big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1650 Brother-in-law, I’m so tired!

Chapter 1650 Brother-in-law, I’m so tired!
"Rules are set by people. Do you think Daqian's rules can control Qin Mo?" Gongsun Wuji snorted, "Besides, the two of them are acquaintances. It's better to do less than to do more to avoid any unpleasantness!"

Tang Jian frowned. The person who spoke was a person from Honglu Temple. He suddenly said dissatisfied: "You have no eyesight. How can you run errands in Honglu Temple like this?"

The man was startled and was speechless.

Tang Jian looked at the others and said: "The people of Honglu Temple must do a good job next. As long as the Ming Prince is happy, everything is allowed. The premise is that it does not involve our principles and bottom lines. We must be satisfied if we can.

This time is very important. It concerns the two countries and the peace and stability of the world. Do you understand? "

"Yes, I understand my humble position!" Everyone in Honglu Temple said yes.

Gongsun Wuji curled his lips and said, "You have such great official authority, yet you have pretended to do so again!"

Tang Jian said unhappily: "I will discipline my people myself, you don't need to say anything!"

The two looked at each other, snorted coldly, and turned their heads, neither looking at the other!

"Brother-in-law, teacher!" A voice suddenly came from the crowd.

Qin Mo turned around and saw a young man in his 20s looking at him excitedly, with tears in his eyes.

Who else could this person be if it weren't Li Xuan? Standing next to him was Fifteen, who was equally excited.

Qin Mo paused and opened his hand, "You bastard, come here!"

Li Xuan burst into tears immediately. He has been suffering for so many years.

He has the best relationship with Qin Mo and is the person he respects the most besides his father. When he was at his most confused, it was Qin Mo who showed him a clear path.

But suddenly one day, someone told him that the person he admired most was a traitor. How could he accept this?

He held back a lot of words in his heart, but the moment he saw Qin Mo, he strengthened his heart again.

Brother-in-law, teacher, is his belief.

Just like those who are new to learning, they still insist on their beliefs.

He stood up, ran towards Qin Mo, and gave him a heavy hug, "Brother-in-law!"

Qin Mo almost didn't let this kid jump, and took two steps back before standing still, "You kid, you are so big, but you are too thin, maybe you stay up late every day to do research.

You can't do this. Research is research, and life still needs to be sentimental.

You should also take care of your wife and children at home, don’t put all the pressure on yourself! "

Li Xuan cried loudly. He couldn't bear it for half a month. Even though he was dizzy and dizzy, he still couldn't make him back down. But after hearing Qin Mo's words, he felt extremely aggrieved.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other in shock, but no one said anything.

Ah Si's eyes became more and more complicated, but then he thought about it, Brother Sixteen grew up in front of his brother-in-law, and he was the one who received the most teachings from his brother-in-law among all the brothers.

At the same time, he is also the most promising person among the brothers.

All the research burdens were placed on him alone, and even he could not bear the pressure.

His father told him again and again that he must treat Brother Sixteen kindly.

If his two brothers hadn't quit on their own initiative, he wouldn't have been able to become emperor.

He has to admit this love.

Moreover, these brothers are not greedy for power. He respects and reassures them. He is not unhappy at all about Li Xuan's outrageous behavior, but expresses understanding.

If he hadn't been the emperor, he might have gone over and hugged Qin Mo long ago.

"Brother-in-law, why did you write to me?" Li Xuan punched Qin Mo's back, "Do you know how uncomfortable I have been over the years?

Everyone is scolding you and hating you! "

Qin Mo sighed. He knew how much this boy had messed with him before. Since he took him with him, this boy not only worshiped himself, but also regarded himself as the direction and goal of his life. "Men are not afraid of rumors, just be yourself and have a clear conscience!" Qin Mo put his hands on his shoulders, "Although I didn't write a letter, you did a good job, and I know that in Ming Dynasty.

You are now a man and the pillar of the country. What do you look like crying?
Cheer up and wipe away your tears. "

Li Xuan cried: "Brother-in-law, can you come back? I'm so tired, so tired. The pressure almost crushed me!"

In front of his father, he had always gritted his teeth and persisted. In front of his younger brother, how could he not be the same?

He was afraid that he would not be able to bear this heavy burden, and that he would be ashamed of the people in the world.

Only in front of Qin Mo, he was the carefree kid before, the little boy who jumped up and down and liked to listen to Qin Mo's stories.

"Didn't I come back?"

"I mean, like before!"

Qin Mo sighed, "What I can guarantee is that during my lifetime, the Great Qin Dynasty will not have an army, and the Ming Dynasty will not have an army.

I came here this time just to solve this matter.

Do you believe me or not? "

"Believe it!" Li Xuan nodded heavily.

"Just trust me!" Qin Mo patted his shoulder heavily, looked at Shishi and smiled, and then continued walking forward.

Along the way, he saw many acquaintances, but he did not see Li Xin alone.

And in the corner where Qin Mo couldn't see, Li Xin was watching him quietly.

This man is fine if he doesn't take action. Once he takes action, the sun and moon will change the sky.

Qin Mo continued to walk, but Qin Shuangshuang could no longer stand. She hugged the child and walked over crying, "Brother!"

Seeing this, Ah Si had no choice but to follow.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other in silence, seeing that their younger sister, who was now a wife and mother, and that smart and lively little girl at the time, had grown up.

Qin Mo rubbed her head as before, "I see my eldest brother crying so much. Are you feeling wronged?"

He glanced at Ah Si inadvertently, and Ah Si couldn't help but stand upright in excitement, "No, I'm fine here, no one makes me feel wronged.

I just miss my eldest brother, parents, sisters-in-law, and nephews and nieces so much! "

"Don't be afraid. If you feel homesick, go back. There will be many opportunities in the future. I think His Majesty, Emperor Daqian, shouldn't be so stingy, right?" Qin Mo looked at Ah Si.

Ah Si swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother-in-law, your Majesty the Great Emperor, please don't shout like that, I can't bear it.

Whatever you called me before, call me now. "

Time seems to have frozen on Qin Mo. Qin Mo looked the same as he did back then, except that his beard on his chin had grown longer and thicker.

The majesty on his body is getting heavier and heavier.

"If you can come to Daqian, then both of you can naturally return to your parents' home!" Ah Si added.

Qin Mo patted Ah Si on the shoulder, "You're on the road, I'm very satisfied!"

Ah Si grinned in pain, "Be gentle, brother-in-law!"

Qin Mo took back his hand. He didn't care whether A Si was the emperor or not. If he was given a show, there were plenty of ways to teach him how to behave.

But looking at it now, this kid is pretty good, and his careful teaching back then was not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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