big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1628: Tangled!

Chapter 1628: Tangled!
"Your eldest brother is excellent in all cultural subjects. Now he joins the army. Although he is not the bravest in the army, he still has the courage to fight and fight hard, and is wallowing in blood.

You are not required to be a perfect person, but you must be a person who works hard.

Talent is not enough, work hard to make up.

I allow you to be ordinary, after all, not everyone is gifted, but I don’t allow you to act bad! "

At this point, he added in his heart, "The entire Ming Dynasty only allows me to lie down by myself!"

"Yes, dad!" Brother Feng stood like a javelin and shouted more energetically than anyone else.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely pass the exam next year!" Niu Duzi patted his chest and vowed.

Qin Xiangru looked at his eldest grandchildren, his eyes narrowed with smiles.

There is a successor to the Qin family.

He thought in his mind that in two or three years, he would abdicate and let Hanzi come up. After Hanzi had been in office for a few years, he would be able to make way for his grandsons.

He is in good health now, and it shouldn't be a big problem if he lives for more than ten years.

He should be able to do what Da Qian failed to do when the Three Emperors came to this world.

Thinking of this, Lao Qin felt extremely beautiful.

In October, news of another attack on the Ming Dynasty's Honglu Pavilion in Daqian reached the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Xiangru was furious again.

"Daqan has fallen to this level now?" Qin Xiangru was furious, "No one in front of the emperor can guarantee the safety of the Honglu Pavilion personnel?

That's the capital of Daqian, one of the safest places in the world! "

"Your Majesty, although Daqian offered compensation and apologized as soon as possible, it will definitely not work if it continues like this." Qin Youde said: "This matter is too strange. Daqian's Honglu Pavilion is not There is only the Ming Dynasty, among the many kingdoms in the Western Regions, there are at least thirty to fifty kingdoms.

Why do they only attack us?
Weichen highly suspects that they directed and acted on their own to test our bottom line!
A little profit is nothing to them! "

Dou Xuanling stepped forward and said: "I beg to differ, how can anyone slap himself in the face? Even if Da Gan wants to fall out, he will not fall out at this stall.

You know, the princess is already pregnant, and she is the queen of Daqian, and her mother is the queen of the world.

It is impossible for Emperor Daqian to do such a stupid thing at this time.

Someone should be trying to sow discord between the two countries and cause turmoil! "

"I second the proposal!" Du Jingming, Liu Chenghu and others came out.

"Are we just going to let this matter go?" Qin Youwei said: "Don't say that it was the envoys of the Ming Dynasty who died. Even if ordinary people of the Ming Dynasty died in other countries for no reason, we still have to let them give an explanation.

Is it possible that even the real culprit can't be found out? "

"Let the people from the Honglu Pavilion negotiate. The real culprit must be handed over. Secondly, now that the two countries have opened bulk trade, the first batch of goods worth tens of millions of taels is about to be sold to the sea. We should focus on the overall situation.

Whether it is the relationship between the two countries or the princess. "Chai Shao came out and said: "If the big cadres are unable to protect the envoys, the small ministers suggest that our Honglu Pavilion form our own bodyguard! "

"Okay!" Qin Xiangru nodded, "I will do as you say. The people from Honglu Hall must track this matter to the end and make Daqian hand over the real culprit.

I will not give up until the real murderer is handed over.

In addition, my daughter is pregnant. I am sending someone to visit her and prepare more supplements! "

"The clan government will handle this matter!" the old patriarch said.

"Retreat from the court." Qin Xiangru waved his hand and left upset.

When Qin Mo learned about the court's decision, he did not interfere. However, he had a piece of material in his hand that seemed to point directly to the real culprit behind it.

As early as the first time people in Honglu Hall were attacked and killed, he mobilized the people who stayed in Daqian to investigate the matter.

Because these people were well hidden, and Emperor Daqian cleaned them up several times, they did not dare to show up at will, so it was somewhat difficult to investigate.

But it was still found out.Over the years, he has deceived Lao Liu to the point that Lao Liu always thought that Lao Ba was still alive, so he kept sending people to investigate the matter.

If you go to investigate a dead person, you won't be able to find him even if you dig three feet into the ground.

And there are undoubtedly people taking advantage of this.

So in this way, the scope of the real culprit has been narrowed.

Not many people knew about this matter, so Qin Mo ruled them out one by one in his mind.

By now, he has basically locked in the truth and the real culprit.

He burned the information he got and thought to himself, find time to go to Daqian and take a look.

But, if he leaves now, there is a high probability that he will be attacked.

He didn't even have to think about it, the real murderer wouldn't miss this good opportunity.

But if he wrote a letter to remind Lao Liu, he didn't seem to have this obligation.

The two countries have good relations, but Qin Mo has no obligation to help Lao Liu handle internal affairs.

Even if Da Gan goes astray, he is happy to see it.

It's not that he has a dark heart, no one wants to cultivate a strong enemy for himself.

Since he wants to feed his old age and his son in peace, he definitely needs a comfortable environment.

"Forget it, let's give it a while, but be careful about this guy attacking both of you!" Qin Mo thought this way, even if he killed all the envoys of the Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion, it would probably be difficult to provoke a war.

But if something happens to Qin Shuangshuang, it will be hard to say.

Qin Mo would not let the other party hurt those close to him.

And Lao Liu is not stupid, and the people around him must be well protected.

In addition, Lao Liu now went to the old man's house, and the palace was handed over to Ah Si, which further weakened the danger.

It's scary because I'm afraid that the other party will make a desperate move.

Qin Mo was confused again, "Damn it, it's none of my business, why should I worry about it?"

He was upset and simply left the palace to rehearse a play with Zhao Manyun.

Of all the wives, she was probably the only one who lived her favorite life.

"Why are you free to come here today?" Zhao Manyun was so happy when she saw Qin Mo, "Where's my aunt? Isn't she here?"

"She and her senior sister went to supervise the work and had no time to talk to me!" Qin Mo said melancholy.

Zhao Manyun walked up behind Qin Mo and gave him a gentle shoulder squeeze, "I have a play to rehearse soon. Be good and I'll come find you after I finish filming!"

"You, the majestic dean, still need to go out in person?"

"I recently brought in a group of new students. I have to teach them myself. These students are very talented. It would be a pity not to hurry up!" Zhao Manyungui is the director of the National Opera House. Needless to say, his identity can attract her attention. It's definitely a pheasant turning into a phoenix.

Zhu Jun nodded, knowing that the students she brought were all female classmates.

Even when rehearsing a play, there are no male creatures.

Qin Mo's eyes were dazzled when he looked at the long legs above him.

"No wonder ancient people like to go to brothels, and modern people like to look for celebrities. It feels really good!" Qin Mo crossed his legs and ate melon seeds. The actress rehearsing below had sharp eyes and recognized Qin Mo.

Everyone wanted to show their best side to Qin Mo.

Of course, it would be even better if it could be shown to Qin Mo alone!
(End of this chapter)

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