big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1641 Becoming a father for the first time!

Chapter 1641 Becoming a father for the first time!

At the same time, in the southern part of the Ming Dynasty, because the newly acquired land was too vast, it was not divided into state capitals for the time being, but was divided into several tracts.

Each city chose an important location to establish a city-state.

The southern new road where Tianxin is located is the latest one to be opened up, and the Dingnan City where he is located is building a city-state.

Hundreds of thousands of prisoners are working hard to build Dingnan City.

Because there are no city walls, city construction is easier.

Surrounded by virgin forests, logging is easy.

Tianxin was promoted to Baiqi, and he was very busy with military affairs every day. Suddenly, he suddenly understood why he could not see his father often before.

They will not move south this year. These indigenous people are different from the indigenous people of the Ming Dynasty. They are more sturdy and their resistance is more fierce. They have already conquered half of the country, and the other half are resisting fiercely.

Maybe they have poor weapons, but they are familiar with the terrain, can blow poison arrows, and can hide in the dark to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

Although the casualties of Ming soldiers were low, they were not absent. A small-scale dispatch could easily result in the death of many people.

These natives have excellent trap-setting abilities. In addition, they have rich wilderness survival skills.

Therefore, when fighting in the mountains, you will encounter the fiercest resistance. You can choose to set fire to the mountain, but it will not be completely burned.

Someone in the military suggested that the indigenous people from the Ming Dynasty should be brought over to educate them. However, although the two places share the same blood, they do not understand each other's language. They are thousands of miles apart and do not recognize each other's culture.

Tianxin is very clear that for a long time in the future, active defense will be the main purpose. The purpose is to digest the existing territory, tap the potential, and educate these captives and slaves.

The second is to leave a threat to Daming. This will become a training ground for new recruits.

The Kunlun slave land is also a training ground for new recruits.

This is a decision made by the court and cannot be changed by individuals.

Tian Xin used to think it was cruel not to act in his own place, but now he understands that this is not cruelty, but preparation for a rainy day.

These indigenous people still retain the tradition of human sacrifice, and some barbaric tribes even cannibalize people.

It is not an easy task to educate them.

After putting the documents away, Tianxin turned off the light, said something to Mr. Qian, and left the military camp.

He has an independent courtyard in Dingnan City.

The military compound is built up of small courtyards.

Because there are no walls in the city, these courtyards are equivalent to city walls. People who are not familiar with the roads will get lost directly when they come in.

And this is also the safest place in Dingnan City.

There are no nomads in this land, so the natives are not afraid, and they do not dare to attack the city-state.

In front of firearms, everything is in vain.

Met many acquaintances along the way, Tianxin greeted them warmly, and finally opened the courtyard door and saw a woman with snow-white skin feeding chickens in the courtyard.

She spoke in a half-baked dialect and called the chickens to come over and peck at them.


"Husband, you're back!" Tang Daier looked at Tianxin, hurriedly put down the things in her hands, walked over and hugged Tianxin, and then said with some worry: "I don't know why, I always feel like someone is watching me around me!" Tianxin knew, Tang Daier felt right, there was indeed someone protecting her secretly.

He smiled, knelt down and attached the chain to Tang Dai'er's belly, and listened carefully.

Tang Daier touched Tianxin's head and said, "It's only been two or three months, how can you hear it?"

She came from the Western Regions, and her family came here to make a fortune. She was captured by the indigenous tribe, and was finally rescued by Tianxin.

Her family can be considered a minor aristocrat, but her family is in decline, otherwise her family would not risk coming here to do business.

Tang Xun'er's name was given to her by Tianxin. Her parents died in the mouth of the indigenous tribe, so Tianxin was the only relative in the world.

"You don't have to worry too much. There are people from the military in this compound. It's very safe and no one will supervise you.

Maybe I looked at you twice because you were blond and beautiful! "Tian Xin said.

"I'm not beautiful, you Ming women are beautiful!" Tang Dai'er felt a little inferior. She had big hands and feet, and a lot of hair on her body. She couldn't compare to the women of the Ming Dynasty.

There is no way, Daqian and Ming Dynasty are too majestic, and all the beauties in the world are based on the women of the two countries.

They have a unified nickname "Red-haired Ghost".

"In my eyes, you are also the most beautiful." Tianxin smiled, and then said: "It has been closed in recent years, and there will be no big battles this year. Since your belly is still small, I will send you to my parents.

The conditions here are so shabby, I wouldn’t worry about you giving birth to a child, and I wouldn’t be worried if there is no one to take care of you! "

This was Tianxin's first child, so he was naturally very nervous. He had not yet had it when he wrote the letter. When he learned that Tang Daier was pregnant, he was stunned by the surprise. After a brief period of confusion, he felt the joy of becoming a father.

At that moment, he had a better understanding of life and some of his father's past decisions.

"I don't want to leave you!" Tang Dai'er hugged her, "The conditions here are already better than those in my hometown. If it's not good here, how can other places be better?"

Tianxin laughed loudly, "Then you are wrong. We have more than [-] cities in the Ming Dynasty, but Ding Nancheng is just a small remote town on the border.

If you go to Zhonglu and see Xijing City, you will understand how great the Ming Dynasty is.

Wherever there are the best doctors and technology in the world, and where there is the greatest Holy Emperor in the world, you will be carefree. "

"Even so, I still want to follow you!" Tang Dai'er said: "I am helpless. You are the only family member left. If I go over there, I will have no family members."

"My relatives are your relatives. I can't go home without vacation this year. This is offshore, and supply ships come every month. You can reach Xijing in less than a month on the supply ship.

I will arrange everything, and when you arrive in Xijing, someone will come to pick you up.

My family is very nice and cordial. Don’t worry, when you go there, they will definitely treat you as a relative! "Tian Xin comforted.

"But it's been so long and your family hasn't replied to you yet!" Tang Dai'er was very anxious and nervous. She was afraid that Tianxin's parents would disapprove of her. She was a foreign woman and did not have the identity of the Ming Dynasty. In her eyes, the Ming Dynasty was the kingdom of heaven. The people of Ming Dynasty can walk sideways in their country.

Local nobles rushed to give their daughters to the Ming Dynasty people. What's more, they even shared their wives and concubines with them, and they were proud of it.

This is the truth.

And her man is the Hundred Banners of the Ming Dynasty Military Department, a man of high status.

She was lucky to meet him.

"Don't worry, you should get a reply within the next two days!"

(End of this chapter)

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