big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1639 Rejection Again

Chapter 1639 Rejection Again
"Who dares?" Qin Mo said: "Liu Rujian is not that kind of short-sighted person. Besides, I am here!"

"Although you are here, but you have your mouth on others, how can you prevent others from talking behind their backs?"

"No, Third Sister, what on earth are you doing here today just to persuade me to accept Sister Ruyu?" Qin Mo pinched her chin, his eyes full of curiosity.

Li Yulan said helplessly: "That's not because you are afraid of problems. If you are so unclear, it will not be good for the children.

After all, your stepson is your future son-in-law and Yuanjun is your daughter-in-law. You must make them look good.

Is it possible that in the future, when people mention Ruyu, they say that it was the wife of your Highness the Crown Prince? Would that sound good? "

"That makes sense, but it really doesn't sound good!" Zhu Jun touched his chin, "My third sister is better!"

Li Yulan smiled bitterly, she would rather not have such a good reputation.

"Okay, okay, go call Ruyu over and talk to her!"

"how about you?"

"I'm sleepy. I didn't sleep well last night!" Li Yulan had been dealt with by family law for so long last night and had been worried all night. She was already exhausted. She just cried again and was already exhausted.

Qin Mo hurriedly hugged the room tightly, "Third sister, you have a good rest. I will come over to accompany you in a while!"

"Don't torment me." Li Yulan said with some fear: "My legs are still shaking!"

"I'm not an animal!" Qin Mo said with a bitter smile, knowing that the strength of the family magic last night was too much, and the man made of water was almost drying up, how could he not be afraid?

Li Yulan closed her eyes and said in a somewhat confused tone: "Even so, I've been tortured to death by you."

Qin Mo covered her with a blanket, exited the room, and then called Liu Ruyu over.

Liu Ruyu also came over with some anxiety. Seeing that Qin Mo was the only one, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Where is the third sister?"

"Resting in the back." Qin Mo held her waist and said, "Do you know what the third sister just said?"

"Is it related to me?" Liu Ruyu asked.

"Yes, it has something to do with you!" Qin Mo said with a smile: "Third sister just criticized me!"

"Does the third sister say that I am too unruly?" Liu Ruyu said nervously: "This has nothing to do with you. I have been seducing you. I, I... I will explain to the third sister when she gets up!"

"Don't be nervous, I'm not blaming you." Qin Mo patted her back and comforted: "The third sister said that on an auspicious day, let me marry you into the palace, and she agreed!"

Liu Ruyu's face was full of disbelief, "What?"

"Before, you were always afraid that everyone would not accept you. Now that my third sister has spoken out, do you still want to stay outside the palace?" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"But, but, but my identity, will this make it difficult for you?" Liu Ruyu said: "It won't sound good if it is spread out!"

"Do I still have a reputation?" Qin Mo snorted, "In Dagan, my reputation has long been ruined!"

Besides, the relationship between these women in his family is completely messed up. Anyway, they all have their own affairs, and when they enter his house, they are all his wives.

If anyone builds a hill, everyone will be pulled out to make a plan, and there will be no discussion!
Liu Ruyu was surprised and worried at the same time, "Who said that, Brother Qin's reputation in my heart has always been the best!"

"Who doesn't talk behind people's backs, and who doesn't have people talk about them?" Qin Mo said: "Look at those wise kings, how many of them have been famous throughout the ages?

On the contrary, those foolish kings and their romantic affairs have been circulated for thousands of years and are talked about by people. "

Liu Ruyu said seriously: "Brother Qin is a wise king, the best wise king in the world!"

Qin Mo laughed, "To tell you the truth, my biggest wish was to sleep until I woke up naturally, count money until my hands cramped, and marry more than a dozen wives.

Now, this wish has come true.

Therefore, my current wish is to eat my old man and my son, and become a foolish king! "Liu Ruyu's beautiful eyes kept turning. Seeing Qin Mo's unserious look, she said, "Brother Qin knows how to joke. Even if you are a foolish king, you are still a hundred times wiser than those wise kings in Daqian!
However, I still can't enter the palace, and I can't hand this handle to others.

Ruyu doesn't ask for anything else, she just wants to be with Brother Qin, that's all. "

"I told you, I don't care!"

"Brother Qin really doesn't care, because he pities Ruyu, but Ruyu can't help but care!" Liu Ruyu said with a smile: "Brother Qin was born to be a hero and a wise king, Ruyu is just at Brother Qin's feet a speck of dust.

I didn't seize the opportunity back then, but now I'm lucky. Thanks to Brother Qin, I don't dislike it. How can I be dirty?
What about Brother Qin’s reputation?
Do not seek success, but seek no fault.

Most importantly, I'm fine just the way I am.

My parents are also very satisfied.

When I really have to enter the palace, I feel uncomfortable facing those familiar people.

No matter whether it is the third sister, the sixth sister or the seventh sister, I will always think of some sad things unconsciously, which makes me feel that I have done something wrong, and I am a dwarf. "

As she spoke, two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of Liu Ruyu's eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not sad, I'm just happy." Liu Ruyu said with a smile: "Thank you, Third Sister, for understanding me. I have no intention of entering the palace, nor do I have any intention of competing for favor.

I will be happy if Brother Qin can think of me and favor me when he is free. "

Qin Mo frowned, but Liu Ruyu rubbed his frown away, "My brother Qin is a hero, he has protected me since I was a child, and he still does so when he grows up.

It's a pity that Ruyu has no vision, this is fate.

Fortunately, God has been kind to me, and I finally made up for the regret.

Why should Brother Qin be unhappy?

Ruyu is yours, and it will only be yours for the rest of your life.

I can't wait to rub myself into Brother Qin's body.

If there is an afterlife, Ruyu will definitely hand over her innocence to you, and then rub it into her elder brother's body bit by bit.

So that Brother Qin can see my sincerity and love like jade! "

Qin Mo sighed and understood her stubbornness and intention, "I saw it and felt it. You are innocent and clean, no worse than anyone else!"

If Qin Mo had taken pity on her when he accepted her at first, but now, he doesn't think so anymore.

But I felt sorry for her from the bottom of my heart.

This woman is very tough. She escaped from death, went through torture, and emerged from the suffering with her own light.

Those clear eyes, sincerity and love cannot be deceived.

Qin Mo said: "It's not that you have a good life, it's that I have a good life. The women around me all love me, pamper me, and let me do whatever I want.

The same goes for you. How can I, Qin Mo, be so lucky? "

Liu Ruyu's heart was filled with joy. This was Qin Mo's best recognition of her.

There is no need to say anything next, just let Qin Mo melt himself and rub himself into his body!

(End of this chapter)

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