big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1637 Liu Ruyu’s reminder

Chapter 1637 Liu Ruyu’s reminder
When he said this, Li Yushu groaned and muttered, "I was wrong, don't punish me, you stinker."

Li Yulan smiled bitterly and pulled up the fallen blanket for her. This girl must have been scared of punishment this time, and there were no tears in her eyes.

"Since you know, it's good. In all dynasties, there has never been a king who has truly been equal to the rain and the dew. He is indeed very good to us.

Neither you nor me, nor Xia Hechurui or the others, have ever treated me badly, and tried their best to keep a bowl of water as level as possible.

This is true justice, even for the children.

I actually don't like Da Qian, nor do I like Da Zhou. In order to ensure his throne, my grandpa asked my uncle to fight with my father.

The same is true for your grandpa Huang. There has never been any real fairness. "

"You are not allowed to program my grandpa!" Li Yulan frowned.

"Who cares about the arrangement? After all, we are relatives, or blood relatives. There is no need for us to be against each other."

"but you"

"Want to hear a story?" Xiao Yurou asked.

"My mouth is on you!"

Xiao Yurou smiled and said, "Then just listen, I actually have a sister."

Li Yulan was also shocked when she heard this, but she did not speak, but listened carefully.

Xiao Yurou spoke very immersedly, and Li Yulan listened carefully.

"I am telling this story not to please you, I just want to tell you that I, Xiao Yurou, do not owe your family anything.

Never owe anything! "Xiao Yurou said with red eyes.

Li Yulan's eyes were complicated. She knew something about what happened between Xiao Yurou and Qin Mo, but not in detail.

Today, this story made it impossible for her to say anything bad about Li Yulan.

"I told myself this, he made me homeless, I gave him a knife, and the grudge was settled.

The demise of the Great Zhou Dynasty is closely related to your family, so if I blame you, it is reasonable.

If you go against your conscience and say that you don't hate me anymore, that's a lie.

I can only pretend to be stupid, firstly because I now have my own family, my own children, and a man who loves me.

But you should understand how much suffering you, Da Gan’s daughter, suffered when the Ming Dynasty and Da Gan went to war.

I am the same.

What's the difference between you and me? "

Only then did Li Yulan understand the pain in Xiao Yurou's heart.

She wanted to comfort her, but she couldn't say it. She just sighed faintly, "Women have had a hard life since ancient times, and so are the daughters of the Heavenly Family.

If I hadn't met Mr. Lang, I don't know where I would be suffering this time.

This family can be without anyone, but I feel like it can’t be without anyone.

Let the things of the past be in the past.

If we continue to entangle, we will both lose in the end.

For the sake of husband and children, let's reconcile. "

Xiao Yurou looked at her, "You are a very wise person, I won't embarrass you!"

"Thank you!" After Li Yulan said this, the atmosphere became dull. Some injuries can be repaired with time, but the scars are still there.

Xiao Yu Judo: "I don't want the children to compete and hurt the harmony. Jing Yun thinks the same way. The family tradition needs to be corrected and we need to make concessions. If we are following the path of our predecessors, what's the point?"

"You are right, family traditions have been established since our generation, and some family traditions cannot be changed.

Maintain voluntarily.

The Tianjia is the largest clan in the country, so it needs family laws, family traditions, and national laws to restrain it.

Otherwise it will be a catastrophe! "Li Yulan said.

"It's good if you can understand." Xiao Yurou suddenly felt a lot more relaxed and relieved. It was better to say something out loud than to hide it in her heart.

"Then tomorrow, how about leaving the palace and making your husband happy?" Li Yulan said.

"I guess he is looking for the Liu family girl now. It's not easy to make him happy. All you need to do is admit her existence."

"You are still smart!" Li Yulan said with a bitter smile.

"We are all miserable people. Since we are the same kind, why should we embarrass the same kind of people?" Xiao Yurou said a little tiredly: "Go to sleep, I won't go with you tomorrow, one code will be the same, what he promised me , it hasn’t been fulfilled yet!”


"This is a matter between me and him. Don't interfere. I will control the scale, just like you are flirting with Jingyun in private."

Li Yulan blushed, "Go to sleep!"

In the end, the two reached a temporary reconciliation. No one knows what will happen in the future.

At least this is a good start. The two giants in the harem have reached preliminary harmony.

The future is to work together to straighten the family tradition.

Although some people may feel aggrieved, sometimes too much fairness can lead to a family without any cohesion.

At this time, Qin Mo was just as Xiao Yurou said.

Liu Ruyu ran over from home in a dusty state and looked at the unhappy Qin Mo, "Brother Qin, you called me over so late. Is something wrong?"

There is no curfew in Xijing, so you can go out no matter how late it is.

But it was ten o'clock in the evening in Xijing, and Qin Mo had never asked her to go out at this time.

"A little upset!" Qin Mo said.

Liu Ruyu put her coat aside, then sat aside, "Sleeping girl, get on my lap and give you a head massage."

Qin Mo obeyed obediently and rested on Liu Ruyu's lap, enjoying her service.

"Huh, I feel more comfortable!" Qin Mo said: "I feel more comfortable being with you, there are not so many troubles!"

"Is there a fire in the harem?" Liu Ruyu is so smart, there are very few things that can give Qin Mo such a headache.

Qin Mo responded helplessly, "How do you know?"

"It's not like I can't smell the smell on your body!" Liu Ruyu wrinkled her nose and immediately explained: "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. The reason why Brother Qin feels happy to be with me is because we don't spend time together day and night. , I have enough time and energy to show you my best side.

If I live with you every day, bumps and bruises are inevitable!
My sisters-in-law are all very good, better than me. They are all as beautiful as flowers, and they are virtuous in running the house. I cannot compare with them. "

"You don't have to belittle yourself, you use your good points, and they have their good points." Qin Mo knew that Liu Ruyu was right, which is why he had to set up a stronghold outside the palace, because between husband and wife, they really need A little sense of distance.

"Brother Qin has so many sisters-in-law, but you are the only one among them. What will they do when they can't see you?" Liu Ruyu said: "I especially remember that back then, I stayed in the palace and saw each other for half a year or even a year. Without him, it may be nice to have a child with someone to take care of you, but in the dead of night, the longing and loneliness can really engulf you.

I know it's unambitious to say this, but women are like this. They regard you as everything, so how can they not devote themselves wholeheartedly to you? "

(End of this chapter)

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