big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1646 Qin Mo goes to sea!

Chapter 1646 Qin Mo goes to sea!

The couple joked and talked about the family's shortcomings. Xiao Chaoyang was tired and sighed, making the couple laugh uncontrollably.

The family of three is warm and harmonious.

After a few days, A Si had to go back to deal with political affairs.

There was a dedicated wet nurse to take care of the child, and Qin Shuangshuang rested well, but she was thinking about when her eldest brother would arrive in the capital.

When she came here, she was still Yunying, but now she is a mother, and she doesn't know what happened to her parents.

At this time, Xijing.

Qin Mo called all the wives over and said, "Senior sister is extremely powerful and will be my personal bodyguard. Needless to say, Xiao Gao, my royal bodyguard, will also come with me.

Other than that, everyone else is staying at home, and I will be back in four months at most.

You should be more united and friendly! "

Hearing this, those who were not selected were all dejected, only regretting that they did not know martial arts, which allowed Fang Chun and Gao Yao to take the upper hand.

"Go ahead, I'm at home." Li Yulan said, "The warship of the family members from the south will arrive in a few days, and it will be time to take the child into the palace."

Qin Mo counted the time and said, "I shouldn't be able to see the fourth generation of our family being born!"

"It's okay. With so many mothers-in-law, how can we still wrong our children?" Xiao Yurou said, "Don't worry."

She was also happy in her heart. Originally, the child was coming a year ago, but Tang Xun'er was nervous and finally postponed it until after the new year. Although this third generation is a mixed-race child, so what?
Who doesn’t have two mixed-race children at home these days?
This is the fourth generation of the Ming Dynasty, No. 1. If he is a boy, then he is the eldest brother of the fourth generation.

If she is a girl, then she is the most noble princess in the Ming Dynasty, and she is still precious beyond words.

Qin Mo also felt a little emotional in his heart. When he is less than forty, he will be an Azu.

There is really a feeling that time makes people grow old.

Before leaving, Qin Mo held a family meeting, trying to be as considerate of other people as possible.

Although he was tired, Qin Mo felt happy at the thought of not having to hold a conference in the next four months.

Great, I can finally take a long vacation!

In the past, Qin Mo could not wait to hold meetings every day, but now he is actually afraid of it.

The eyes of these wolf-like women all glowed green when they looked at him.

How reserved I was before, I am so bold now.

I can't wait to swallow him alive.

The next day, Qin Mo climbed out of his arms and legs while rubbing the sore medicine.

Xiaoba hurriedly came over to serve, "Your Highness, General Chai is already waiting outside!"

Qin Mo nodded, Fang Shun and Gao Yao were ready to go.

Both of them were dressed in smart outfits and looked particularly heroic.

Fang Shun looked at Gao Yao, "Can you still wield the knife?"

"I should ask you this question!" Gao Yao curled his lips and said: "Do you think I have been enjoying the hot food in the palace all these years? I practice martial arts every day, and I never lose weight even if I have a big belly. !”

Fang Shun let out a disdainful 'heh', "That's good. If it doesn't work, stay home as soon as possible!"

Seeing that the two women started to quarrel again, Qin Mo also hurriedly pulled the two away, "Okay, you guys, as for bickering as soon as we meet?

After so many years, why hasn't it changed at all? "

"Miaoyun, you don't understand, I'm just looking for a feeling." Fang Shun is one year older than Qin Mo. Maybe it's because of Ziwei Xingmen's skills, but Fang Shun looks about the same age as Xiaojiu.

The same goes for Gao Yao. The two sisters are actually much older than their appearance.

"These years, when you are not in the palace, the two of us have been competing." Gao Yao said.

"Who loses and who wins?"

"Half a catty!" the two women said in unison.Qin Mo also breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll have a look. Senior sister, can you change into a Taoist robe?"

Fang Chun glanced at her hastily, "Don't think I don't know what you're paying attention to!"

"What bad thoughts can I have?" Qin Mo said seriously: "Don't forget, I am still the head of the Ziweixing Sect, you have to listen to the head!"

Fang Chun pinched him angrily and said at a very fast speed: "I'll take it with you, please stop howling!"

Qin Mo was overjoyed. He hadn't seen Fang Chun wearing Taoist robes for many years, and he really missed it.

Gao Yao said: "How about I ask someone to prepare eunuch uniforms now?"

Qin Mo thought for a while, "No, that's a bit awkward. With this outfit, it's good for a woman to dress up as a man!"

Gao Yao was a little disappointed. She still missed wearing the eunuch uniform the most.

Qin Mo went to say goodbye to Lao Qin first, and then left the palace.

Honglu Temple and the Qin people were already waiting outside.

The visit of the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty to Ming Dynasty is a major event, which indicates that the cooperation between the two countries has reached a new level.

Daqian also attaches great importance to it and sends people to escort him in advance.

Chai Rong led the troops.

With the completion of the Ming Dynasty's Third Fleet and Fourth Fleet, its control over the oceans has skyrocketed.

The fleet uses all new ships, and the fourth fleet even uses internal combustion engines, which outperforms the first three fleets in every aspect.

The fourth fleet escorting Qin Mo was 5 people.

Together with the accompanying officials and the Daqian escort fleet, there are more than 9 people.

Qin Mo's trip has already spread throughout Xijing.

A large number of businessmen are also taking advantage of the honeymoon period to harvest wealth.

"This fourth fleet is so new and so big!" Dou Yiai kept looking around as soon as he got on the ship.

Not just him, but others too.

The escorting Daqian fleet looked at the Ming Dynasty's fourth fleet and the new cannons with envy.

The Fourth Fleet has gotten rid of traditional ship guns and is equipped with not only torpedoes, but also a large number of mines. What is even more exaggerated is that there is even an aircraft on the main ship.

However, they could only watch from a distance, and the plane was usually covered with cloth, so they couldn't see the whole thing clearly.

"His Royal Highness, you are ready and ready to go at any time!" Chai Rong stepped forward and said.

"Let's go!" Qin Mo said.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has an order, let's go!"

Hundreds of ships left the dock, and a painter painted this scene. At an auction more than 20 years later, this painting of the Prince's Visit to Qian was sold for a sky-high price of tens of millions.

On the warship, Qin Mo was a little bored. Although the scenery here was beautiful, it became boring after looking at it for a long time.

During the day, I either fished or played mahjong. If I encountered wind and waves, I could only sway with the waves.

Qin Mo was disgusted, and he vowed to develop a passenger aircraft in his lifetime.

Fortunately, Fang Chun and Gao Yao were with him, and with them telling stories, Qin Mo's mood improved a lot.

That night, Fang Shun was talking about "The Romance of the Head of the Middle-aged Old Mo". Qin Mo specially asked her to wear Taoist robes, which made her feel more immersed. He also preferred to listen to stories in an immersive way.

By the time the story was finished, Fang Chun's mouth was dry and his throat was hoarse.

Gao Yao laughed at her, "You're not good at this either. After all these years, your storytelling ability is still so bad!"

Fang Chun was extremely annoyed, "If you can do it, go ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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