big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1622 Wei Zhong, really loyal!

Chapter 1622 Wei Zhong, really loyal!
Wei Zhong has always been a very loyal and cautious person.

Even being a little too cautious.

However, this does not hinder his loyal ministers.

He felt that Wei Zhong was a hundred times better than Gao Shilian, but it was a pity that such a person did not stay with him.

He shouldn't have stayed in the treehouse, but with himself.

When his father left him alive, he actually regarded him as a relative.

It's a bit ridiculous that this eunuch can actually become his relative.

At this moment, Wei Zhong stopped moving. He felt a little anxious. He walked over and pushed Wei Zhong, "Old dog Wei, it's time to get up. You didn't bring me tea today."

Wei Zhong still didn't move. He felt that Wei Zhong's face was extremely scary, like a layer of skin sticking to the bones, and his eye sockets were sunken.

The most important thing is that Li Shilong can't feel the ups and downs of his breathing.

"Old dog Wei?"

Li Shilong shouted again, but Wei Zhong still didn't move.

He grabbed Wei Zhong's hand, which was as cold as ice in winter.

These are the dog days of summer.

There was no warmth at all, cold and stiff.

Li Shilong was stunned.

Looking at Wei Zhong blankly, countless images flashed through his mind.

He thought of the time when the eunuch sent him a message telling him that his father was visiting the lake. It was this news that gave him the courage to launch the White Tiger Gate Incident.

Because he knew that his father would definitely not know about his boating trip so quickly, nor would he come here so quickly.

When his father found out, he had already succeeded.

Li Shilong sighed heavily, he knew that Wei Zhong was dead.

But Wei Zhong is really loyal.

He walked out of the room, and Queen Mother Gongsun asked: "How is it? Is Mr. Wei okay?"


"What did you say?" Empress Dowager Gongsun was stunned.

"Old Gou Wei died. He passed away quite peacefully. There should be no pain." Li Shilong said expressionlessly.

However, he regretted it.

He felt that he should not go out to hoe the fields, but should care more about Wei Zhong. If he had discovered his problem earlier, maybe Wei Zhong would not have to die.

This chattering old eunuch, this old eunuch who likes to brag, this tiny and cautious eunuch, this loyal eunuch who is outrageous.

I don't mind that he lives a long life, and I don't mind that he occasionally talks to me like an elder.

Empress Dowager Gongsun put down the embroidery in her hands and walked in. After a while, she came out with red eyes and said, "I should go in and have a look. Mr. Wei is quite nice."

Li Shilong hugged her, "He has served our family for decades and it's time for him to rest. Look at him, all his teeth have fallen out and he can't even eat.

It is said that when a loyal dog reaches its end, it will quietly leave home and find a deserted place to die.

This should also be his idea, and we should respect him! "

Empress Dowager Gongsun nodded, "Shall we bury him next to our father?"

"No." Li Shilong shook his head, "He has served people all his life, and he will no longer serve people after he dies. I want to make him a high official, or else, make him a county king.

Anyway, he has no relatives, no children, no children.

Also enjoy enjoying the incense of Daqian. "

"Okay!" Empress Dowager Gongsun nodded.

Soon, word of Wei Zhong's death spread, and many people came.

Although it was said that he came to see Li Shilong, some people said that Wei Zhong's death was unlucky and suggested that Li Shilong change his house.

But Li Shilong understood that these people were here to see Wei Zhong off for the last time.

Li Shilong allowed him to stay in a nearby room and found some young eunuchs named Wei to keep Wei Zhong's mourning.Naturally, he, the emperor, does not need to guard.

But this group of veterans were all sitting in the main hall, chatting with him.

Li Shilong thought, people are just like this.

But among these people, there was no one he met.

He read the letter left by Wei Zhong. He should have left it quite a long time ago. This old guy should know that he is not going to die soon.

The letter was verbose and said a lot.

Most of them said that he was going to see Emperor Taizu and could no longer serve him, so he had to forgive him.

Wei Zhong also said that he should be more relaxed. Everyone will die one day, and when the time comes, just burn his body and scatter his ashes next to Emperor Taizu.

This old guy is just a eunuch. If he dies, he will die.

Will you be sad?
Li Shilong thought so, but he couldn't help but feel depressed.

Even though there were people around him, he was still unhappy.

"You guys can chat, I'm tired and I'm going to rest!" Li Shilong waved his hand and returned to the room.

But he was not sleepy at all.

He asked himself, what can be left behind when a person dies?
Some people have left a reputation, but what about people like Wei Zhong?
Besides myself, does anyone else remember him?

Does anyone still remember the eunuch who followed Emperor Taizu?

Maybe there will be no such person in the history books.

But he actually exists.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Qin Mo wanted to write "Records of the Ming Dynasty".

Li Shilong gritted his teeth and said: "You can write it, but I can't? If you write the Record of the Ming Dynasty and scold me, I will write the Record of the Ming Dynasty and scold you!"

Just do it, Li Shilong picked up the pen, full of energy, as if Qin Mo was right in front of him at this moment, and he wanted to criticize Qin Mo with words and pens.

A few days later, Wei Zhong was buried, and Li Shilong posthumously named him King Zhongyi, setting a precedent for Daqian.

This is the first time in hundreds of years that Wei Zhong has been granted the title of king by an eunuch.

Even in history, it can be counted.

His name should be in history.

And his name is: Loyalty!

He felt that Wei Zhong deserved his death. A eunuch lived a more exciting life than a healthy person.

He was not stingy either. He spent a lot of time writing about this person in the Records of Da Qian.

Wei Zhong is really loyal.

Li Shilong felt that he would never meet someone so loyal again in his life.

Gao Shilian had a chance, but it was a pity.

There is one less person in the house, and the life of the couple becomes even more dull.

But this kind of calmness made Li Shilong feel more calm.

He looked back on his life.

I saw the arrogant version of myself, the self that swallowed my anger, and the mediocre version of myself that smoothed away the edges.

He sent the book to the palace and wrote a note to A Si.

After A Si read the book, he said nothing and only ordered it to be published all over the world.

Seven days later, "Da Qian Shi Lu" became famous all over the world.

Later generations of historians regarded the two books "Records of the Ming Dynasty" and "Records of the Great Qian Dynasty" as the best classics among historians!

And just when Li Shilong was busy writing books and farming, a new crisis quietly came. The Honglu Pavilion of the Ming Dynasty in Daqian was attacked again. This time, not only the officials of the Honglu Pavilion of the Ming Dynasty suffered casualties, but also the officials who came to Daqian. Several people who were applying for documents to go abroad also died.

After the incident, Ah Si was furious, "What are they doing for food? The same thing happened twice. Without Qin Mo's leadership, are the people from the Six Doors all just for show?"

(End of this chapter)

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