big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1626 The madness of the big dog!

Chapter 1626 The madness of the big dog!
Li Shilong said calmly: "Although you have become a monk halfway, you are still able to handle errands and you are still loyal. But there is one thing you did not do well!"

The big dog's heart was in his throat, and he said in fear: "Your Majesty, please tell me, I will definitely change!"

"You can think about it yourself." Li Shilong stood up, walked to the farm tool room, looked at the hoe and went out.

The big dog looked at the sun outside with great reluctance.

Even in the morning during the dog days of summer, it was very hot, but Li Shilong had to carry a hoe to hoe the ground every morning.

After a few days, he was almost dry and turned black.

But Li Shilong liked it very much.

He even thought about poisoning him.

But then I thought about it, if Li Shilong died, he would die. The little emperor is still there, if the little emperor is dead, he still has his son, and there are so many capable ministers in Dagan, the country cannot be destroyed.

Moreover, Li Shilong still has so many sons still alive. Maybe Daqian will fall into a temporary dilemma, but it will not take long before he gets over it.

There is no way, Qin Mo's wealth is too rich.

It allows them to toss hard.

He knew that if Li Shilong died, he would definitely not survive.

So before that, he had to complete the layout. The first step was to ruin the relationship between the two countries and put Daqian into crisis.

Then kill Li Shilong, kill the emperor, and intercept and kill as many people as possible in the royal family.

However, Daqian fell into endless chaos.

Then he was on the run.

He has no heir and cannot be the emperor of Daqian. Qin Mo will definitely take care of him when he finds out.

So there was only one way left for him, and that was to escape.

The world is big, he can escape to the Western Regions, or he can learn from Qin Mo and live on an uninhabited island. The world is big, but he can always survive.

The hatred of destroying the country and destroying the family must be avenged.

The dog days of summer have passed when Li Yulan and others returned to China. After autumn, Xijing felt a little more desolate.

After the four girls returned home, they naturally caught Qin Mo and bullied him.

"Let's challenge each other if we can. What's the point of beating me in a group?" Qin Mo lay there with a face full of dissatisfaction, but even if he was not convinced, he had to accept his fate.

Fortunately, Xiaojiu loved him and didn't ask him to pay the public food, otherwise, he would have been killed four times in a row.

He is not old enough to withstand such a torment.

"We haven't seen each other for half a year. What's wrong with bullying you?" Li Yushu looked at him condescendingly, "Aren't you arrogant? I'll see if you become arrogant again!"

Qin Mo was helpless, "Stop squeezing, that's not how oil is extracted!"

The other three girls covered their mouths and snickered, and they were all in high spirits.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, was lying there like a salted fish.

"Don't you miss us these days?" Li Lizhen said with a bad smile: "Do you have to compensate us well next?"

"Compensation is okay, but can it be paid in installments?" Qin Mo said: "Give me some time to recover health and mana, and I guarantee that you will be satisfied!"

"You will be afraid too!" Li Yushu said arrogantly: "Where did the energy that used to bully me go?"

In the past, Qin Mo was the only one who bullied her, but unlike today, she had to seize the opportunity and bully her back.

"Little one, just wait for me to recover. I'll look good on you!"

"I'm not young!" Li Yushu held her head high.

Qin Mo said: "Why, you guys went to Daqian, why are you all so hungry?"

Xiaojiu chuckled, "I've been hungry for a long time, can you?"

"Wow, Xiaojiu, you've learned too much!" Among everyone, Xiaojiu is the youngest and the most intolerant.The tolerance of the other three women has been greatly increased, and the three wolves and Qin Mo, the BMW, must also be subdued!

"My brother-in-law taught me well!"

"Nonsense, when did I teach you how to be a female bully?" He said, slapping his hand.

"Sisters, my brother-in-law bullied me"

"You still dare to bully Xiaojiu, it seems you haven't taught him enough!" Li Yushu winked at the other sisters, "If we don't let him beg for mercy today, even if we sisters are incompetent!"

Li Lizhen also shouted: "Yes, let him see how powerful we are."

Li Yulan didn't stand in the way and even joined in.

Qin Mo was not convinced and tried to reason with them again.

However, this time, the big principles were not well prepared and could not convince them. Even if they used the small principles in the treasure box, they could not be convinced.

They had no choice but to cut down their flags and drums and withdraw their troops.

Seeing that their side was victorious, the four girls laughed triumphantly.

Qin Mo was so humiliated.

"Just wait for me, don't be alone, otherwise I will make you kneel and scream."

"What are you calling while kneeling?" Li Yushu hummed, "Say it, why don't you say it?"

"Call me husband!" Qin Mo said weakly, then looked at Li Yulan aggrievedly, "Third sister."

Li Yulan also softened her heart, "Okay, okay, don't play anymore."

"Forget it, for the sake of Third Sister, I'll spare you this time, otherwise I'll have something nice for you!" Li Yushu said.

Immediately, the five people started chatting.

When he learned that Li Shilong had written a letter to him, Qin Mo said: "Here is the letter, let me take a look!"

"I'll get it!" Xiaojiu hurriedly took the letter, "I guess my father is scolding you in the letter!"

"If you get used to it, there will be times when he doesn't scold me." Qin Mo curled his lips and opened the letter. As expected, the first sentence at the beginning was to scold him as a 'shit'.

The content of the letter was nothing more than calling him a white-eyed wolf, telling him not to return to Daqian in the future, and not to look at him even if he died.

She also secretly wrote about the oxygen bottle, asking him not to give it away in the future, and let him die.

"This little old man has quite a temper!" Qin Mo's nose was so angry that he said, "If I don't send him an oxygen bottle, will he survive the winter?

If you don't know what's good or bad, you won't go back if you don't go back. Pull me down!
From now on, when he dies, I will burn two sticks of incense for him. "

"Lang Jun, don't be angry, my father actually misses you going back." Li Yulan said: "I don't know how disappointed my father is when I learn that you haven't gone back.

Although he scolded you harshly, in his heart he was looking forward to your return. "

"That's right, you don't understand my father's temper. How can your son-in-law say such things!" Li Yushu bit Qin Mo's shoulder, "Father is right, you are a white-eyed wolf, he raised him My daughter, I’ve given it all to you, and you’re still not satisfied!”

"Wrong, wrong!" Qin Mo hurriedly surrendered. He was just being tough. How could he not understand Li Shilong's thoughts? He deliberately provoked him. In his heart, he was actually looking forward to his return.

"Huh, tell me, when will you go back to see my father?" Li Yushu asked.

"I don't know!" Qin Mo shook his head.

"Father, he is really old. His condition is very bad now and he is also thin. Lang Jun, I am not forcing you.

Even if you don't go back, we won't blame you.

If so, if you have the chance, go back and see him.

He is always thinking of you! "

(End of this chapter)

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