big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1640 True happiness and pursuit!

Chapter 1640 True happiness and pursuit!

When Li Yulan woke up again, it was already sunset. After learning that Liu Ruyu refused, she didn't say much. She just said: "The days are long, and she doesn't have to enter the palace. Just let her move around more in the future.

Next time you summon her, call her together! "

Qin Mo's head was like pounding garlic, "This is good!"

"This is an advantage for you!" Li Yulan said: "It's getting late, I'm going back to the palace, will you go back?"

"Go back!" Qin Mo picked her up on his back, "Carry my wife back home!"

Li Yulan hugged Qin Mo tightly, smiling like a flower.

When the girls saw Qin Mo looking happy, they all knew that the matter was over.

Li Yushu then sadly walked up to Qin Mo and said, "Brother silly, I was wrong!"

"What's wrong?"

"Don't make trouble anymore!" Li Yushu said.

Qin Mo said: "Remember, next time you make a scene, I will serve you with double the family law!"

Li Yushu turned pale with fright, holding Qin Mo's hand, "No, no more family law!"

"It's okay to be afraid!" Qin Mo pinched her nose.

Immediately, Xiaojiu and Li Lizhen also came over to apologize.

Qin Mo apologized one by one, and finally his eyes fell on Xiao Yurou.

Xiao Yurou walked over, curled her lips, and finally lowered her head and said, "I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again!"

"Well, since this is your first offender, I will forgive you. Sisters, you will take this as a warning in the future!" Qin Mo said.

All the girls said yes one after another, all with low eyebrows and submissive eyes. Seeing Qin Mo's sultry look, they couldn't help but laugh.

For a time, the whole hall burst into laughter, and the East Palace returned to its former glory.

We are all a family. It is normal to have conflicts and frictions, but we will not really hold grudges.

This is the family Qin Mo yearns for.

Of course, Qin Mo also talked to Xiao Yurou, "I did promise you this. If you insist on going, you can. It's just a heart-to-heart talk, but you can't see anyone else."

"I'm not going, I've already spent enough time in that place, why should I go there again?" Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at him, "I just want to see if you, a man, can keep your word!

I have been away for several months. Should I leave the child alone? "

Only then did Qin Mo realize that she did it on purpose, and angrily slapped her behind a few times, "You are the only one who can do this, so it's okay to watch the fun!"

Xiao Yurou lay on Qin Mo's lap, "Fight him, fight him, he's yours anyway, if he's broken, let's see who feels bad!"

"Stay stubborn!" Qin Mo snorted, and then started rubbing it, "I was punished too severely yesterday, are you okay?

Is it uncomfortable there? "

Xiao Yu bit his thigh angrily, "Okay, you don't know?"

Qin Mo said: "My face is glowing red, I am enjoying it!"

"Let me tell you, don't bother me these days. I want to rest. If you don't want me to die, just let me rest!" Xiao Yurou is not an iron man. Qin Mo is at the peak of his life, and she But it's gone downhill, and it can't stand up to Qin Mo's family skills.

Qin Mo smiled sheepishly, and then said: "You still want to grow old with me!"

Women just want to coax. Now that the coaxing is over, Xiao Yurou is happy.

It's not something that can't be overcome, just make a fuss, it's really endless, no matter how deep the relationship is, it will all come to an end.

Qin Mo also adjusted his work and rest time again, squeezing out more time to accompany them.

In fact, when everyone is together, he enjoys most of the time. He is almost a useless person, just changing clothes and making food.In Xiao Yurou's words, it was better not to be together. They still had more independent time to play mahjong, watch movies, and occasionally go to work, which was much more interesting than being with him.

Qin Mo also thought it made sense. He kept saying that from now on, he would only focus on his heart and not his kidneys. Xiao Yurou was angry and bit him twice more. "It's not enough to just focus on your heart, and it's not enough to just focus on your kidneys. You have to combine the two, so that the heart and kidneys intersect!"

Qin Mo called him greedy, so that night, he held a family meeting again to discuss this matter.

This time Qin Mo did not do everything, but listened carefully to the sisters' requests.

Li Yulan prefers to be distracted, while Li Yushu just wants to be clingy, but after being clingy for a while, she gets bored and is of an uncertain nature.

Li Lizhen was very obedient and said she would let Qin Mo decide.

Xiaojiu is similar to Li Yushu, clingy but likes to take other people's attention.

Li Xue likes to look at Qin Mo. Even if Qin Mo ignores her, she feels very happy and prefers to see Qin Mo once every two days.

Chai Sitian is currently studying cooking skills, so time is tight.

Fang Chun was more direct, "If I miss you, I'll look for you. If I don't miss you, just stay here, don't get into trouble, and occasionally get distracted, and occasionally get distracted!"

The main focus is a Buddhist style.

Xiao Yurou hopes to spend one-third of the month with Qin Mo, leaving the remaining one-third for her son, and leaving the last time to herself, saying it is conducive to thinking.

Churui, Xiahe, and Qiuyue pay more attention to their children's education and are the kind to accept things that come their way.

Zhao Manyun has to go to work and train students, so she is very busy, so she also belongs to the series of strong women.

Subi Mojie has recently been busy with immigrants from Subi Country. She also belongs to the series of strong women. She is not very demanding but very wild.

I hope Qin Mo can be the same as before. She prefers to pursue novelty.

Qin Mo wrote down all these one by one and tried to satisfy them as much as possible.

When it was Soga Sachiko's turn, she thought to herself, what's the use of being careless?

Giving birth to a son for the master is the right way.

She said she just wanted to serve Qin Mo, serve him tea and water, warm his bed and wash his feet.

The main focus is twelve-hour companionship.

Gao Yao also offered to follow Qin Mo for personal protection.

Qin Mo thought for a while and finally agreed, but he spent half of the month following Qin Mo closely, and the rest of the time he had to take care of the children.

In the end, Qin Mo wrote a full piece of paper, and then made a form according to their needs. After the final calculation, he actually had more time than planned before, and it seemed more interesting.

Everyone is an individual and can survive without anyone else. This way, everyone seems to live a happier life.

Qin Mo explained his plan and received unanimous approval from the girls.

"If there are no accidents, we will make arrangements according to the new plan in the future. If there is anything wrong, please bring it up at any time and I will make adjustments and changes.

In the future, I hope that our family can be more united.

It's okay if there are difficulties, we will overcome them, but don't make a fuss, let alone start a cold war.

I report my impulse last night. "

After the report was completed, this family meeting officially ended.

The family came out of the palace, grilled beer and watched an outdoor movie.

Qin Mo was surrounded by all the girls. The joy almost made Qin Mo intoxicated!

This is the happiness and freedom he pursues!
(End of this chapter)

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