big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1629 Contradictions

Chapter 1629 Contradictions
It's a pity that Qin Mo is not interested in them.

The bunch of wolves at home. No, the beautiful women are too busy for him. If he finds a few more people, isn't that a way to die?

But it’s still okay to enjoy Da Chang’s performance.

Zhao Manyun is only in her early thirties, and she has been dancing all year round. She has a perfect figure and an excellent temperament. These students cannot catch up with her.

Half an hour later, Zhao Manyun came over covered in sweat, "Does it look good?"

Qin Mo looked away from the pile of white long-legged plums, "Not as good-looking as yours!"

Zhao Manyun snorted and gave Qin Mo a knowing look, "Go back to your stronghold or the palace?"

"It's still early. You change your clothes first, and I'll take you for a walk on the beach!" On weekdays, Qin Mo cared too little about Zhao Manyun.

It happened that Fang Chun and his two daughters had taken everyone else out to relax, and there were not many people in the palace, so he planned to make good compensation to Zhao Manyun.

This woman gave birth to two daughters and one son for him. She didn't fight or fight over her, and she was very well-behaved.

Coupled with her pitiful life experience, Qin Mo felt that he had an obligation and responsibility to treat her better.

Sensing that Qin Mo was gentler than usual, Zhao Manyun was particularly happy. She looked at Qin Mo with love in her eyes, "Then go to the bathroom in my office!"

This washing lasted another half an hour. Qin Mo also left clothes here and put on new clothes. He felt refreshed.

Zhao Manyun's face was even more rosy and indescribably moist.

Arriving at the royal exclusive beach, the two walked barefoot on the sand, "Aunt asked you to come with me, why don't you go?"

"Isn't the Opera House busy?"

"Really?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "I don't think so. It has been a few years since you and your aunt have always felt a little uncomfortable together, and you are not as close as before.

Did something unpleasant happen? "

"No, no, my aunt and I have always had a good relationship." Zhao Manyun blinked her big eyes, "Did you feel wrong?"

"I am a person who can't make mistakes. I have held so many conferences, and several times, during the conference, I took you two out alone, and you guys got together, but there was no harmony like before.

Am I still unclear? "Qin Mo said.

Zhao Manyun spat, "Who can be harmonious with your behavior? You can really trample people to death. If you had done this before, you would have been a fool!"

"What's wrong with a faint emperor?" Qin Mo smiled, "To tell you the truth, I don't have any ambitions. Even if I become an emperor in the future, I just want to be a faint emperor. Really!"

"Then you will be scolded by future generations!"

"I'm not afraid!" Qin Mo led her and sat on the beach, looking at the blue sky, feeling extremely relaxed, "Tell me, what happened, are you still hiding it from your husband?"

"Not really"

Qin Mo turned around and said, "Do you dare to look into my eyes?"

"Of course I dare!"

Zhao Manyun looked at her. After a while, a trace of panic appeared in his clear eyes. When she got to the back, she moved away in a panic, "Okay, okay? I'm not panicking!"

"Did I say you are panicking?" Qin Mo said: "You are not good. If this happens, I will pull you out alone to criticize you at the next meeting. You know how I criticize people.

Yu Shu must be tough-talking, but after criticizing him twice, he behaved very well.

My senior sister is so arrogant that she criticized me three times. Now every time I hold a meeting, she doesn’t dare to look at me seriously!
How many times do you think you can withstand criticism? "

"You, you are acting like a scoundrel!" Zhao Manyun couldn't help but think of the scene of criticism. It was something no one could bear. Just thinking about it made her feel as if all her strength had been drained out of her, and her legs were as weak as noodles.

Although they are also involved, no one wants to be the one being criticized.

I still remember Sugako volunteering to try the law, but what happened in the end?

I couldn't hold back even one criticism, and kept begging for mercy halfway through.She didn't think she was as tough-tongued as Fang Chun.

"I'm not being a rogue. My sisters are all out to play, and there aren't many people at home. I have a lot of time, and I have plenty of time to reason with you!"

"No, no, I don't want to be reasonable!" Zhao Manyun couldn't help but shook his head. Qin Mo's reasoning was not something ordinary people could stomach.

"Then tell me, what's going on?" Qin Mo said, "I don't want there to be any bad blood between our families.

It is fate that the family can come together.

You know, I don't like to be coy.

If you have any problems, you can tell me and I will find a way to solve it.

If it can't be solved, then I will mediate. "

Zhao Manyun pouted, "I just said, why do you have time to come to me!"

She was a little aggrieved. Although she didn't argue for anything, which woman didn't want her man to spend more time with her and pay more attention to her?
Qin Mo held her in his arms, "For the next month, you don't go anywhere. You go wherever I go, and you follow me when I go to the toilet!"

"That stinks!" Zhao Manyun said in disgust.

"Isn't that just to pay more attention to you?"

Zhao Manyun was defeated. When she met this man, she became irrational even though she was reasonable.

After thinking for a while, she said: "She is not my biological aunt, right?"

"Who said that?"

"The attitude of those elders determines everything. I have also inquired and asked. Although my aunt's sister did give birth to a daughter, she died long ago.

There are the remains that the old man collected himself.

The most important thing is that your Aunt Xiao doesn't recognize me at all." Zhao Manyun said with red eyes: "Who am I?

Auntie, she keeps using me, right? "

Qin Mo sighed in his heart, so that's the bad thing about a woman who is too smart, and it is difficult to fool her.

If Zhao Manyun hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten it.

However, Zhao Manyun was able to find some clues from the attitudes of some people, and finally peeled off the cocoons and came to some conclusions.

"Don't think too much."

"Yeah, even if I think too much, what can I do? What can I get?" Zhao Manyun couldn't hold it any longer. This matter has been pressing in her heart for several years. Every time she meets Xiao Yurou, she gets very excited. sad.

Because there is nothing about her that looks similar to Xiao Yurou.

She was brought up by Xiao Yurou, but why did he lie to her?

"Anyway, I'm a bastard without a father and a mother, so my origins don't matter anymore!"

"That's nonsense. You don't have a father or a mother. Could it be that you are still a grandson who jumped out of a stone?" Qin Mo pinched her nose, "Of course you have a father and a mother!"

"Then who am I?" Zhao Manyun said, "Do you know my life experience?"

Qin Mo was really confused by the question, but the truth was too cruel.

If Zhao Manyun knew that she was Prince Jian's daughter, she might not be able to bear this kind of blow.

"Yes, I know. Since you mentioned this, I will tell you!"

(End of this chapter)

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