big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1636 Qin Mo is angry!

Chapter 1636 Qin Mo is angry!
Qin Mo called a maid to wipe the three of them to prevent them from catching cold and getting sick.

Later, he told others: "Wherever I go and who I take, I have my considerations. In theory, this involves political affairs.

But I never like to use righteousness to pressure others. That’s not my style. At home, I basically don’t talk about political affairs.

I thought this was something everyone agreed upon.

Look now, I am still naive.

Among you, the one who has been with me at least has been with me for three to five years, and the most has been with me for more than ten years.

Don’t you still know what kind of person I am? "

"Lang Jun, we were wrong, don't be angry!" Li Lizhen hurriedly knelt behind Qin Mo and slapped him on the back.

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong!" Xiaojiu kept kissing her, but this trick didn't work now.

"You two stop, I'm going to talk about very serious things now!" Qin Mo said seriously. If they feel that they can expose this matter lightly, there is no guarantee that they will not do it again in the future.

"People's hearts are separated from each other. I always thought that I fell in love with you, but it was never for the little pleasure of skin.

I thought we were on the same page and had a common goal.

Now it seems that I was thinking too much.

You have your own selfish motives, I understand.

Who is not selfish? Qin Mo glanced at everyone, "But today, you guys have disappointed me so much!" "

Qin Mo had never said such serious words in front of them.

Xiao Yurou, who was lying next to her, was still awake. Although her eyelids were tired, she sighed secretly when she heard Qin Mo's words and understood that she shouldn't force him on this matter.

She glanced at Li Yulan next to her. Li Yulan was obviously not asleep at this time. The violent rise and fall of her chest showed that she was not in a calm mood at the moment.

Li Yulan also regretted that as the eldest wife of the family, she should trust her husband.

The more important thing is not to start a war, but to solve the problem.

No wonder Qin Mo was so angry and said such harsh words this time.

She is also responsible.

"Since you want to fight and make trouble, then let's fight and make trouble!" Qin Mo said coldly: "I thought the family I worked hard to manage was different from others, but now I see, there is no difference at all.

So, what if I start a family with someone else? "

With that said, Qin Mo stood up with a cold face, got dressed, and then left without looking back.

No one present dared to leave him alone.

The girls looked at each other, and no one dared to leave early.

Everyone knew that Qin Mo was really angry this time.

Even last time, Qin Mo had never been so angry about Qin Shuangshuang's matter.

"What should I do? I have been with the master for so many years and I have never seen him so angry!" Sugako said.

Subi Mojie sighed, "What else can I do? Just coax him. I'm afraid this time I can't coax him well. If this man's heart changes, no matter how much you say, it's useless.

At our age, how can we compare to those little girls?

With his status, what little girl can't get him?
There are beauties every year, every year. "

It was the first time that Xiaojiu saw Qin Mo get angry, and he was frightened.

Gao Yao gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go see the young master!"

Fang Chun held him back, "Forget it, let him calm down, he can still turn the world upside down. If he dares to explode, I will beat him to death!"

It's okay for Qin Mo to show off to others, but if he dares to show off to her, there's no way!

She pursed her lips and looked at the three women next to her, "The person who untied the bell must tie the bell. No matter how much we say, it's useless.
Why is my junior brother angry? It depends on them! "All the girls looked over.

Xiao Yurou said tiredly: "I will never mention this matter again in the future!"

Li Yulan also said hurriedly: "Sister Xiao, I shouldn't be serious with you!"

"It was so bad earlier. My junior brother had to resort to family methods when he was angry. Now it's better. I guess he is probably looking for another woman." Fang Chun stood up, "It's a pity that all my clothes are in vain. I'm so charming." It’s all in vain!”

Gao Yao also sighed, "I'm leaving too. Anyway, I'll leave my words here. The children's future is up to them.

I won't fight for anything or grab anything.

The young master made it very clear that the future depends on the children themselves.

To put it bluntly, who can the young master give it to whom he wants to give it to and who he doesn't want to give it to? Who can sway him?

This is the fairest to everyone.

Don't think twice! "

Everyone else nodded. Indeed, it was the greatest fairness for Qin Mo and Qin Xiangru not to interfere.

If not, Qin Mo could determine who the future emperor's grandson would be with just one sentence, and Qin Xiangru would definitely not refuse.

The Ming Dynasty is not a great leader. If the child fails to live up to expectations, it is impossible to lie on the country and suck blood.

Especially future generations must be useful to the country.

"Hey, I don't know when the master will be able to calm down!" Sugako sighed.

Subi Mojie touched her belly and said, "Come on, you, among the sisters, you are the one who cooks the stove the most, and your stomach never rests.

You also say that if you don’t fight, you will fight the most! "

Sugako stopped talking, she was not stupid, she had to eat good things in private.

Give your master more sons and serve him more. This is the biggest struggle!
She didn't say it stupidly.

Churui sighed, "Let's find some time to find him!"

Xia He Qiuyue is a transparent person, and the twin sisters also advance and retreat together, and they have a deep relationship.

At the end, Xiao Yurou and three people were lying in the huge palace.

"Do you hate me so much?" Xiao Yu said judo.

"I don't hate you, why do I hate you!" Li Yulan shook his head, "I can't comment on right or wrong, but I do blame you for hurting my father!"

"Let's shake hands and make peace." Xiao Yuju said, "You don't have to be my enemy. I was just joking and wanted Jing Yun to love me more."

"Will you do the same?" Li Yulan asked.

"You are a woman, and I am also a woman. Why don't I want my husband to love me?" Xiao Yu said, "I am the oldest here, and in two years, I will be old and lose my luster.

No, I can feel the power of time now. Look at the corners of my eyes, do I have a lot of wrinkles?

Look at my belly, it’s not as tight as before.

I have been training myself secretly to make myself thinner and slow down this aging process.

I think that if one day I am so old that I can no longer stand it, he will stop loving me! "

Li Yulan laughed, "It seems that you don't know him well enough. Even if one day you become old, he will still hold you in the palm of his hand and regard you as a treasure.

If not, there would be more than just these people in our family. Even my father had fifteen concubines.

My imperial grandfather even had nineteen concubines. After he abdicated, the number of concubines in Da'an Palace increased to more than 50.

This is very rare in history. "

(End of this chapter)

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