big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1627 Pride

Chapter 1627 Pride
After the four girls returned to Beijing, Qin Mo worked very hard for a few days. If he hadn't practiced health-preserving skills diligently every day, he would have been exhausted long ago.

But despite this, he also felt a little sore in his back.

"Sure enough, after a man turns 30, he soaks wolfberry in a thermos cup and has a bowl of ginseng soup every now and then!" Qin Mo holds a thermos cup full of wolfberries in his hand. This summer, he is no longer greedy for cold drinks and has begun to pay attention to health.

Long-lived emperors all have two common characteristics. First, they are not lewd, and second, they are not diligent.

The first one, Qin Mo, can make up for it by keeping in good health, but the second one is too simple for him, just chew on his old man and his son. If he is in a good mood, his life will naturally be long.

"Your Highness, there is a letter from the south." Xiaoba hurriedly came over, "It's a letter from the great emperor's grandson!"

"This brat, you've been out for half a year, but you still don't want to write to me?" Qin Mo cursed in a low voice. He used to be here, but he felt annoyed, and he felt panicked when he was gone.

After the four girls left Beijing, this boy left without stopping.

When he left, no one saw him off, so he kowtowed to the elders one by one and left.

With relevant documents, he joined the army, then boarded a warship and headed south.

He didn't ask, anyway, someone would take care of him.

There was a stack of photos inside the opened letter, including photos of that brat killing enemies.

"Killed more than [-] enemies and captured more than [-] people. Not bad!" Qin Mo nodded, the corners of his mouth rising unconsciously.

Xiao Ba said hurriedly: "The great emperor's grandson is so impressive, he is exactly the same as His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Oh, it's not bad, I'm not as handsome as I am!" Qin Mo said, and then said to him: "Frame this photo and hang it in the study!"

Xiaoba smiled and said: "I'll do it now, slave!"

Qin Mo entered the palace with the letter and then called Xiao Yurou over, "Let's see if our son is brave!"

Xiao Yurou raised the letter and photo in her hand, "I've known it for a long time. This guy even met a girl he liked and asked me if he could marry her!"

"Natives from the south?"

"No, it is said that they moved there from the Western Region. Our ancestors have lived there for hundreds of years, but their family has fallen into decline." Xiao Yurou also took a photo. Although it was a black and white photo, the little girl looked very beautiful.

Qin Mo tasted: "Oh, I told you but not me!"

"Isn't that because he's afraid that you'll scold him?" Xiao Yuju said: "Besides, it's not normal for a son to tell his mother what's on his mind. Why are you jealous?"

"Hey, in two years' time, no one will even care about me anymore!"

"Why do you think you are so angry with the child?" Xiao Yurou couldn't help but laugh when she saw him like this, "The child is in front of you, and you are holding it. The child is gone, and you want to tie the child up. You Dad is so interesting!"

Qin Mo curled his lips, walked over immediately, lay down, put his head on his thigh, and then buried his face in her belly, "The wings are so hard!"

Xiao Yurou didn't know that this man was most duplicitous and that he came here deliberately to torment her. She slapped Qin Mo's mischievous hand away and said, "If you want a child, just write a reply!"

"Write whatever you want, don't write!" Qin Mo snorted: "It's not like he won't come back. I wonder if he will come back after he gets married to his little girlfriend!"

"Stop being so stubborn." Xiao Yurou stood up, walked aside and started writing a letter. After writing for a while, she asked, "Do you really have nothing to say to your son?"

"Let him control himself, let him experience it, not pick up girls!" Zhu Jun said seriously: "Those girls outside are too mixed, so pay attention to safety!"

Although it sounds ugly, it is also true, and more importantly, I still care about Tianxin.

Unlike the children in the capital who all know everything, the royal family is very strict.

Xiao Yurou thought for a while, polished the sentence, and finally reminded Tianxin to do things in a measured way and put safety first in everything.For example, before returning to Beijing, don't get pregnant out of wedlock. The royal bloodline must be guaranteed. This is no small matter.

Tianxin is the one who is most likely to reach the summit. If the child has problems, it will be great fun.

It would not be a big deal to give birth to a mixed-race child. As the territory of the Ming Dynasty gradually expanded, the Qin people were no longer the largest.

Therefore, the third-generation imperial grandson must marry a woman from another clan to maintain the stability of the place.

"I've finished writing, do you have anything else to explain?"

"If you have nothing to do, ask him to write less letters, don't miss home too much, don't be a coward, and don't embarrass me!"

"Just be tough!" Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at Qin Mo, and then polished her words. Only then did she put the letter into an envelope with satisfaction and let someone send it out.

After doing this, Xiao Yurou was pulled over by Qin Mo to teach her a lesson. She only stopped when she could no longer instill the truth.

That night, he called everyone over to have dinner together, even Lao Qin came.

During the meal, Qin Mo said proudly: "Today I received a letter from Tianxin. This guy is very fierce in the south. He killed more than 60 enemies and captured more than 200 prisoners.

Not relying on family connections, but also becoming a hundred flags, I estimate that I will be promoted to Qianqiang next year. "

The news had spread long ago, but Qin Mo still showed off in front of everyone.

Brother Guard, Huo Lin'er, and Niu Duzi are extremely envious.

Several children of average age held their heads high and vowed to join the army and surpass their elder brothers.

There was a great atmosphere at the dinner table.

"If you want to go next year, you are not allowed to leave if you are under 16 years old." Zhu Jun looked at the booing Niu Daozi, "If you don't do your homework well, you will leave one year later!"

Niu Daozi didn't like studying very much, and his grades were not bad, but they were far from good, hovering on the edge of passing or failing.

But he was born with physical strength. At this age, he could lift a [-]-jin barbell, and he had to eat three jins of rice and five jins of meat for one meal.

If this was placed in the era of cold weapons, it would be a natural warrior who can only be defeated by one man.

But this kind of fierce general cannot hold a bullet.

Of course, he can join the special teams. This guy is indeed a good prospect.

His uncle also took him with him every day, and his martial arts skills defeated the second generation invincible fighters in Xijing.

He is known as the little bully, but he still cannot withstand the iron fist of Qin Mo's father's love. He is often chased and beaten by Qin Mo for causing trouble.

Feeling his father's eyes at this moment, Niu Dauzi shrank his neck, "It's just cultural achievements, I'll definitely pass!"

"Don't brag. If you can't pass, you have to study again!" Zhu Jun said: "Of course, my son from the Qin family can join the army, join politics, or even invest in research and education.

But you have to show your extraordinary side.

Don't think that the rules are unreasonable. Your starting line is something that others will find difficult to reach in their lifetime.

If you don’t cherish and work hard, you won’t be qualified to enjoy the glory and convenience that your status brings to you! "

(End of this chapter)

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