maybe his father was protecting him.

So he began to follow his father's path. He imitated his father's example of planting trees and farming. When he had nothing to do, he would sit under the fruit trees to enjoy the cool air.

At night, the sounds of frogs and insects are heard.

Before dawn, I was woken up by the chirping birds.

Wei Zhong's teeth have all fallen out, and even his eyebrows have turned completely white.

His eyes became cloudy, his body became stooped, and he was also a little deaf.

His actions were a little awkward, but he refused to be served, and instead served Li Shilong and his wife with all his heart.

Li Shilong looked at the end of the road. He had been busy for half an hour. Why hasn't Wei Zhong come to deliver tea?

In the past, at this time, Wei Zhong would bring a pot of tea and snacks, and then sit on the ridge of the field and talk about the past with a smile.

When people get old, they always like to reminisce about the past.

Li Shilong didn't like it, but it didn't stop him from listening, even if Wei Zhong couldn't remember some things clearly, it was more like bragging.

He felt that this old guy had the potential to be a storyteller, probably because he had been with his father for a long time and was influenced by it.

He picked up the towel around his neck and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Looking at the renovated land, I felt a sense of accomplishment.

It’s hard to imagine that he, the mighty Khan of Heaven, who has the power all over the world, would be so proud of having renovated a whole place.

Looking at the deliciously growing dishes, he couldn't help but laugh.

Then he picked up a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of water from the stream on the side, and poured it carefully on the ground.

In a few days, these vegetables will be mature and some can be sent to the palace.

He thought that he would be great as an emperor, but he could also be great as a farmer.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face became even bigger.

After watering, I sat on the ridge and rested.

There were wild fruits on the roadside, but he didn't mind them. He picked some and threw them into his mouth.


This seems to be life.

It's just that he started to feel a little unhappy. This old dog Wei has grown up, but he still doesn't come.

He picked up the hoe and water ladle and walked slowly towards home.

After returning home, he put the farm tools back to their original positions and saw his wife sitting there embroidering.

"Where is Old Dog Wei?" Li Shilong asked.

Empress Dowager Gongsun wore reading glasses and rubbed the needle on her hair from time to time. When she heard the sound, she said: "I haven't gotten up yet. I haven't had breakfast all morning. I called him and said he was a little tired.

Older people are like this, so just let them rest more! "

"Are you sick?" Li Shilong was shocked, and stepped in with bare feet regardless of his embarrassment.

When Wei Zhong opened the door, there was a faint smell of urine in the room, but the smell was very light and was covered up by the smell of sandalwood.

In fact, all eunuchs have this kind of smell, and Wei Zhong is a clean person.

He looked at Wei Zhong, who was lying quietly on the bed, with a peaceful expression on his face.

I just don’t know why, but Wei Zhong is a little different today. He used to be very frightened and would wake up at the slightest movement.

And when Li Shilong made such a big noise, he didn't even move his eyelids!
(End of this chapter)

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