big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1638 Sister 3, you are the best!

Chapter 1638 Third sister, you are the best!

Seeing that Qin Mo remained silent, Liu Ruyu said, "Brother Qin, please don't think I'm nagging. My sisters-in-law have been with you through life and death and will never leave you.

I am different. I became a monk halfway and am not qualified to compare with them. "

Qin Mo sat up, "You're right, I'm the one who's drifting, I'm not satisfied with having so many beautiful wives.

This is how family is, nothing is always smooth sailing, there are always bumps and bruises.

I always feel that they can understand me and understand my thoughts, but I rarely listen to their thoughts.

I think they should understand me.

People are mutual.

Thanks girl, I figured it out! "

With that said, he lay down again. He was originally upset, but now he didn't feel upset anymore.

No family is always harmonious, bickering and quarrels are the norm.

Lao Qin is still the emperor. Qin Xiuying will take care of him if he says so. Others even laugh at Lao Qin because he is afraid of his wife.

Even the people think so.

But Lao Qin enjoyed it.

He felt that he should also enjoy it.

"Just don't think I'm verbose." Liu Ruyu lowered her head, kissed Qin Mo, and said sweetly in her heart: "But I'm very happy that Brother Qin can think of me when he's upset!"

"You're quite easy to satisfy!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"That's right, I'm very happy to be with you." Liu Ruyu's only regret is that she can't give birth to a child for Qin Mo, so what else does she expect?
Qin Mo stretched, then sat up again and picked her up, "Let's go take a bath!"

Early the next morning, before Qin Mo woke up, Xiaoba lay on the bedside and whispered: "Your Highness, the Crown Princess is here!"

Qin Mo opened his misty eyes, "Come when you come. It's not like she hasn't been here before!"

Immediately, he closed his eyes again.

But immediately after, he sat up suddenly, "What, my third sister is here? Where is Ruyu?"

"Mrs. Ruyu is keeping me company outside." Xiao Ba said.

Although Li Yulan knew about Liu Ruyu and acquiesced, they never met each other.

I didn't expect to bump into him today, how embarrassing it would be.

"There's no quarrel, right?"

"The Crown Princess had a good chat with Mrs. Ruyu!"

"That's good!" Qin Mo nodded, immediately put on his clothes, washed up casually, and left in a hurry.

When they came to the dining room, they saw Li Yulan and Liu Ruyu chatting happily.

"Third sister, why are you here?" Qin Mo felt a little unnatural, mainly because of his guilty conscience.

"My man has disappeared, why don't I go look for him?" Li Yulan stood up, pouted, walked to Qin Mo, and pulled Qin Mo's hand, "Good man, I was wrong, I shouldn't have made such a fuss. .

I have already agreed with Sister Xiao that we will unite in the future and never make trouble again! "

Qin Mo looked at Li Yulan, who was aggrieved and almost in tears, and felt heartbroken. This sister really risked her life for him, "I was wrong too. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you yesterday."

As she said this, she hugged her tightly. Seeing this, Liu Ruyu sensibly withdrew, leaving space for the two of them.

"Are you still angry?" Li Yulan sniffed, "If you don't feel angry, you can punish me no matter what."

Seeing Li Yulan's face looking exhausted and walking unsteadily, he knew how harsh yesterday's punishment was. Qin Mo said distressedly: "I have a big heart. If I take a nap, I will forget everything."

"You must not let me go."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I can't do without you if I don't want anyone!" Qin Mo sat down with her in his arms and said, "I deeply reflected on myself last night and should be more gentle and considerate to you.

We have gone through life and death, and along the way, you have given birth to children for me, abandoning your own country.How can I, Qin Mo, be so virtuous? "

Li Yulan also looked at him with tears in her eyes, "You threw me out of the palace last night. I thought you didn't want me anymore!"

Qin Mo gently wiped her tears, "Stop crying, it makes me feel bad for crying!"

Li Yulan buried Lian in Qin Mo's chest and cried so sadly. She was really worried last night, tired and scared, and didn't get much rest at all.

I woke up before dawn, and I couldn’t even cover the two dark circles under my eyes with makeup.

Qin Mo couldn't help but comfort him, and he also understood that the third sister was frightened this time. The two of them had been working together for so many years, and they had basically never blushed.

He didn't even show his face in front of them.

He also reminded himself not to bring government matters home. When he was young, he was not very temperamental, but as he got older, his temper became stronger.

This is not a good sign.

When Li Yulan stopped crying, Qin Mo said: "Good third sister, if I try to hurt you from now on, I will slap myself!"

Li Yulan hugged him tightly, "How can two couples not quarrel? Even my father and my mother often quarrel.

As long as you don't keep a cold war, it'll be fine. "

"Wrong, wrong, really wrong!" Qin Mo admitted his mistake again.

After Li Yulan calmed down, she whispered: "Was Ruyu waiting for you to rest last night?"

Qin Mo nodded awkwardly, "Yes!"

"It's not good for you to be so unclear. If Ruyu is born in the future, he still has to be taken back to the palace. The emperor's grandson of the Ming Dynasty cannot be so unclear." Li Yulan said: "Bring Ruyu into the palace. Bar!"

"Third sister, what did you say?"

Seeing Qin Mo's face full of disbelief, Li Yulan said: "You are already like this, what else is there to say?

Besides, our sisters are all married to you, so what if there is one more Ruyu.

It's just a kiss, and it saves you the trouble of running out to find another woman.

They all know the basics, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Besides, this is the Ming Dynasty, and no one will pursue those things before.

Just keep a low profile and find a good day to let Ruyu enter the palace.

There’s one more person to play mahjong with! "

"Third sister, you are too kind!"

"You said I wasn't the same as before!"

"Okay, no matter it was before or now, the third sister is the best!" Qin Mo has been feeling regretful, but he didn't expect that Li Yulan actually agreed and persuaded him to let Liu Ruyu enter the palace.

The barrier between husband and wife was gone, and Li Yulan said, "Are you going to talk to Ruyu about this, or should I do it?"

"I also said that she seems unwilling to enter the palace."

"I don't want to because I have concerns. I understand. Of course, I also respect her, but if she has children, she still has to enter the palace!" Li Yulan said: "Don't be sneaky in the future, as if you have done something shameful.

In the past, people couldn't afford a wife. A sister-in-law would marry an uncle, and a sister-in-law would marry an elder brother. But that was too much.

As long as both parents agree, who can say anything?

They are just living together.

Ruyu was alone with two children. Although she had the support of Liujun Prince's Mansion, she was still suffering.

Even if her parents don't say anything, what if her parents are gone?
Will her sisters-in-law not gossip in the future?
Even if you don't say anything, your eyes can kill them. "

(End of this chapter)

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