big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1625 Looking for a scapegoat!

Chapter 1625 Looking for a scapegoat!

"Looking for a scapegoat!" The man only said four words.

Lu Ang's pupils shrank, "You want the governor to deceive you?"

"Captain, if this is not the case, we will be in trouble in seven days. As long as we pass this level now, we will have more time to investigate the case."

"Then have you ever thought about what would happen if there were another attack?" Lu Ang said.

"Rebels are treacherous, and it is normal to have accomplices. However, after this time, the Ming Honglu Pavilion temporarily stopped handling business.

We don’t know how long it will take to resume business operations. During the shutdown period, we don’t have to worry about being attacked.

Once they open for business, body searches will inevitably be added, and it will not be that easy for someone to attack again.

And we can also arrange people around the Daming Honglu Pavilion to ensure their safety. "

Lu Ang looked at him and knew very well that if he didn't do this, he would be finished in seven days.

"You go down first, I will consider it." Lu Ang waved his hand.

"Retire from humble position!"

After the man left, a sharp light flashed in Lu Ang's eyes. Even if he did this, he would not let this man live. The fewer people who knew the secret, the safer he would be!
Three days later, the Six Gates began to clean up the lower-ranking sects in the capital. For a while, people in the capital were panicked.

"Your Majesty, I have caught the suspected mastermind of the attack on the Honglu Pavilion of the Ming Dynasty." Lu Ang said.

"Suspicion?" Ah Si's eyes were sharp, "I don't want suspicion!"

"This is the confession obtained from the Wei minister's interrogation!" Lu Ang placed the confession above his head, and then a eunuch presented it to him.

Ah Si took the confession and read it, and Lu Ang continued: "Weichen has never investigated in this area before. Later, he also had a sudden idea and started from Xia Jiuli, but he didn't expect to find some clues.

Before this, Wei Chen always felt that it was an external force, or a remnant of a cult or a remnant of the previous dynasty.

But Wei Chen forgot that these people can pretend.

If they pretend to be ordinary people, they will have nowhere to investigate. There are millions of people in the capital, and if they want to investigate, it is basically fishing for the moon under water.

Then Weichen started from Xiajiuliu and really discovered the problem.

The person arrested this time was the door keeper who stole the door. A competition was even launched within the door, targeting people from the Ming Honglu Hall.

They said that the people of Ming Dynasty Hongluguan ate inside and outside, forgot about their ancestors, and stole their things, which was considered patriotic.

But Weichen found out after interrogation that this was just a cover.

Only these habitual thieves can hide explosives so secretly, and the source of these explosives is most likely stolen by them. "

Ah Si didn't say anything. He put down his confession and thought about it.

That makes sense.

After all, the passing geese leave their voices, and the passing people leave their names.

His starling must have mastered the formula of gunpowder.

There is always a way to make gunpowder.

Logically speaking, he should have stirred up trouble in the capital, but he didn't.

It should be hiding in the dark to intimidate.

This time, Liumen finally found some clues.

"Continue to investigate this matter thoroughly." Ah Si said calmly: "Your head is saved!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lu Ang was overjoyed. He also took a gamble and luckily succeeded.

"Go down and give the Ming envoy an explanation as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" After Lu Ang retreated, Ah Si took out Gongsun Wuji's memorial, which contained a list of envoys visiting the Ming Dynasty.

After reading it carefully, he wrote under the memorial: Accurate!
It can be regarded as an explanation to the Ming Dynasty.

However, he still couldn't sleep well until he figured out the real culprit behind the scenes.

He even had the urge to write to Qin Mo, asking Qin Mo for help.

But the dignity of being the emperor of Daqian made him hold back.

If Qin Mo knew about this, he would definitely laugh at him and say he was incompetent.

He even wondered maliciously, had Qin Mo let Bage go on purpose, just to cause trouble for Da Gan and create chaos?
"Hey, he doesn't have that kind of character. Either he doesn't do it, or he won't hide it if he does it!" Ah Si suppressed the speculation in his heart and continued to linger on the memorial.

Four days later, Daqian Daily published the attack and murder case, analyzing the incident in depth.

At the same time, Daqian launched a long-term crackdown on Xiajiu Liu. For a while, Xiajiu Liu was in great turmoil, but this time, many people with problems were really arrested.

It can be regarded as an unexpected blessing, and the security of the capital has once again improved to a higher level.

Beside the emperor, Big Dog read the news from the daily newspaper to Li Shilong, and he was also ridiculing in his heart.

A good trick to bring disaster to the east.

People from these six gates are getting better and better as they live.

He was the one who took the lead both times. Does he have anything to do with low-level people?

With his status, it is simply too easy to secretly raise some dead soldiers.

Using dead soldiers to attack and kill does not cost anything.

As long as they kill without thinking, it can not only gradually disintegrate the prestige of Daqian, but also destroy the friendship between the two big countries.

When the time comes, wouldn't it be wonderful if the two countries were at war again?
Didn’t you Li Shilong destroy his country?
Just watch your father and son kill each other, your husband and your son-in-law kill each other, making you the loneliest and most pitiful person in the world!
Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the case has been found out, you can breathe a sigh of relief."

Li Shilong shook his head, "This matter has nothing to do with low-level people. Six Gates has not yet found out the person behind it!"

"Ah, no way?" The big dog pretended to be surprised.

"The Xiajiuliu attacked them severely during the first attack, so why did they discover it today?" Li Shilong frowned, "But I can also understand their difficulties. The enemy is hiding, and it is too difficult to find a needle in a haystack. Got it!"

The big dog pretended to be anxious and said: "Then, there won't be any danger on your majesty's side. How about the servants come into the palace to remind your majesty?"

"If he can't even see this, why should he be an emperor?" Li Shilong snorted coldly, "You are not allowed to go. Each generation has its own tasks and difficulties. I have helped him enough."

The big dog sighed, "Yes, I understand."

"Are you reluctant when I transfer you out of the palace?" Li Shilong asked.

The big dog hurriedly knelt on the ground, "The Supreme Emperor, this slave is very loyal to the Supreme Emperor, and I wish I could serve him by his side!"

He didn't think so. After Li Shilong left the palace, he did not let him come out with him. Instead, he stayed with the little emperor and let him hand over the power in his hands.

Later, Wei Zhong died and he was called over.

Once you get here, it will naturally be difficult to act in the future, so you need to be more careful.

However, he also had a way of getting the message out.

Li Shilong smiled incredulously, "Do you know why I chose you in the first place?"

"Because this slave is lucky!" the big dog said with a low eyebrow.

"No, because you are smart enough and obedient enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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