big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1648 Public opinion, popular support!

Chapter 1648 Public opinion, popular support!
Fang Shun was stunned, "Master also said something similar to you. He said that senior sister is like the wind, but has no direction."

"But she met me. Who gave me the ability to control the wind and rain?" Qin Mo said sultryly.

Fang Shuan rolled her eyes at him and said, "I'm hungry!"

Qin Mo smiled evilly and said, "Didn't you eat it before?"

Fang Shun punched him directly, "Take me to wash up, I'm covered in stinky sweat!"

"Yes!" Qin Mo then carried her to wash up.

After that, he took the two girls to have breakfast.

Although they are on the way, the daily training intensity of the soldiers on the warship is not low at all.

When Qin Mo has nothing to do, he will practice with them to exercise his muscles and bones.

Once a man reaches his thirties, he must pay attention to maintenance.

More than twenty days later, the fleet docked at Gaozhou Pier, and tens of thousands of people came out to welcome it.

After five or six years, I finally set foot on the land of Daqian.

There were officials from the capital and local officials who came to greet him. They had been waiting here a few days ago.

The red carpet was laid all the way from the dock to the city, and there were two assistant ministers alone.

Gongsun Wuji and Tang Jian, plus hundreds of honor guards and [-] imperial guards, built Gaozhou like an iron barrel, just because they were afraid that Qin Mo would be harmed in the slightest.

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty!" Gongsun Wuji and others greeted him and paid homage to him.

He was a traitor when he left, but when he returned, he became a guest of Da Qian. Even the assistant ministers came to greet him. It can only be said that time is fate.

Qin Mo felt a little emotional, and finally stepped forward and returned the salute, "Everyone, you are welcome and safe!"

Gongsun Wuji looked at Qin Mo, "After many years of separation, Your Highness the Crown Prince is still the same as before!"

"Uncle Guo, you're not bad either!" Qin Mo smiled and looked at Tang Jian, "Old Tang, you are getting fatter and fatter. If you continue like this, you will almost be unable to walk."

Tang Jian touched his big belly. He was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he said with a smile: "Daqan and the world are at peace. There is nothing to do in Honglu Temple. If you have nothing to do, you will feel at ease. If you have a broad mind, you will be fat!"

"That makes sense!" Qin Mo nodded, and then glanced at the other people. After seeing those familiar faces, he smiled and nodded in greeting one by one.

"Please!" Gongsun Wuji made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Mo directly hooked their shoulders, "Let's go in together!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at this scene, but no one said anything. They all knew what Qin Mo's temper was.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Qin Mo is still the same as before, without changing at all.

In total, Qin Mo is in his 30s, but if you look closely, you can see that he has not changed much. He still looks like he is in his 20s, with a strong body and clear eyes.

When he smiles, his teeth are dazzlingly white.

Fang Chun and Gao Yao followed Qin Mo in fancy clothes, but this time, they didn't have to dress up as men. Everyone could see that they were women.

The two of them held the knives in their hands and carefully observed their surroundings.

Chai Rong asked 5000 people to stand by and the remaining 5000 people were led by Dou Yiai to protect Qin Mo.

This has also been discussed long ago.

And these 5000 people are all fully armed and can fight a big battle.

They were almost armed to the teeth, and the new jet-black steel guns in their hands looked impressive.

As for that plane, it will also go to Beijing with him.

Gaozhou City is as prosperous as before, only more prosperous.

He made a special trip to the Three Thousand Scholars’ Shrine of Heroes, and the poems he mentioned back then are still there.

The incense here is very prosperous, even after he left, it was not affected.

The people of Daqian are nostalgic, and they understand who is best to them.Even though the educational innovation in Daqian is becoming more and more intense now, new learning is still dominant in Lingnan.

Anyone can criticize Qin Mo, but not the people of Lingnan, nor the thousands of people who survived the disaster and received Qin Mo's kindness.

"Commander, welcome home!" Qin Mo was walking on the street. Even though he was separated by soldiers, someone still shouted.

"Commander, welcome home!" More and more people shouted, so that by the end, the cheers were almost continuous and deafening.

Is this just a voice welcoming Qin Mo home?
No, this is public opinion, the people's will.

Qin Mo stood there. At this moment, his soul was filled with happiness. He laughed happily. This was in response to the words of the great man: You take the people into your heart, and the people will lift you up high!

He waved his hand and said, "Fellow folks, long time no see. How are you?"

"Good!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"did you miss me?"

"Yes!" Everyone agreed with a smile.

All the officials in Daqian were shocked. Qin Mo had been away from Daqian for many years and had not cared about Lingnan affairs for almost ten years.

Every three years is a cycle, and ten years is a cycle.

Who leaves their own territory and still has the people remember them?
Only Qin Mo.

Fang Shun looked at Qin Mo and felt that he was extremely dazzling. Underneath that cynicism was an ambition to help the world.

"Gaozhou is developing well and looks more and more like a city of nations." Qin Mo said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness has laid a good foundation. If governance is not good, not only the court will not agree, but even the people will not agree!" Gongsun Wuji said.

Qin Mo nodded, then rested for the night in Gaozhou, and took a special train all the way north the next day.

It was originally planned to arrive in five days, but wherever we arrived, people were waiting there early.

The Lingnan people's affection for Qin Mo was extremely deep. Even though Qin Mo was slandered by many people, they still could not destroy Qin Mo's kindness to them.

Those thousands of liberated suffering people have never forgotten who rescued them from hell.

So this delay lasted until the tenth day.

Going north, Qin Mo's influence is not small. During the locust plague and drought, Qin Mo's presence was almost all over the country.

When the steam locomotive hit the capital hard, at that moment, the whole capital was boiling!

"Let's go, Qin Mo is back!"

"Go and have a look, Qin Hanzi is back in the capital!"

On the streets, countless people rushed to tell each other. Some people even stopped doing business and just closed the door and left.

Countless women were talking in the streets.

If you look at Beijing from a high altitude, you will find countless people walking towards Beijing Station.

The crowds of people crowded the streets.

The palace also received the news immediately.

Qin Shuangshuang, who had just given birth, was very excited, "My brother is here!"

While Ah Si was happy, he was also a little nervous and a little complicated.

At the age of 17, he no longer had the hatred he had when he was ten years old, just like his mother said.

No matter how bad Qin Mo was, he never hurt himself. No matter how bad he was, he never hurt Da Gan or his father.

It was precisely because of his past teachings that he was able to withstand the pressure and become a qualified emperor!

"I will pick up my brother-in-law myself!" Ah Si said!

(End of this chapter)

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