big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1649 Isn't this against the rules?

Chapter 1649 Isn't this against the rules?

"I'll go too!" Qin Shuangshuang said, "This time, my eldest brother will come in person. I don't know what year it will be next time."

"But you have just given birth"

"Am I that weak?" Qin Shuangshuang clenched his fists, "I feel very good now!"

Ah Si smiled bitterly and stopped stopping him, "Okay, let's go together."

At the same time, Qin Mo got off the special train, looked at the greatly changed capital, and kept nodding, "The development is good, and it is becoming more and more technological."

"Although we cannot compare with Ming Dynasty in some aspects, there are also areas where Ming Dynasty cannot compare with Ming Dynasty." Gongsun Wuji said.

After being away from home for many years, Qin Mo didn't miss it that much. He just missed the people here. He had traveled through time and had not inherited the memories of his predecessor. His nostalgia for this land was far from being engraved in his bones.

But when he walked out of the car show and looked at the endless crowd, Qin Mo realized that he was wrong.

These people all looked at me. There was no hatred in their eyes, but they were just looking at old friends.

As if to say: Old friend, you are finally back!

"Grandmaster, you are finally back. Over the years, Xinxue has changed beyond recognition!" A young student knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

"Captain Prince Consort of Qin, you are finally back. How have you been living overseas these years?" These were the words of an elderly man.

"You are back to see the Supreme Emperor this time, right?"

"Look, that's the legendary prince-in-law of Daqian. He created the prosperous world today!" an old man said to his ignorant grandson.

More and more voices rang in his ears, and Qin Mo suddenly felt a sore nose and hot eyes.

He is no longer here, but people here still remember everything he did.

"There was a severe drought in the Gengzi Year. The Prince Consort entered the sea from the Gyeonggi River and went to the Bohai Bay to fish. There were countless people alive!"

"In the past two winters, there was heavy snowfall. The victims in the northwest had no place to stand, no clothes to cover their bodies, and no food to eat. The prince-in-law went to the streets to collect donations, and there were countless people alive."

"The grass-roots Lingnan people were tenants of the clan leader in their early years, and their lives were worse than pigs and dogs. It just so happened that the prince-in-law became the governor and brought great rule to Lingnan. He liberated our slave tenants and gave birth to Buddhas in thousands of families."

That sound was particularly moving.

Everyone behind Qin Mo was filled with emotion.

The people of Daqian are grateful and they know who is good to them.

Qin Mo sniffed and just waved at them.

He said nothing more. With their words, his journey through time was not in vain.

"Captain Prince Consort of Qin, come back, we are all one family, there is no grudge that cannot be resolved!" An old man knelt on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the endless stream of people fell to their knees like dominoes, "Captain Prince Consort, go home. No matter how nice it is outside, it's not as nice as home!"

Qin Mo stopped, tears streaming down his face. If possible, who would be willing to leave their hometown?
He gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Daqian is my hometown, but there is always a banquet in the world, and even the best brothers will have their families separated sometimes.

But I assure you that Daqian is your home, and Daming is also your home.

I welcome you to visit Daming. "

"Captain Prince Consort, you have been wronged!"

"Captain Qin's Consort, we all know that you are tired!"

Listening to what they said, Qin Mo was worth it!

Tears fell unconsciously from the corners of Gao Yao's eyes. She just felt happy. The young master had been restless when he came, not because he was afraid of anything else, but because he was afraid that he would be disliked by the people of Daqian.

Today, the world still remembers his contribution.

Gongsun Wuji knew very well that with such public opinion, if Qin Mo really had second thoughts, he might be able to replace him in a matter of minutes.If the emperors of the past dynasties regarded the people as pawns to improve their prestige and people's livelihood, then Qin Mo truly stood from the perspective of the people and put himself in their shoes.

Good or bad, it won't be enough to smear someone a few times.

If you have the ability, you have abolished the agricultural tax that has been implemented for more than a thousand years.

If you have the ability, you can open a smooth path for the poor in the world.

If you have the ability, you can realize the dream of the ancient holy king.

If you can't do that, just shut up.

"Everyone, please get up. Qin Mo can't afford for you to kneel down!" There were so many people kneeling down that Qin Mo couldn't even see their heads. Although he shouted, the people still didn't get up.

Whether you are a human being or an emperor, if you have achieved this level, what else is there to be dissatisfied about?
A Si, who was standing at Chengtianmen, looked at the crowd kneeling down one after another with a complicated expression. He couldn't help but squeeze his wife's hand tightly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Shuangshuang asked.

"No, it's nothing." Ah Si laughed dryly, suddenly feeling that he, the emperor, was worse than a 'treasonous' traitor.

With such popular support, not to mention him, I'm afraid even his father is a little less popular.

The huge sound came rolling in, and even standing here, he could hear it clearly.

That was the voice of all the people calling. It was hard to imagine how high Qin Mo's prestige was.

"If my brother-in-law hadn't left, the boiling public opinion would have killed him." Ah Si said in shock: "I finally understand why he left quietly, and I also understand why the ending left by Grandpa Huang was like this." Written like this.

It's really frightening. This kind of popular sentiment is what the emperor fears the most.

Killing without killing is no wonder that my brother-in-law, the teacher, has always resisted being an official and working for his father.

If it were me, I would feel scared too. "

No one knew what he was saying in his heart, but they understood a knot that A Si had hidden in his heart for many years.

He looked ahead, his eyes softening.

"Here they come, my eldest brother and the others are here!" Qin Shuangshuang hugged her child, excited, "Little Chaoyang, your uncle is here!"

The arrival of her mother's family made Qin Shuangshuang extremely excited.

Ah Si suddenly became a little nervous. He hadn't seen his brother-in-law for many years. He wondered what he would say when he saw him.
Will you reprimand yourself?
Or will you give yourself a second try?

He suddenly felt a little tight at the back of his neck.

Officials from the Ministry of Rites hurried over, "Your Majesty, Qin Mo is here!"

Ah Si's eyes turned sharp and he cursed: "You can call Qin Mo whatever you want. That's uncle Guo, my brother-in-law and teacher. If you dare to be disrespectful to uncle Guo next time, I won't forgive you!"

When the official from the Ministry of Rites saw that the emperor was angry, he glanced at Qin Shuangshuang again, and hurriedly slapped him in the mouth, "I have made such a mouthful, your majesty and empress, please forgive me!"

"Go and fire the salute and play the music!" Ah Si angrily yelled.

"Yes, Weichen will do it now!"

Soon, the salute sounded and the music also sounded, and Qin Mo saw A Si and his wife standing there from a distance.

"Please, Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Gongsun Wuji stopped and signaled for Qin Mo to go forward alone.

Qin Mo nodded and came forward with Fang Shu and Gao Yao.

The official on the side saw this and said, "Isn't this against the rules?"

(End of this chapter)

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