big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1634: Women fighting!

Chapter 1634: Women fighting!

So, the first thing he did was write an article himself and publish it in Xijing Daily, which was distributed all over the world.

Second, give a peace speech.

In front of the Meridian Gate, hundreds of thousands of people were gathered.

Unlike modern times, a piece of news is known to the whole world.

The transmission of information is very slow. Even if there is a telegraph, it will take three to five days to spread across the country. Even in some remote areas, it can only be seen in the dark.

After all, he is the prince of a country. In the past, there were only two possibilities for princes to visit.

First, surrender and negotiate as a hostage.

Second, negotiate as a winner.

Qin Mo is the third type, "My people of the Ming Dynasty, I am the prince of the Ming Dynasty, Qin Mo.

In the past two days, there has been a lot of fuss in Xijing, that is, I am going to visit Daqian.

My visit to Daqian was not just a whim, but a visit to Daqian to seek eternal peace for the people of the country!
We need to reach some kind of consensus with one of the most powerful countries in the world, that is, the war will never spread to each other.

Looking back thousands of years, in the land of Daqian, there have been countless wars and countless soldiers died.

Every inch of the land is covered in blood.

Even in the Ming Dynasty, the Tu people often launched wars, and a lot of blood was shed.

War is for peace, not for some people's perverted desire to rule!

War is to protect the homeland and the home behind us!
I am going to work hard and completely change the world.

Sprinkle the glory of Ming Dynasty to every place in the world.

Let everyone know that the majesty of my Ming Dynasty is inviolable! "

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Qin Mo above the city wall.

No one doesn't admire him.

People who immigrated to Daqian came after hearing Qin Mo’s story.

The new generation also grew up listening to Qin Mo's legend.

They knew that with Qin Mo here, they would have prosperity and stability.

The Qin family treats the common people as human beings.

Even ordinary people have the possibility of becoming officials.

Everyone has enough to eat, everyone has education, everyone has a job, everyone has land, and everyone has a house.

The old have something to rely on, and the young have something to learn from.

Daming, in this area, did better than Daqian.

The people have hope in their lives. They can live a stable life and multiply on this land.

Lao Qin sat aside and knew that Qin Mo had made up his mind and could not sway him.

Normally Qin Mo would not make a big move, but once he did, it would definitely be a big deal.

He read the plan submitted by Qin Mo, which contained a concept of globalization.

Qin Mo will form a world management council. This world will be managed by Ming Dynasty and Da Qian. There will also be many small countries below, and they will all be councils.

In this way, many wars will be eliminated, and the location of the wars will be the Western Region or other places.

It is good for Ming Dynasty and Daqian.

The most important thing is that Daming's goods will be dumped to every corner of the world.

The far-sightedness is astonishing.

The ministers no longer objected.

Because this is indeed a big plan, and all plans will be eclipsed in front of this big plan.

The world structure will change as a result, and the voice of major powers will be infinitely higher in the future.

So except for a few people, no one stopped Qin Mo from visiting.

Qin Mo's women were all wondering whether they could go with Qin Mo.The speech went well. Qin Mo's Ming hegemony and global plan were promoted very smoothly.

And people from Honglu Halls in various countries also understand that whoever does not join in the future will die miserably.

On the contrary, by joining this World Management Council, they will gain a certain voice and be able to seek more benefits for their country and people.

At the very least, if big countries want to exploit small countries in the future, they must be able to do so in order to save their lives.

Moreover, the great powers can mediate in the future, and those who disobey will be exploited.

After all, the main focus is world peace!
After everyone dispersed, Qin Mo also felt dry. After taking a sip of ginseng tea, Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Just wait for the trip next year.

When he returned to the East Palace, all the women came over without him calling.

Don't worry, everyone is wearing the latest style, that's called beautiful.

Qin Mo was dazzled.

He sat there, "What are you doing? You know your husband is going to visit Daqian next year, are you giving me a surprise in advance?"

To be honest, Qin Mo likes family fashion shows the most. Every year when the seasons change, a competition is organized.

Isn’t that more enjoyable than Victoria’s Secret?
Victoria's Secret is for men all over the country. He can appreciate it behind closed doors alone, so don't be too cheerful.

The sisters didn't say anything, they just walked over, drowning Qin Mo, and each one tried their best.

Qin Mo fell into the sea of ​​flowers. There were not only flowers but also various butterflies in the sea.

My eyes suddenly became blurred.

"Speak carefully if you have something to say. Don't do this. I don't know what to say!" Qin Mo was a little panicked. "It's not the day for the family meeting yet. Hey, give me a chance to prepare. I just gave a speech today. I’m a little tired, can you let me rest for three to five days?”

These women are not easy to deal with. When they were young, their durability was only a little, but Qin Mo took care of them easily.

It doesn't work anymore, even Xiaojiu's durability has increased.

He was the opponent in the group fight.

"Take me on a trip to Daqian and I'll help you!" Li Yushu said.

"Didn't you just come back?" Qin Mo knew why they were so attentive. Their feelings were waiting for him here!

"That doesn't matter. I'll go back to my house. Why don't I go back a few more times?" Li Yushu bit Qin Mo's ear and said.

"Brother-in-law, I also want to go home a few more times!" Xiaojiu said.

"Hey, dear ones, I'm not going to play."

Qin Mo was helpless.

Fang Shun was even more domineering, eating alone, "Xiao Gao and I will go with you. We used to take care of your safety, and it's the same now. I don't worry about others going with you!"

Gao Yao's head was pounding, "The naughty female crown is right, young master, Xiao Gao must guard you!"

"Are you two living bandits? There are so many masters, do you need to follow them?" Li Yushu was unhappy.

Zhao Manyun said: "Mr. Lang, I sing well and dance beautifully. Are you sure you don't want to take me with you?"

Her big eyes were so sparkling, they made Qin Mo's heart tingle.

But she is still not as powerful as Xiao Yurou.

Xiao Yurou lowered his head, and his hair was scattered on Qin Mo's face, making him itchy.

Unfortunately, his hands and feet were still held down and he couldn't move at all.

Xiao Yurou took a breath of the aroma and raised her eyebrows and said, "Take me with you and show it to your father. What do you think his expression will be like?"

Qin Mo wouldn't know it then.

Damn it, this woman is more of a fairy than a fairy.

No matter what, Xiao Yurou was still the sixth child.
I can’t even think about exploding anymore!

"Aunt, isn't this bad?" Qin Mo felt a pain in his waist. Who else could it be if it wasn't Li Yushu? He suddenly laughed bitterly.

"What's wrong with that? Didn't you say you want me to walk in this world openly?"

(End of this chapter)

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