big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1632 Lao Qin won’t be fooled!

Chapter 1632 Lao Qin won’t be fooled!
"What, you want to go to work?" In the evening, Qin Mo came to Fengtian Temple to pick on Lao Qin. Old Qin's hobbies have not changed, but he is getting older, and he is no longer scratching his elbows, and he is afraid that old age diseases will come to his door.

However, Qin Mo still came over from time to time to stay with him.

"No, absolutely not!" Qin Xiangru said without even thinking about it: "So many people tried to persuade you last time, but you forgot?

If you are in any danger, will you let me live? "

"Dad, who dares to touch me?" Qin Mo said: "Besides, our Ming Dynasty is full of martial virtue, and I am not going alone, I must bring a guard.

I don't believe that Dagan authorities will not send anyone to protect me when I go on a trip.

If something happens to me, it will be a real fight to the death. Da Qian will not make fun of Guo Zuo.

To put it bluntly, I still have a backup plan in Daqian, don’t worry. "

"That won't work. It seems that you are still too idle." Qin Xiangru said: "I will summon the ministers to abdicate tomorrow. You will be the emperor honestly. If you want to go on a visit, I will go on a visit!"

"No, absolutely not." Qin Mo was excited, "If you give in, who will let me eat my old age!"

Qin Xiangru's nose was so angry that he said, "You lazy guy, I'm already old, so you can't let me have a happy old age?
We agreed at the beginning that I would help you get one. This one has lasted for so many years.

I am satisfied with what I have done as emperor. Isn’t it okay if I don’t want to do it anymore? "

"Dad, don't get excited. That's not what I meant. Please listen to my explanation!" Qin Mo said: "Think about it, there are so many veteran generals, why are they all doing well in the court in their [-]s and [-]s, but then they die within two years of old age? Already?

Isn't that because you are too busy?
There is nothing to do, nothing to do every day.

If you have nothing to do, just drink every day, think about things, or play music every night, how can your body handle it?

How nice of you to work nine to five, go to court twice a month, and spend one or two hours every day reviewing memorials.

I don’t have to face my aunt every day, nor do I have to deal with my children every day.

And every day is fulfilling and comfortable.

Once you feel comfortable, people will naturally live longer.

Not to mention living seventy or eighty years, even if you live a hundred years old, it will be easy!
Can your son still lie to you? "

Qin Xiangru frowned and felt that what Qin Mo said made sense, "Don't brainwash me, you are just lazy and don't want to be the emperor.

What, as long as you play, I'm not allowed to play? "

"I'm still young and can have fun. When you get old and can't play anymore, you have to work to maintain your health." Qin Mo said: "In this way, you can do well. You will be the emperor for three to five years. Our Ming Dynasty law stipulates The number of years the emperor has been in power.

You must make a good start. If you fail after three to five years, then future generations will follow your example.

When the time comes, it will be easy to get confused.

At that time, I still said that you were the one who started it. How can I explain this? "Qin Mo saw that Lao Qin's expression was relaxed and struck while the iron was hot: "Three to five years is a long time or a short time. I will also be forty. When the time comes, I will be the emperor for about ten years. I will be around the same age as you. Let me. to the children.

At that time, the children were only in their early thirties, which happened to be a time when they were in the prime of life.

When the time comes, when the Three Emperors come to this world, it’s beautiful to think about it, isn’t it?
You have done what Li Shilong did not do. As the founding emperor, don’t you surpass him?
So what about Tian Khan, are you, the founding emperor who single-handedly created the prosperous Ming Dynasty, so great? "

Qin Xiangru nodded involuntarily, "Well, that makes sense!"

"So Dad, am I hurting you by letting you be the emperor? I am doing it for your sake!" Qin Mo said: "You must not relax your requirements on yourself!"

Qin Xiangru snorted, "But you still can't visit Daqian, I'm worried!"

As he spoke, he continued to lower his head and chatter his elbows.

Qin Mo lost his temper and talked a lot, but Lao Qin still didn't let go.

"Didn't I go over to see the girl?" Qin Mo said. "If it doesn't work, let your aunt go. She misses the child so much!" Qin Xiangru said.

"That's different. I am the crown prince of the same country. The difference is huge." Qin Mo said: "And by going over this time, I will further deepen the cooperation between the two countries.

It is also to attract more people to immigrate to our country.

In just over half a year, more than [-] people have immigrated here. If things go on like this, in ten years, more than a million people will come here. How much immigration work can this save?

How much money can the country save?
The price of a slave in the Western Regions is now very high. A female slave starts at 20 taels of silver, and a young slave is even more expensive. "

Old Qin pretended that he didn't hear anything and didn't care what Qin Mo said, "It's useless to tell me. You can convince the officials."

"Dad, you can't do this!" Qin Mo smiled bitterly. He used to be ruthless in Dagan, but now in his own home, what's the use of being ruthless?

Everyone cares about him and is good for him.

"Okay, you can't do it if you can't. I'll prepare it myself. I'm going to see my nephew next year." Qin Mo snorted, "This is not to discuss with you, but to inform you!"

After speaking, he left angrily.

Qin Xiangru yelled angrily, "You bastard, come back here!"

The next day, while Qin Mo was sleeping soundly, Xiaoba came over to announce, "Your Highness, the clan's order has arrived!"

Qin Mo opened his eyes with difficulty, "What is the old patriarch doing here?"

"Not only the old patriarch, but also others are kneeling outside!"

Qin Mo suddenly lost all sleep and sat up, "What?"

Xiaoba smiled bitterly and said: "Isn't that why you visited Da? You came early in the morning, and more and more people are coming. Go and take a look!"

Qin Mo slapped his thigh and said, "Hey, what is this? My dad is serious about it. As for a big fight?

If I am not allowed to do anything, then why should I be the prince?
It's so frustrating.

I won’t do this coward prince! "

Xiaoba was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Your Highness, please calm down, His Majesty is thinking of you too!"

Qin Mo was extremely annoyed. If he hadn't been fully prepared, he would definitely not have done it.

He hurriedly put on some clothes, wiped his face, and walked outside.

Outside the East Palace, all the people of the Qin clan, led by an old clan leader, knelt on the ground.

After washing, there were no less than a hundred people.

And there were people kneeling behind one after another.

"What are you doing?" Qin Mo ran over in a hurry, "Old patriarch, what are you doing kneeling down? Get up quickly!"

Qin Mo has always respected the elders of the Qin clan. After all, their sacrifice and dedication are indispensable for the Ming Dynasty to be what it is today.

Qin Xianggui said: "I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince is going to visit Daqian. The minister is old and useless, but he can still take bullets for His Highness the Crown Prince.

If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to go, please take the old minister with you. "

Qin Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The people who followed Qin Xianggui also said: "Your Highness, please bring your ministers and others!"

(End of this chapter)

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