big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1651 The touching moment!

Chapter 1651 The touching moment!

Qin Mo looked away and looked at the child in Qin Shuangshuang's arms, "What's the child's name?"

"My first name is Li Bo, my nickname is Chaoyang!" Qin Shuangshuang said.

"That's a good name!" Qin Mo nodded, "Can I hold the child?"

"You are the child's uncle, of course you can hold him!" Qin Shuangshuang had been waiting for this moment for a long time. She glanced at the people around Qin Mo again and was even more surprised, "Sister-in-law Chunxi, Sister-in-law Yao, you are here too! "

After handing the child to Qin Mo, she hugged the two girls happily.

Fang Shun and Gao Yao also laughed, "Xiao Nizi, your eyes are so sharp!"

"I thought my brother was the only one here!" Qin Shuangshuang cried with joy.

Qin Mo held the child in his arms. The little guy looked quite like him. No wonder others said that his nephew looked like his uncle. This was true.

Thinking of this, he laughed, "This guy is carved from the same mold as you!"

When Ah Si heard this, he felt inexplicably happy, "Indeed, my mother also said it was the same as when I was a child."

"Be a good father!" Qin Mo reminded.

"What my brother-in-law said is that I have been learning how to be a good and qualified father," Ah Si replied.

Qin Mo kissed the child and then returned the child to A Si. He looked at the three girls reminiscing and said, "How about we go into the palace before we talk, so many people are waiting!"

Hearing this, Qin Shuangshuang took the two women's hands and said, "Let's go into the palace and tell you, eldest brother is really asking you to dress so ugly. Did he force you to do it?"

The two women shook their heads at the same time and said in unison: "No, we volunteered to protect your eldest brother."

Qin Shuangshuang naturally understood how much his eldest brother loved his wife, and immediately said: "That's good. If my eldest brother bullies you, tell me and I will sue my parents."

Qin Mo was also helpless, "How dare I? They are all friends with me and have given birth to children for our Qin family. They are all heroes and great contributors. Even if they bully me, they cannot bully them both."

This is indeed true. Among all the women, Fang Chun and Gao Yao are the only ones who have accompanied Qin Mo through life and death. They have contributed a lot to Qin Mo's life and death.

He also gave birth to children for Qin Mo and was a great contributor.

This aspect is a little different from the third sister and the others. To put it bluntly, they just prefer the two girls.

Although this preference is not blatant, it is quite obvious.

"Yes, yes, I know you love your wife the most!" Qin Shuangshuang said with a smile.

"This is a fact." Qin Mo held the two women's hands, "Besides, I am the protagonist today. What if your two sisters-in-law dress up too beautifully and steal all my limelight from the beginning?"

"You are the only one who speaks nicely." Fang Shun secretly pinched Qin Mo.

Gao Yao said: "Master, I am willing to be your green leaf for the rest of my life!"

Xiao Gao was still considerate, Qin Mo smiled and walked towards the palace with the two girls.

When a few people entered the palace, all the people applauded and cheered. This meant that the relationship between the two countries had been restored from top to bottom, and that there would be no war between the two countries for many years to come.

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"The empress is a thousand years old!"

I don't know who shouted something, and then everyone started shouting out of control.

"The people are really nostalgic for the past!" Ah Si couldn't help but say.

"Why, are you jealous of me?" Qin Mo raised an eyebrow, "You don't want to take revenge on the people, do you?"

Ah Si quickly shook his head, "Are you kidding me? They are both the people under my rule and my subjects. As a king and father, I cannot convince the people. The problem lies with me. I should review it!" "Well, this He is a qualified emperor." Qin Mo nodded, there were too many people who went too far today, and they were moved, but for them, it was not a good thing.

If someone is targeted, it is inevitable that they will not be reported.

Of course, if they wanted to follow him back to the Ming Dynasty, he would welcome them.

This kind of fanatical following is what he needs.

The officials followed behind, not daring to get too close, as if they were afraid of hearing what they were talking about.

"Has the palace been widened?" Qin Mo scanned around and immediately noticed something strange about the palace.

"Yes, it's an order from the emperor!" Ah Si said.

"Oh, the little old man is really strong!" Qin Mo shook his head and said immediately: "Is the father in the palace or somewhere else?"

"It's in the small tree house. I moved out last year. I didn't listen to anything I said. I said it was quiet and down-to-earth living there!" Ah Si said.

Qin Mo nodded. It is estimated that the small tree house will become a retirement home for the royal family in the future. It is good. At least the hard work of himself and the old man has not been in vain.

Whenever someone goes there in the future, they will think of the founding emperor of Daqian.

The original Tai Chi Palace has fallen into disrepair, and the newly renovated Tai Chi Palace is not inferior to the Fengtian Palace at all, and is even superior in terms of luxury. Otherwise, Lao Liu is very competitive.

After entering the Taiji Palace, the official process began. Qin Mo just briefly stated the purpose of his visit to Daqian, and then there was a banquet.

This banquet is still not a formal banquet. There will be a state banquet in the evening, and then the visit process will start tomorrow, and Qin Mo will sit down to discuss national policies with A Si.

In the meantime, everything must be put aside.

The entire capital was also immersed in joy, just like celebrating the New Year.

After the banquet was over, A Si personally took Qin Mo to the former Qin County Prince's Mansion. Looking at the brand-new mansion, Qin Mo was very emotional. The moment he stepped into the mansion, countless memories came to his mind. The mansion has been restored at this moment.

Even the crooked-necked tree in the yard was chosen from the same tree as possible, but the tree was still small and could not bear to climb on its own.

"After you left, my father was very angry. He locked himself in the study for a time and saw no one. Even the queen mother begged, but he didn't see her.

It took two days in a row before my father saw anyone, and the person he met was his mother.

I was waiting at the door. When I entered, my father acted very calmly, as if nothing was wrong, but I knew clearly that he was sadder than anyone else.

When I say this, I don’t blame my brother-in-law. It’s Shi Ye’s fate. Back then, my brother-in-law said that the butt determines the head. I can understand my brother-in-law’s decision.

Later, the father came to the house in person and added the things in the house with the help of his own memory.

From then on, my father did not allow others to come over, but only asked for someone to clean the place every now and then.

It is said that one day, the sisters will need a place to stay when they come back.

My father would come over occasionally to sit. "

Qin Mo took a deep breath and returned to Daqian again. Unexpectedly, everything in the house was still preserved, and it was really rare for him to have a place he could call 'home'.

"Thank you!" Qin Mo said sincerely.

"Look what you said, aren't we a family?" Ah Si said with a smile.

Although he didn’t know whether Ah Si was sincere or fake, Qin Mo was touched at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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