big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1623 Honglu Pavilion is attacked again!

Chapter 1623 Honglu Pavilion is attacked again!

The six doors have been cleaned no less than three times before and after, almost torn apart again.

The new governor is a man named Lu Ang.

This person used to help Li Shilong handle some trivial matters. After Ah Si came to power, he got the opportunity to come to the stage.

Of course, it goes without saying that he is loyal, but his ability seems to be a bit lacking.

Ah Si looked at Lu Ang kneeling below and cursed angrily, "It's been less than two years since the last assassination.

Now that something like this has happened again, what on earth are you doing for food?
People from Daming Honglu Pavilion came over and asked me if I couldn't guarantee their safety.

Daqian is the most powerful country in the world, but it cannot protect the envoys of other countries. If word spreads, how will the envoys of other countries view us?
Where do you want me to put my face? "

If Lu Ang dares to speak out, he cannot escape the blame for such a major incident.

After the emperor finished his anger, he said: "Your Majesty, this matter is really impossible to prevent. The main reason is that these people were mixed among the people. They pretended to apply for immigration documents, and then detonated the bomb they carried in the hall.

These people are simply extreme, just like believers who have been brainwashed by the White Lotus Sect. "

"The White Lotus Sect is already in the past. Don't talk nonsense to me. Just tell me, how long will it take to find the real murderer? Will it be like last time, where rumors spread and I lose face?"

Ah Si is angry, Qin Shuangshuang has only been in Daqian for half a year, everything was going in a good direction, but suddenly something happened again.

When people from the Ming Dynasty came to question him, he didn't even know how to answer.

Do you want him to admit that he is incompetent and unable to protect the safety of the Ming envoys?
This is the capital of the country.

The safest place in the world.

But now, this safest place has experienced two dangers in succession.

Is it possible that the next time he is killed by a bomb, the real culprit will not be found?

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the minister will definitely not find out the real culprit and give an explanation to the envoy of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Give me some time!" Ah Si mocked, "Should it be three days or three years!"

When Lu Ang was helpless, he was also angry and angry. Don't you know how to calm down these damn things?

He also knew very well that if the real murderer could not be found this time, he, the governor of the Six Gates, might be in trouble.

He might even lose his head.

"Up to a month!"

"Half a month, I'll give you half a month at most. If you can't find the real culprit, you can take care of it yourself!" Ah Si waved his sleeves.

Lu Ang was forced to have no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Yes, I obey the order!"

After Lu Ang left, Gongsun Wuji came over and said, "Your Majesty, the casualties have been counted. Six people have been killed and seven injured in the Ming Honglu Hall.

Thirteen people died.

Now the officials in charge of the Honglu Museum in the Ming Dynasty are demanding that the real culprit be found. If not, they will vacate the museum and leave! "

Gongsun Wuji was also quite helpless. Anyone else would be angry. This was the emperor's feet. This happened not once, but twice.

Who can guarantee whether there will be a third time?

This has a great impact on Dagan's prestige. If the truth cannot be found out this time and the matter is left unsolved, Dagan's prestige in the eyes of all countries will be greatly reduced.

In the past, they would be proud to be Dagan people.

Now I'm afraid many people don't think so.

After all, if they can't be Da Gan people, they can still be Da Ming people.

"I understand." Ah Si took a deep breath, "Uncle, you have comforted those people for me, and the compensation you should give cannot be less.

In addition, this matter is not allowed to be published in the newspapers. Anyone who dares to publish it will be immediately sealed.

I have arranged for someone to check it out, and the results will be available soon. "

Gongsun Wuji nodded, "Yes, Wei Chen understands!"

"In addition, if we apologize to the people at the Ming Dynasty Honglu Hall, they will definitely report back to the country. At that time, the Ming Dynasty will definitely send someone to hold them accountable.

We can't let them withdraw.

Once the embassy is withdrawn, the relationship between the two countries that was finally established will quickly deteriorate.

I'm afraid there will be another war in the future.At present, we are not ready for the second battle! "

If you are not at home, you do not know that diesel, rice, oil, and salt are expensive.

In the past, it was his father who took care of things, but now that he is the head of the family, he realizes how much effort it takes to govern such a huge country.

Although Daqian has enough food management, it also has a lot of tax revenue.

But don’t forget how badly the war was fought last year, which wiped out the country’s finances for two years.

If his father hadn't left enough savings for him, what he would have inherited now would be a mess.

Fortunately, although my body hurts, it doesn't hurt my muscles or bones.

They are working hard to develop new weapons. Until the new weapons are developed, they can only keep a low profile.

Once Ming Dynasty uses aircraft, all their weapons will not be able to effectively deter Ming Dynasty.

The result was naturally a passive beating.

It is difficult for the war not to spread to the Central Plains.

At that time, careerists will inevitably stir up trouble, which he cannot tolerate.

So even if he was pointed at his nose and questioned by people from the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion, he could only endure it.

To be honest, it’s true that they didn’t do a good job, no one else is to blame.

"Wei Chen understands." Gongsun Wuji sighed heavily, "Your Majesty, Wei Chen has something to say and I don't know whether to say it or not!"

"Uncle, it doesn't matter if you just tell me."

Gongsun Wuji cupped his hands and said: "You can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days? The current six doors are too bad.

When Qin Mo was the governor, the six gates were hungry wolves, penetrating into every corner of Daqian.

No matter what the trouble is, it cannot escape Qin Mo's eyes.

I especially remember when I was still in Lingnan, Lingnan was full of cultists at that time.

People from Six Doors can break into them and become them, and even easily become the top among them.

It is naturally easy to grasp their movements.

So in the end, the White Lotus Sect was wiped out by Qin Mo.

With six doors now, even investigating the case is very difficult.

To catch these people, you need to be more cunning than them.

The method Qin Mo used was very simple, that is, to bring in the thinking of the subversive, and then let everyone think of a solution.

Then try and make mistakes one by one.

There is always a way to succeed.

Qin Mo also used this method in war.

The reason why he was able to strategize and win the battle thousands of miles away was also because of his caution.

What others have calculated, he has calculated.

He can also calculate what others cannot.

That's why his legend was created.

We might as well learn from Qin Mo and become more thieves and evil than these people! "

Ah Si wanted to surpass Qin Mo, but he found more and more that Qin Mo's shadow was everywhere.

Without Qin Mo's money, Liumen turned from a hungry wolf into a dog.

After all, the dog can still protect the hospital.

But now this dog can't even protect the yard.

You know, when Qin Mo was here, the six gates could influence a war!

(End of this chapter)

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