big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1645 Chaoyang

Chapter 1645 Chaoyang
"My uncle is a distinguished guest. If you go, you can go. If you don't, it doesn't matter. After all, you are the elder, so you can show off." Queen Gongsun joked.

"When did I put on the show?" Li Shilong said inconsistently: "Forget it, I'd better not go, lest that bitch say I'm rushing to see him.

He came to Daqian this time for a visit, not specifically to see me. His motives were not pure, and there was no need for me to rush in eagerly. "

He was grinning happily just now, but now he changed his mind.

It is said that women have a weak heart. Empress Dowager Gongsun looked at her husband and thought to herself, why are older men not like this?

"Whether you want to go or not? If you don't go, I will go!" said the Empress Dowager Gongsun.

Li Shilong was a little confused, but in the end he shook his head, "I won't go, I won't go."

Even so, he still pulled out the weeds in the yard bit by bit, and then went back to rest because his body couldn't bear it anymore.

The days passed. Ever since he knew that Qin Mo was going to visit Daqian, Li Shilong was counting the days on his fingers. As the weather got colder, he spent more and more time going to the vegetable fields, and spent most of his time in the hut.

With sufficient oxygen bottles, there is no need to be too frugal. When writing "Records of Da Qian", I became more and more enthusiastic as I wrote.

From autumn to winter and then to spring.

More than a hundred days.

Qin Shuangshuang successfully gave birth to a son in the palace, weighing six pounds and six taels. Li Shilong went into the palace specially to visit his grandson.

The newborn baby's skin was jagged, like a little old man. Li Shilong couldn't help but smile while holding it in his arms.

He moved very gently, "Like, he really looks like Ah Si when he was a child, but this kid's skin is so dark, he is just like his uncle!"

"It's just been born. I don't know whether it's black or white." Empress Dowager Gongsun took the child over, looked at Qin Shuangshuang on the bed, and said, "My child, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." Qin Shuangshuang smiled.

A Si beside him couldn't help but rub his hands, "Mother, can you let me hug you?"

"Be careful." Empress Dowager Gongsun handed her grandson over, and Ah Si held the child in his arms, looking silly and happy.

It wasn't his first time to be a father, but it was a completely different feeling to have a child with the one he loved.

"Father, what should the child be named?"

"Your grandpa left a roster before. To be precise, there are two copies. One was given to your brother-in-law, and the other was given to me." Li Shilong took out the roster from his arms. The book was already a little yellowed. It's obviously only a few years ago.

He opened the booklet and read it seriously, "This son was born in spring. In spring, everything grows and is full of vitality. His first name will be Li Bo. If he is vigorous, his nickname will be Chaoyang!"

"What a good name!" Empress Dowager Gongsun nodded, "From now on, you will be called Xiao Chaoyang. I hope you will become the Chaoyang of everyone in Daqian!"

This sentence is not unimportant, which shows that Queen Gongsun has high expectations for her children.

Ah Si sighed, "I hope so."

Qin Shuangshuang also chanted the child's name repeatedly. She hoped that the child would become a link between the two countries, just like Li Shuang'an.

"When the child is older, take him to the hut more often." Queen Gongsun reluctantly put the child down.

"Yes, Queen Mother." Qin Shuangshuang held her child and looked at her son with unspeakable love in her heart. For him, she would even give her own life.

"Your Majesty, all the ministers are here to congratulate you!" At this time, the eunuch came to announce.

Ah Si glanced at Li Shilong, who nodded slightly and said, "Go, this is a great event, and we should have a banquet for all the ministers, and we should also advertise this event to everyone.

Remember to go to the Ancestral Temple to worship! "

Although Da Qian revolutionized the inheritance law, a legitimate son is a legitimate son and cannot be compared to others.National law is national law, and clan rules are clan rules.

Kuan and Qin Shuangshuang have high status, and Da Ming is standing behind them. For this reason, no one dares to slight her.

"Yes, I obey my orders!" Ah Si glanced at his wife and children again before leaving reluctantly.

Empress Dowager Gongsun stayed with Qin Shuangshuang in the Lizheng Hall for a while, but did not stay long. After all, Qin Shuangshuang had just given birth and needed a rest.

Nowadays, there is a very strict process for taking care of children in the palace, so there is no need to worry about problems with the children.

A Si's child died in infancy due to congenital defects, premature birth, and an acute infection.

Compared with before, the survival rate of children is now much higher. This is because Qin Mo vigorously promotes innovation in the medical system.

"Let's go!" Li Shilong stood up and was in a good mood. Ah Si was a good emperor, at least he was not a coward.

Now that the fourth generation has been extended, even if he dies, it will be enough to rest in peace.

He is no longer worried about the future.

In Qin Mo's words: After I die, I won't care about the flood.

This deep palace compound is still not as good as that small tree house. It is warm and humane. It can make him forget that he is a supreme emperor, and it can also make him forget some of the wrong things he did in the past.

Ah Si stayed up late socializing, and the news spread throughout the capital.

The Ming Dynasty Honglu Pavilion even sent many gifts.

The people of both countries were happy with the advent of this little thing.

This little thing is the link linking the peace between the people of the two countries.

Ah Si specially washed away the smell of tobacco and alcohol from his body before arriving at the Li Zheng Hall.

The death of his last child made Ah Si feel particularly sensitive.

He is young after all, and he has not yet taken the matter of life and death lightly.

"Is my son asleep?" Ah Si came closer and looked at Xiao Chaoyang who was sucking hard, with a look of happiness on his face. "Look at how hard he works!"

Qin Shuangshuang spat at him, "You're talking inappropriately!"

"I don't even have time to spend time with you during the day. I've already taken care of all the political affairs for a few days, so I can spend the next few days with you at ease!" Ah Si said.

"There are so many people with us, you go about your business." Qin Shuangshuang was moved in her heart, but she knew that Ah Si was very busy. Even though the assistant ministers shared a lot, Ah Si had to deal with a lot of government affairs every day.

"I know it well. Besides, my brother-in-law is coming over next month. Can't I show off?
If he knew that his sister had been wronged here, why wouldn't she deal with me? "Although Ah Si was only half-joking, he was still very afraid of Qin Mo in his heart.

This kind of fear is not only the fear of the brother-in-law and the teacher, but also the fear of the elder brother-in-law.

After all, he married his only sister.

"My brother doesn't eat people, so what are you afraid of?" Qin Shuangshuang said: "Besides, the children are out, is it too late for you to say this now?

If my elder brother knew that you had caused me so many sins, why wouldn't he beat you? "

Ah Si laughed dryly, "We are deeply in love, we can't help it, it's reasonable and reasonable. Besides, he has made my sisters suffer a lot!"

(End of this chapter)

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