big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1624: Let the enemy have no way out!

Chapter 1624: Let the enemy have no way out!
Fearing that Ah Si would not be able to get out of the misunderstanding of his thinking, Gongsun Wuji added: "This is the same as fighting. If you want to kill the enemy, you must first find out the enemy's details.

We have learned the essence, and we will be able to deal with it calmly whether we face Qin Mo or other enemies in the future!

This is to take the enemy's path and leave the enemy with no way to go! "

"What uncle said is that I am in trouble." Ah Si said, "The six doors really need to be changed."

As he said that, he looked at Gongsun Wuji and said, "I wonder if uncle has any ideas to lead the six sects?"

Gongsun Wuji was stunned, then shook his head like a rattle, "Wei Chen has no such idea, Your Majesty, although Wei Chen is a little smart, he is not enough to lead the six sects.

Thank you for your majesty's trust, but I don't dare to delay your majesty's important affairs, and I am still looking for someone more suitable than me! "

He is already an assistant minister, and he still has to take charge of six sects. He is afraid that he will die without knowing.

If it had been more than ten years earlier, he would have nodded happily, but now, he has no idea at all.

Ah Si didn't say much, "Since uncle doesn't want to, I won't force it."

"Wei Chen, please retire!" Gongsun Wuji quickly resigned, for fear that his nephew would have other ideas.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Ah Si was upset. He wanted to go find his father, but then he thought, he couldn't bother his father with everything, like a child who hadn't grown up.

He will still have to make the decision alone in the future of this country.

"This is a test for me. No matter what, I must withstand the test!" Ah Si clenched his fists, "Brother Bage, just come up with whatever tricks you have, I will definitely catch you!"

Gongsun Wuji's actions were very quick, which calmed the panicked people and also calmed the people in the Ming Dynasty Honglu Hall.

Between countries, more benefits can only be given away.

He was very tired. When he returned to his house, it was already dark.

Some even suggested that a curfew be instituted.

Since Da Qian stood proudly in the world, the capital has become a city that never sleeps.


Let everyone go back to a boring night?
I'm afraid not many people will agree.

The most expensive night is when consumption is at its peak. If there is a curfew, the capital’s tax revenue will be much lower this year.

"Father, what's the matter?"

Gongsun Min quickly poured a cup of tea for his father. He had already returned from the Western Regions. He had no credit this time. It could be said that his trip was in vain.

"What else can we do?" Gongsun Wuji said tiredly: "These people are too difficult to deal with. The officials of the Ming Dynasty are difficult to deal with, much more difficult to deal with than our people."

"Tell me, who is the real culprit behind this incident?"

"If I knew, I would have checked it out a long time ago!" Gongsun Wuji said helplessly. Compared to more than ten years ago, he was much older. He just celebrated his sixtieth birthday a few days ago. Although he is old and strong, he is still on duty. After coming back, the feeling of tiredness was not fake at all.

"It seems that some people want us to continue fighting with the Ming Dynasty." Gongsun Min said: "If this happens for the third time, I estimate that the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion will really be withdrawn.

At that time, our work became a complete joke.

The people behind it not only wanted to stir up conflicts between the two countries, but also wanted to undermine Daqian's prestige as the supreme power of the Celestial Empire.

In addition, Daqian had just lost the war, which was when its prestige was at its lowest.

I heard that many Hu merchants from the Western Regions decided to go to the Ming Dynasty to do business!

Folks also said that the imperial court began to decline.

Some even said, Your Majesty."

"Be careful!" Gongsun Wuji stopped him, "What others say is other people's business and has nothing to do with you or me. If you have nothing to do at home, why not go to the palace and let His Majesty find something for you to do."

Gongsun Min laughed dryly, he was really free now, and he immediately took out a letter, "Dad, this is a letter from eldest brother!" Gongsun Wuji hurriedly took it over, checked the paint, and said while opening the letter: " This bastard still knows who I am as his father?"

After opening the envelope, there was a letter and a thick stack of photos inside.

In the photo, there is a photo of Gongsun Chong and his children.

That man with green eyes and golden eyes has now grown into a young man in his prime, and you can vaguely see what he looked like when he was a boy.

"What a good boy, he looks as handsome as his ancestor when he was young!" Gongsun Wuji grinned.

Gongsun Min also said: "In these years, the eldest brother has not married again, so he has only guarded this child, and his life has been really hard."

"Is it bitter? It's all his own choice." Gongsun Wuji waved his hand, "It's not easy to stay alive."

He read the letter. In the letter, Gongsun Chong said that he had requested to be transferred to a remote city-state in the Ming Dynasty as an official, so he should not worry.

Gongsun Wuji had a sore nose, "What if this kid knows, I'm already fully prepared!"

He knew that Gongsun Chong was afraid of putting him in trouble.

After all, the two countries have established diplomatic relations. If Gongsun Chong continues to serve as an official in the court, he will be discovered by familiar people sooner or later.

Once it is known that Gongsun Min is a high-ranking official in the Ming Dynasty or a capital official, something will definitely happen to the Gongsun family.

Gongsun Min sighed, he didn't hate Gongsun Chong now.

Just sigh that fate catches people.

"I estimate that this time, in order to appease the anger of Ming Dynasty, His Majesty will send people to visit Ming Dynasty. This is an opportunity. You can go there and have a look. It is best to meet him." Gongsun Wuji said: "The queen is pregnant. This was Guoxi. Logically speaking, she should come back, but Ming Dynasty was too far away. It would be impossible for her to go back within three to five years.

So His Majesty will definitely send someone there. "

"Yes, father!" Gongsun Min was so impressed by Daming that he had long wanted to go and have a look.

Within six doors, Lu Ang would have pulled out all his hair.

But still no thoughts at all.

"Are you all useless?" Lu Ang called his men over and cursed, "Your Majesty only gave me half a month, and now half of it has passed.

If the real murderer is not found after seven days, you will die! "

Everyone was too scared to speak.

"Captain, I have a way to explain my humble position, maybe I can explain it to you!" At this time, a person said.

"any solution?"

"This method is relatively confidential and cannot be known to too many people."

Lu Ang narrowed his eyes, then waved his hand, "Others go out first!"

After the others left, he said: "You can say it now!"

The man took two steps forward and said in a low voice: "Captain, we have already used all the methods that should be used. These people are all dead soldiers. They died without evidence and there is no way to start.

The capital city has almost been turned upside down by us. Unless the other party shows up on their own initiative, it is basically impossible for us to find them.

This group of people must be the group that attacked the Ming envoy for the first time.

I estimate that they are most likely an official from Daqian, or even a certain group of officials.

There is no evidence, no matter how we investigate, it is impossible to find out. "

Lu Ang was stunned and felt that what this person said made sense, so he said calmly: "Go on!"

(End of this chapter)

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