Chapter 1633

"Hey, what are you doing?" Qin Mo was speechless.

"Since His Highness the Crown Prince is going to visit Daqian, the Ministry of War will bring 10 troops there, just to spend some food and money!"

"Yes, that's right, let's all go there!"

Seeing everyone like this, Qin Mo also got a little angry, "You're threatening me, okay? I won't be the crown prince. I will issue an edict tomorrow not to be the crown prince. Then I will choose someone from my son to be the crown prince." Sun."

Hearing this, everyone panicked!
If this were the case for others, no one would believe it.

But if it was Qin Mo, they wouldn't dare to gamble.

Who is Qin Mo?

When I was still working in Daqian, if I was told that I was doing nothing, I would be doing nothing, and I wouldn’t give anyone any face.

Now that he is the prince, he can do whatever he wants. Who can stop him?

"Prince, you are the backbone of us all. What will we do if you abdicate in favor of someone more powerful?
What should the people do? "Qin Xianggui said.

"That's your business and has nothing to do with me. So what if I just go out on a trip to do something. This kind of thing will be very common in the future.

A visit by a head of state means that the development of the two countries has reached a new level.

This is a good thing.

What will Da Gan do to me?

Are we Ming people just decorations?

Or do you think I, Qin Mo, don’t care about my life? "

Qin Mo was furious, "You've learned how to force a woman to have a baby. Who taught you to do this? Otherwise, can I, the prince, do a good job for you?"

If you don’t understand, don’t hinder my plan! "

"Your Highness, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!"

"That's right, I also have a heart for boxing. I have no other intentions. Please don't step on me!"

"Don't worry, no matter what angle you look at, there is no need for Da Qian to touch me." Qin Mo said: "Da Ming needs development, and Da Qian needs it too.

An alliance between the two countries is the safest.

Conducive to world stability.

Only by reaching this consensus will we become better.

So this time I went there mainly because I wanted to reach some kind of consensus with Daqian.

Daming is rich in resources, and Daqian's resources are sufficient for their development.

As long as a certain consensus is reached, war may not start for decades or even centuries. This is my vision.

War is easy, a matter of words.

It is also easy to achieve great achievements through the ages. Now the Ming Dynasty has completed the great achievements through the ages and created an unprecedented national territory.

The same goes for Daqian.

It is not necessary to unify the world.

That's hard.

Going militarily will only bring down the country.

So the world needs to reach a consensus.

Daqian has endless potential. Now our Ming Dynasty is indeed advanced, but who dares to say that they will not catch up in ten years?

Is it better to spread the war to the territories of the two countries? "

Qin Mo looked at everyone, "My Ming Dynasty has a holy emperor, dozens of emperors and grandsons, and the country is stable. Even if I die, what will happen?

Will the Ming Dynasty be destroyed?
I believe that you will definitely kill Daqian for me.Can Da Gan bear this risk?
They can't afford it.

Let’s not underestimate our own deterrence, nor should we overestimate our abilities! "

"But Your Highness, I want to go back with you!" Qin Xianggui said.

"Old patriarch, when you are old, don't go far away. Why don't you stay here and continue to shine for the country?" Qin Mo shook his head, "I understand and understand your concerns and worries.

But I think about it more than you do.

Times have changed, and we need to be more bold.

Now, you all leave the palace. I have decided on this matter and no one can stop it. "

"Your Highness."

There were still people who wanted to admonish, but Qin Mo said directly: "Sleeping nonsense, I won't do it now. Who else are you looking for? Why don't I become the prince?"

Seeing that Qin Modong was serious, everyone panicked.

"Go back, all go back!" Qin Xianggui waved, "Since the prince is going to visit, as ministers, what we should do is to provide good security!"

"Yes, yes, the prince's decision is definitely right. All we have to do is make a good travel plan and make sure that His Highness the prince is foolproof!" Qin Youwei said.

Qin Mo snorted when he heard this. Couldn't he have said this earlier?

In fact, the centralization of monarchy is still very advanced to a certain extent.

He had neither the idea of ​​a constitutional monarchy nor the idea of ​​imitating others.

As long as there is peace, as long as everyone has food to eat, everyone has a job, and as long as fairness is maintained, then it doesn't matter what system it is.

Fairness in the world is relative, and only the weak can talk about fairness.

It's heartbreaking, but the truth of the world is often something others don't want to believe.

Maybe the Ming Dynasty could not last for ten thousand years, but even a few hundred years would be enough.

With hundreds of years of peace, the Ming Dynasty could support more than a billion people, or even more.

Then he, Qin Mo, didn't come here in vain.

There is no perfect system. Any system must adapt to the current situation, otherwise problems will inevitably occur.

"Let's all go back!" Qin Mo helped the old patriarch up and said with a wry smile: "You should stop getting involved. Taking good care of your body is more important than anything else!"

"Prince, don't think the old man is nagging. You are really the backbone of the entire country. Everyone is panicking now that you have left!"

"Look what you said, weren't the years when I was away from the Ming Dynasty good? There was no chaos in the Ming Dynasty!" Qin Mo said: "Now the Ming Dynasty is getting better and better, and everything is on the right track. If the safety of the Ming Dynasty depends on That would be a big mistake for me alone.

It shows that our Ming Dynasty is only strong on the outside but weak on the inside, right?

The power of the Ming Dynasty cannot be maintained by one person. Even if one day the emperor who takes power in the Ming Dynasty is not a saint, there will still be thousands of people like you to safeguard the country.

The Ming Dynasty is not strong because of one person. The strength of the Ming Dynasty is the strength of everyone. "

Qin Xianggui was so ashamed, "The prince is right, the little old man is holding you back!"

"Serious words, having an old man in the family is like having a treasure. You are taking care of me. I am happy and don't rush." ​​Qin Mo patted his hand. He always respected the old man very much, "Earlier. Go home, I won’t keep you here for lunch!”

Qin Xianggui sighed, nodded, and said: "The Qin people will always be the backing of the royal family. Even if we fight to the death in the future, we must be loyal to the country.

At present, there are many sons and daughters of the royal family, all of whom are trying their best to be loyal to the country. You must take these people with you when you travel far this time.

Let them take bullets and muzzles for you, and they will have no regrets. "

Qin Mo nodded, "Hey, I understand!"

After sending Qin Xianggui away, Qin Mo also breathed a sigh of relief. The matter was finally over.

He has a lot to do before going on a big trip, but the mood at home also needs to be calmed down.

Otherwise, there will definitely be trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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