big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1647 Heaven and Man Unite 1

Chapter 1647
"Who is afraid of whom?" Gao Yao said confidently.

Less than half an hour later, Gao Yao was defeated.

Fang Chun sneered at the side: "You can't do this either, you're not as tolerant as I am!"

Gao Yao gritted his teeth and said, "It's not like you don't know that the young master tells the story more carefully and lasts longer than the first time!"

"Anyway, you just can't do it. Stop nagging in front of me from now on!" Fang Shun tapped her forehead with his hand, "Xiao Pa Cai, you are the toughest person in your body, but your mouth is the hardest!"

Gao Yao is so angry
"Bah, a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth!" Fang Shuan blushed.

Qin Mo was resting aside and recovering his health bar.

Seeing two women bickering, even on a small scale, is quite a visual and auditory shock.

He simply gave Gao Yao a hint, and Gao Yao, who has been with Qin Mo all year round, immediately understood.

Immediately, they started to quarrel with Fang Chun. Fang Chun accidentally suppressed it and was suppressed by Gao Yao, "I don't know how serious you are. Get up and start!"

"Master, I have restrained her, hurry up and deal with her!"

Qin Mo smiled and said nothing nonsense, and began to reason with Gao Yao.

Fang Chun was so angry, "Damn little eunuch, stinky little eunuch, just wait for me, I will come back sooner or later with revenge!"

"Smelly female crown, this is what you get for being stubborn!"

After a long time, Fang Chun gave up and lost all ability to resist. He stared at Gao Yao.

He winked at Qin Mo, who also pretended not to see him.

Come on, today's story session is over, and he is satisfied with it. If he listens to it again, he won't have to sleep tonight.

With a wave of his hand, he hugged Xiao Gao and fell asleep.

Gao Yao was so proud that Fang Chuan was so angry that she gritted her teeth. She lightly kicked Qin Mo, but felt uneasy and simply pressed her whole body on top of him.

However, she was too tired, and the waves on the sea were a bit strong, so she felt sleepy due to the shaking. She wanted to bite Qin Mo twice, but she fell asleep in the end.

When he woke up the next day, Qin Mo was no longer there, only Gao Yao was beside him.

Fang Shuan rolled his eyes and looked outside. Qin Mo was sitting there fishing.

The sea was calm and calm, and Qin Mo didn't care if any fish took the bait. He just looked into the distance, his heart like a mirror lake.

Fang Chuan put on her bathrobe and walked out. It was a little cold outside, and she couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it cold?"

Qin Mo turned around, then pulled her over and hugged her, "This will stop the cold."

Fang Shun also enjoyed it a little, and the anger from last night disappeared.

Qin Mo said softly: "Senior sister, how long has it been since we were alone?"

"It's been a long time!" Fang Chun said.

It can be seen that Fang Shun is very happy when he comes out this time. He is not happy to go to work, but to be able to follow Qin Mo alone, just like before.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been attacked by Gao Yao last night.

Only when Fang Chun was in a good mood would he let Qin Mo and Qin Mo mess around.

Just like now, she is the same.

"Then I will take some days out and take you and Xiao Gao with me to see the scenery outside together!" Qin Mo said.

Fang Shuan leaned against the railing with her long hair scattered. She felt that the sky was very blue and the sunlight was a bit dazzling. She couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly, "Okay!"

Gao Yao didn't know when she woke up. She stood at the door and said with a chuckle: "You are such a good girl, you got up early just to steal some food!"

Fang Shun smiled, "I don't eat alone either!"

"Shameless!" "It's just you and me here, what's there to show off?" Fang Chun said, grabbing the railing.

Qin Mo threw the fishing rod aside. At this moment, the fish float that had been silent sank suddenly, and was dragged into the water immediately after the fishing rod.

He didn't care at all, he just wanted to feed the mermaid in front of him.

The relaxed Fang Chun is so beautiful and charming, just like before.

The scars in front of him also faded a lot. Qin Mo kissed the scars, and the memories of that year emerged one by one. The feeling of being connected made him feel that he was integrated with everything around him at this moment!
After a long while, Qin Mo exhaled a thick breath.

Fang Chuan couldn't bear the glare of the sun, and her face turned red from the irradiation, "Miaoyun, I heard it!"

"What did you hear?"

Fang Chuan pointed her finger at his heart and said, "Your voice!"

"So mysterious?"

"Well, to be precise, I can feel your emotions!" Fang Chun said: "My master used to say that I was not suitable for practicing Ziweixing arithmetic, but my senior sister could, so he passed on Ziwei arithmetic to my senior sister because I have been practicing it for many years. I had never started, so I learned other methods.

But now, I suddenly feel like I’m getting started!
Once you get started, you will become more sensitive to everything in the world. "

She hugged Qin Mo tightly, "You were a little nervous and scared just now. Did you think of the scene when I was hit by an arrow on the grassland?"

"Yes!" Qin Mo nodded in surprise.

"Later, you were full of heart and seemed to blend in with everything around you. It was with your help that I realized what Master said about the unity of heaven and man!" Fang Shuan looked at Qin Mo with a smile, his eyes full of tenderness, that love I really care about every inch of my eyes.

At that moment, she felt like she was being torn into pieces, and was being rubbed into Qin Mo's body bit by bit, regardless of each other.

That feeling of being connected is truly wonderful.

"It was pretty good just now!" Qin Mo said.

"I finally know why Master said that you are the fate of my fate." Fang Shun pinched his face, "You are not only my fate, but also my destiny!"

"Senior sister, this is not like you coming to confess your feelings to me under the guise of metaphysics, right?"

Fang Chun pulled her hair behind her ears.

Gao Yao whispered: "I don't have any shame, I really don't have any shame!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Fang Shun rolled her eyes.

Gao Yao was startled, could she hear it so quietly?
"How do you feel when you and senior sister become one with nature? How do you compare to me?" Fang Chun asked.

Qin Mo's face suddenly fell, "What's there to compare?"

"My senior sister can also do Ziweixing arithmetic, so naturally I want to compare. Tell me quickly!" Fang Chun urged.

Seeing her excited look, Qin Mo was not a fool, "It's just the same thing, but we have similar minds and are childhood sweethearts, so naturally we should be better than her."

"Who was your childhood sweetheart? I was almost [-] when I met you!" Although Fang Chun was happy in her heart, she was stubborn.

"Senior Sister is like water, you are different!"

"Then what am I?"

Qin Mo glanced sideways at her, "You are a butterfly!"

Fang Chuan was stunned for a moment, then her face turned even redder, her teeth clenched loudly, "I'm asking you to be serious, you're having sex with me again, right? I'll bite you to death!"

Qin Mo gritted his teeth in pain from the bite, "Oh, I'm serious, you are a butterfly who is at ease in the world, yearning for freedom.

She is water, stopping wherever it flows. She seems to be free, but she cannot help herself! "

(End of this chapter)

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